This node package aims to extract all the translation keys for angular-translate project. It searches in given folder to extract key + default translation if exists. eg:
{{'KEY_IN_VIEW' | translate }}
Each found key is then extracted to json or po files with translations. For each local defined in Gruntfile separate json is created:
"KEY_IN_VIEW": "",
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Project-Id-Version: \n"
msgctxt ""
msgid "all.tato.tati"
msgstr ""
Translation should be provided in the created files. On the next run,
will not change keys already translated.
It will only add keys that were added to the source and remove the
ones that are not present anymore in the source.
Install this node package next to your project.
Use npm install -D angular-translate-extract
angular-translate-extract provide an extract
method to start the extraction.
This extraction is made to work with the angular-translate project created by Pascal Precht
{{'TRANSLATION' | translate}}
{{'TRANSLATION' | translate:XXXXXX}}
<a href="#" translate>TRANSLATION</a>
<span translate="TRANSLATION_KEY" angular-plural-extract="['TEXT FOR ONE','# TEXT FOR OTHER']" translate-values="{NB: X}" translate-interpolation="messageformat"></span>
$translate(['TRANSLATION', 'TRANSLATION_1'])
{{ myVar ? 'KEY_ONE' : 'KEY_TWO' }}
{{ myVar ? "KEY_ONE" : "KEY_TWO" }}
{{ myVar ? "KEY_ONE" : "KEY_TWO" | translate }}
myVar ? "KEY_ONE" : "KEY_TWO"
Options src and jsonSrc may be specified according to the grunt Configuring tasks guide.
- src
- nullEmpty
- namespace
- interpolation
- jsonSrc
- jsonSrcName
- defaultLang
- lang
- prefix
- suffix
- dest
- safeMode
- stringifyOptions
- keyAsText
Type: Array
Default: undefined
Example: [ 'src/**/*.js' ]
Define a file list to parse for extract translation.
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Example: true
If set to true, it will replace all final empty translations by null value.
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Example: true
If set to true, it will organize output JSON like the following.
"TITLE": "My Title",
"TITLE1": null
Type: Object
Default: { startDelimiter: '{{', endDelimiter: '}}' }
Example: { startDelimiter: '[[', endDelimiter: ']]' }
Define interpolation symbol use for your angular application. The angulars docs about ($interpolateProvider)[$interpolateProvider] explain how you can configure the interpolation markup.
Type: Array
Default: undefined
Example: [ 'config/*.json' ]
Define a JSON file list to parse for extract translation.
Type: Array
Default: undefined
Example: [ 'label', 'name' ]
Define the keys to find corresponding values through JSON object.
Type: String
Default: undefined
Example: "en_US"
Define the default language. For default language, by default the key will be set as value.
Type: Array<String>
Default: []
Example: customRegex: [ 'tt-default="\'((?:\\\\.|[^\'\\\\])*)\'\\|translate"' ],
Will extract MY.CUSTOM.REGEX
from the following HTML: <article tt-default="'MY.CUSTOM.REGEX'|translate">
Enjoy your custom regex guys!
Type: Array
Default: undefined
Example: ['fr_FR', 'en_US']
Define language to be extract (fr__FR, en__US, xxx). xxx will be the output filename wrapped by prefix and suffix option.
Type: String
Default: ""
Example: "project_"
Set prefix to output filenames (cf [angular-translate#static-files][]).
Type: String
Default: ""
Example: ".json"
Set suffix to output filenames (cf [angular-translate#static-files][]).
Type: String
Default: ""
Example: "src/assets/i18n"
Relative path to output folder.
Type: Boolean
Default: false
If safeMode is set to true
the deleted translations will stay in the output lang file.
Type: Boolean
or Object
Default: false
If stringifyOptions is set to true
the output will be sort (case insensitive).
If stringifyOptions is an object
, you can easily check json-stable-stringify README.
Type: Boolean
Default: false
If keyAsText is set to true
translations keys works also as value for this translation.
You will find the tests files into test
To run test use grunt test
All testing files following this pattern: ./test/*_test.js
Testing running with nodeunit
To be improved... Feel free :D
Special thanks to: @SKoschnicke SKoschnicke
@AlaaSulimankhazaleh @arianerocha arianerocha @ClouDesire ClouDesire @d42f d42f @elhigu elhigu @gitter-badger gitter-badger @gruntjs-updater gruntjs-updater @IFours IFours @jdahlbom jdahlbom @JeroMiya JeroMiya @jplusplus jplusplus @jsteenkamp jsteenkamp @jtheoof jtheoof @laketea laketea @marcin-wosinek marcin-wosinek @mchambaud mchambaud @openheimer openheimer @peng-jiesi peng-jiesi @phw phw @rafallo rafallo @realityking realityking @rewoo rewoo @RobertSasak RobertSasak @sclassen sclassen @liamlin liamlin @orbweb orbweb @tamtakoe tamtakoe @telpalbrox telpalbrox @TiagoLopes92 TiagoLopes92 @tomteman tomteman @tthew tthew @twolff-iow twolff-iow @wilgert wilgert
Copyright (c) 2013 Benjamin Longearet Licensed under the MIT license.