I have modified the original code to make it work with the latest ESP32 board library (V3.x) , also the older library is still supported (v2.x). Added a feature to change the brightness of the screen with the right button / button 2. And moved the temperature symbol to the right side of the screen, which feels more logic to me.
Clone or download this repository to your local machine into the Arduino directory.
Open with Arduino IDE or Visual Studio Code with extensions vscode-arduino extension and vscode-cpptools.
Use Lilygo T-Display S3 as board choice.
Setup board information according Lilygo github LilyGO T-Display S3
Configure TFT_eSPI editing file User_Setup_Select.h, where you need comment “#include <User_Setup.h>” and uncomment line for your device, just one line may be uncommented, for this case “#include <User_Setups/Setup206_LilyGo_T_Display_S3.h>” line. This is somewhere near line 138.
Get your free API Key from https://openweathermap.org/.
Change info in the .ino file approx. from row 22.
Location needs to be available on OpenWeatherMap.org
Download it to your T-Display S3 after download connect to local AP 'S3WeatherStation' with password: 'password'.
Connect to your desired WiFi Connection, this will be done in the browser after connecting to the AP.
Don't forget to reboot the device after all installations.
Enjoy :)
Here is the original [TdisplayS3 Weatherstation] (https://github.com/VolosR/tDisplayS3WeatherStation) by VolosR
Brightness adjustment that I saw at TTGOWeatherStation by JuniorPolegato
This software is licensed with GPL Version 3. https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html