A collection of ready-to-use and hopefully updated open-source applications with the help of Docker-Compose.
Copy .env.template as .env
and customize the variables.
Run an application with:
docker-compose -f apps/<category>/<app-name>.yml up
docker stack deploy -c apps/<category>/<app-name>.yml <id>
Name | Category |
Ghost | blog |
Bonita | business-intelligence |
Shout | chat |
drupal | cms |
joomla | cms |
wordpress | cms |
eXo | collaboration |
gitlab | collaboration |
hastebin | collaboration |
hublin | collaboration |
mattermost | collaboration |
openfire | collaboration |
rocket.chat | collaboration |
suitecrm | crm |
mongo | database |
mysql | database |
postgres | database |
redis | database |
kong | development |
sonarqube | development |
alfresco | document |
ckan | document |
logicaldoc | document |
nuxeo | document |
xibo | document |
prestashop | ecommerce |
odoo | erp |
tuleap | project-management |
owncloud | storage |
mistserver | streaming |
red5 | streaming |
osticket | trouble-ticketing |
redmine | trouble-ticketing |
dokuwiki | wiki |
mediawiki | wiki |
undocumented and probably going to be deprecated
deprecated: bulk update from v1 to v2 composer:
find . -name "*.yml" -exec python v1_to_v2.py --source {} --destination {} \;