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release notes 1.3.5

Pete R Jemian edited this page Aug 26, 2020 · 2 revisions


  • date/time: 2020-08-26 00:00:09.005304
  • release: 1.3.5
  • milestone: 1.3.5
section quantity
New Tags 2
Pull Requests 3
Issues 3
Commits 13


tag date name
1edb06d 2020-08-26 1.3.5
795db0c 2020-08-26 1.3.5rc1

Pull Requests

pull request date state title
#403 2020-08-25 merged deprecate SuspendWhenChanged
#405 2020-08-25 merged add Y1 & Z2 read-only signal to Kohzu Monochromator device
#406 2020-08-26 merged replace plot_prune_fifo() with trim_plot()


issue date title
#233 2020-08-25 SuspendWhenChanged added to bluesky
#401 2020-08-26 plot_prune_fifo only prunes one plot
#402 2020-08-25 add Y & Z motor to KohzuSeqCtl_Monochromator


commit date message
2f8c1e9 2020-08-25 fixes #233
2a632f1 2020-08-25 Merge pull request #403 from BCDA-APS/233-SuspendWhenChanged
e8853ec 2020-08-25 fixes #402
b845a11 2020-08-25 Merge pull request #405 from BCDA-APS/402-kohzu
1fae90c 2020-08-25 WIP #401
d0274a9 2020-08-25 CI #401 Codacy
282d3c3 2020-08-25 WIP #401
ba5f56b 2020-08-26 ENH #401
a99e88a 2020-08-26 CI #401 Codacy
6b6d1bf 2020-08-26 DOC #401
71e387d 2020-08-26 Merge pull request #406 from BCDA-APS/401-trim_plot
795db0c 2020-08-26 DOC 1.3.5rc1
1edb06d 2020-08-26 DOC 1.3.5
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