The framework of VL-Granger causality inference
The main file of this framework is "DTW_granger_cause.m".
Varible-Lag Granger Causality using DTW
Developer: Chainarong Amornbunchornvej, UIC, 2018
Revised code based on [*] by Chandler Lutz We use the HSIC Independence test in [*2] by Arthur Gretton, 2007.
Acknowledgements: This code cannot be developed without the based-code by Chandler Lutz. I would like to thank Chandler Lutz, Arthur Gretton to provide the public code, and all comments in the matlab community.
[GfStatTest,follSimVal, notIndp,BICres,pval, F,c_v, threshIndp,testStatIndp] = DTW_granger_cause(x,y,alpha,max_lag,sigmaTHS)
INPUT: x,y is a time series of real numbers where x(t) is a real value at time t
INPUT: alpha, is the significance level of both f-test and independence test
INPUT: max_lag is a maximum, time lag and sigmaTHS is a following relation threshold
OUTPUT: GfStatTest = 1 if f-test of VR-Granger reject the H_0 that y does not VR-Granger cuases x with sig-level alpha, otherwise zero.
OUTPUT: follSimVal is between 0.1 to 1 if x follows y, follSimVal is between -1 to -0.1 if y follows l , and around zero if no following relation between x and y.