> docker build -t dotnet-mono-aspnet-core-example .
> docker run -it -p 5000:5000 dotnet-mono-aspnet-core-example
And then browse to your docker host on port 5000.
This example can serve as a starting point for those people who still have .NET 4.5.1 dependencies but want to use ASP.NET Core in Docker.
If you want to cache the package restore, uncomment the following:
# ADD project*.json /app/
# RUN dotnet restore
It has a dependency on RestSharp 105.2.3, which is not .NET Core compatible. An example REST response from http://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts is shown on the home page.
cl0sey/dotnet-mono-node-docker in order to get the node + git dependency so that we can install things with bower. See the parent image cl0sey/dotnet-mono-docker for more information.