milestones-MattLWatts created by GitHub Classroom
This project is for CMP6206 Artificial Intelligence for Games
For this project I am aiming to create a Zoo in the form of a 3D navigatable game world with different enclosures. In each a different type of animal with different AI behaviour
Enclosure 1: (Right Side)
- Chicken is using A* Pathfinding to find a deer
- Enclosure is mapped with a point based graph
- Chicken uses a stack based FSM, transitioning between IDLE -> CreatePath -> Seek. Calculating a new path once it has found the deer
- Uses sensor to determine when it has caught the deer
- A standalone node generator, generates a randomised list of locations where the deer will spawn at
- The list is used to detemine the next location of the deer. This same list is used in enclosure 3 on an identical graph to compare BFS to A*
- Enclosure has animations
Enclosure 2:
- There are 3 Pandas in this enclosure
- Pandas have 3 statuses (Hunger, Thirstiness and Tiredness)
- They have 3 tasks avaliable to them (Eating, Drinking, Sleeping)
- These pandas are (Intelligent, Semi-Intelligent and Unintelligent)
- Intelligent: Panda goes to the task it needs to do based off of its current needs
- Semi-Intelligent: Panda weights its tasks to make it more likely to go to a task that it needs too.
- Unintelligent: Panda goes to any task randomly
- Enclosure uses a nav mesh for the pandas to move around
- Enclosure has animations
Enclosure 3:
- Chicken uses Breadth First Search Pathfinfing to find the deer
- Enclosure 3 is mapped with an identical point graph to enclosure 1
- Chicken uses a sensor to determine when it has caught the deer
- A standalone node generator, generates a randomised list of locations where the deer will spawn at
- The list is used to detemine the next location of the deer. This same list is used in enclosure 1 on an identical graph to compare BFS to A*
- Enclosure has animations
- Boids fly above the zoo, flocking to 27 different points above the player moving between them at a time interval
- Floating UIs have been added to all the enclosures in order to show a better idea of what is happening
- Debug gizmos have been added to all enclosures to show in edit mode the calculations
- Note in this video
- The generated path is indicated with cyan circles
- The edges that were traversed through the path calculation are shown in red
- The vector calculations are shown in red and green as the chicken moves
- Scene now has terrain, skybox and textures
Branches: Development: All work currently ongoing or to be tested Master: Finished work
To expand on testing done in Milestone 2. I have added UI debugging to all enclosures as a better way to test more dynamic behaviours, Such as pathfinding and Behaviour Trees. There are several visual aids to see how a path is being found in enclosure 1 & 3 and the occurence of a specific task being carried out in enclosure 2
Kanban board and Sprint information can be found in the following sheet: Added new colour system to start to prioritise tasks
Assets used: Fence Assets: Animals: Skybox: Terrain Materials: Chicken Sound: Background Music: