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Prediction Web App

isaacmg edited this page Aug 11, 2020 · 2 revisions

Product Requirements

  • Chart showing COVID-19 cases (historical) and our predictions for future cases.
  • Displayed interpretability metrics showing driving forces behind the predictions (and whether it is positive or negative).
  • Simulation (maybe? if not V2). Users can input different policies or even weather conditions to view how that would affect the forecast.
  • Counter Factual simulation (if we had done this n days ago what would our numbers look like now)?


  • Areas of the county (parks, bars) the probability similar of these place creating spreader event.

Implementation and architecture

  • Flask/Django/? (for actual web app)
  • Airflow DAG

Useful people

  • @isaacmg Task-TS Data Science
  • Data Visualization
  • Epidemiologists to test
  • Public policy to test