Version 0.5.1 (ALPHA) is a more up-to-date OpenJsCAD frontend where you can edit .jscad files either locally or online via JS editor (built-in). A few functions are available to make the transition from OpenSCAD to OpenJSCAD easier (OpenSCAD.jscad built-in), as well CLI (command-line interface) for server-side computations with NodeJS.
Immediate Use: No installation, go to (Google Chrome, Firefox)
Local Web Use:
% git clone % cd % make install
and then access the files via local web-site and your web-browser.
Local CLI Use:
For CLI (command-line interface) rendering install NodeJS as well, e.g. apt-get install nodejs (be aware NodeJS > 0.8.1 or newer is required) and then test it:
% cd examples/ % openjscad example005.jscad # -- creates example005.stl as default % openjscad example001.jscad -o test.stl % openjscad example001.scad -o example001scad.jscad # -- convert .scad into .jscad % openjscad frog.stl -o test.jscad # -- convert .stl into .jscad % openjscad logo.jscad -of amf # -- convert logo.jscad into logo.amf
Note: on some systems the NodeJS executable is node (default) or nodejs, edit openjscad first line to reflect this.
- 2016/06/27: 0.5.1: refactored AMF import and export, enhanced STL import by adding support for MM colors by Z3 Dev,added local storage by Robert Starkey
- 2016/05/01: 0.5.0: added SVG import and export, added options to Processor and View classes, allow more flexibility in HTML by Z3 Dev
- 2016/02/25: 0.4.0: refactored, functionality split up into more files, mostly done by Z3 Dev
- 2015/10/23: 0.3.1: including new parameter options by Z3 Dev
- 2015/07/02: 0.3.0: format.js (Stefan Baumann), and Blob.js/openjscad improved by Z3 Dev
- 2015/05/20: 0.2.4: renumbering, latest csg.js from adapted
- 2015/04/08: 0.024: dev branch opened
- 2015/02/14: 0.023: bumping version based on openscad.js
- 2015/02/04; 0.020: browser window resizing done properly, thanks to Z3 devs via pull request
- 2015/01/07: 0.019: various pull requests from github merged again
- 2014/10/05: 0.018: various pull requests from github merged
- 2013/04/11: 0.017: alpha channel supported in color() and .setColor()
- 2013/04/07: 0.016: csg.js: solidFromSlices() and .setColor() on polygon level, and examples by Eduard Bespalov
- 2013/04/05: 0.015: rudimentary AMF export and import, web and cli
- 2013/04/03: 0.014: multiple files via drag & drop, developing locally
- 2013/04/01: 0.013: include() on web-online & drag & drop (but not off-line) and cli (server-side)
- 2013/03/20: 0.012: improved UI (slider from the left)
- 2013/03/28: 0.011: added support for rectangular_extrude(), rotate_extrude() and torus()
- 2013/03/22: 0.010: leave .scad file intact, and translate on-the-fly
- 2013/03/20: 0.009: OpenSCAD .scad syntax support included via openscad-openjscad-translator module, on web and cli; and experimental .stl import support (binary & ascii)
- 2013/03/15: 0.008: circle(), square(), polygon() partially and linear_extrude() implemented (openscad-like)
- 2013/03/14: 0.007: integrating jQuery for new features; draggable hint window
- 2013/03/12: 0.006: included examples available in the web-frontend direct
- 2013/03/12: 0.005: supporting webgui parameters as of original OpenJsCad (see examples/example030.jscad)
- 2013/03/11: 0.004: openscad.js: many improvements, more OpenSCAD-like functions
- 2013/03/10: 0.003: solidify the functionality (few bug fixes)
- 2013/03/10: 0.001: initial version
See for more details G+ Announcements and G+ OpenJSCAD Community to discuss with other user and developers.
3d primitive: torus()(done) -
OpenSCAD .scad support for both Web-GUI and CLI(done) -
include() for Web-GUI and CLI to include libraries and modules, support of multiple .jscad drag & drop with include()(done) - save from built-in editor to local
complete 2D primitives and transformations(done) -
implementation of linear_extrude() rotate_extrude(), parameter compatible to OpenSCAD(done) -
example of platonic solids (in progress, requires include())(done) -
simple 2D/3D text(done) -
2d operation: hull()(done) - processing/progress bar (0..100%), perhaps even visual progress seen in the model direct
STL importer(done) & AMF importer / exporter - integration into RepRap Cloud as first stage of the workflow
Simple JSCAD example (example000.jscad):
More sophisticated JSCAD example, fully object-oriented (OO) programmed with interactive parameters (example031.jscad):
Drag & drop multiple files (Chrome & Firefox) or a folder (Chrome):
- OpenJsCAD, starting point of
-, another place of inspiration, where the OpenSCAD translator was adapted from
- CoffeeSCad, JavaScript simplified (no more {}), very active development
- stl2pov tool to convert .stl to .pov, and then render via
- P3D STL/AMF/OBJ viewer
That's all for now,
Rene K. Mueller
initial version 2013/03/10, updated 2013/04/04