MonoMicroservices is a simple dotnet core template that runs the application on separate containers or on single IIS server simultaneously. If it looks like a wheel reinvention, please read the disclaimer.
- An entrepreneur starts a startup as a monolith but they know one day the project must run on containers, so if we think about it today we save a lot of money and reduce the risks.
- There are some big companies having different customers, big clients with enough budget and many users to seek more availability and scalable system in Microservices. But small customers need a single server with limited resources. And some of them don't like cloud systems. It would be good to have a code that supports both, though the old codes still need to be upgraded to a reliable Ioc system.
- Our business code will be simpler for RPC calls (just like a simple ioc).
//We have : MySolution.DomainName.MoreSpaces.IServiceInterface.Method(myparams)
private readonly IServiceInterface _service;
var result = _service.Method(myparams);
var resultAsync = await _service.MethodAsync(myparams);
//makes two post requests like this:
All method parameters and the method returned value are sent/received through json.
If we disable a single configuration env var named "IsInMicroservicesMode" the entire application falls back to the Monolithic mode (we put this config in an env var in the shared docker-compose.shared.yml so we don't need to change it).
We don't need to define Controllers/Actions in service WebApi, the service interface works through the dotnet Middlewares.
There is no gRPC proto, though gRPC can be added later. The contract between containers works this way:
| User (Will be a container)
| | UserDomain (Service interfaces, Dtos, DataModels, enums)
| | UserService (The service implementations)
| | UserDataAccess (DAL)
| Search (Will be another container)
| | SearchDomain
| | SearchService
| | ...
| | AnotherDomain
| | AnotherService
The domain layer of all services will be replicated to all containers, so all other services know the interface but not the implementations or DAL.
Note: Any new Domain must have a COPY command in the single Dockerfile which is used by docker compose. Domain projects are referenced as ProjectReference in the client projects, this handles the following processes restore/build/publish implicitly. Any new container must be added to docker-compose.yml and its override.
Only those interfaces with "WebApiServiceAttribute" behave like a WepApi and by default only those methods that are marked with "WebApiEndpointAttribute", though we can set "SpecifiedMethodsOnly" prop of "WebApiService" to false:
public interface ISearchService
ServiceResult<string> GetSomeString(string p);
ServiceResult<SomeDto> GetSomeDto();
public interface ISearchService
ServiceResult<string> GetSomeString(string p);
ServiceResult<SomeDto> GetSomeDto();
"MonoMicroservices.Library.Microservices.ServerConnectionConfigs" checks 2 Env vars "IsInMicroservicesMode" and the "MicroservicesConnections" defined in "docker-compose.shared.yml".
- IsInMicroservicesMode=true
- 'MicroservicesConnections={
#"SearchDomain" is the 2nd part of interface's namespace
#For our earlier example it is the "DomainName" : MySolution.DomainName.MoreSpaces.IServiceInterface.Method(myparams)
#We have one interface which is implemented in different projects running on different containers.
#"CollectorService" is a group name for multi-resolves. (Described in "CSharp side")
CSharp side:
//"Service1" and "Service2" are actually the DryIoc ServiceKeys (MEF Export ContractNames) used on top of implementations :
[Export("Service2", typeof(ICollectorService))]
internal class CollectorService2 : ICollectorService
public async Task<string> GetStringAsync()
await Task.Delay(100);
return await Task.Run(() => "Service2.GetStringAsync");
public string GetServiceKey() => GetType().GetCustomAttribute<ExportAttribute>()?.ContractName ?? "";
//"CollectorService" or the group name used on top of the interface :
[WebApiService(ConnectionGroupName = "CollectorService", SpecifiedMethodsOnly = false)]
public interface ICollectorService
string GetServiceKey();
Task<string> GetStringAsync();
"MonoMicroservices.Library.Helpers.InterfaceImplementor" uses ILGenerator to implement the interface (this phase runs at startup and is cached in app life cycle so it is thread-safe).
The method "GetMethodsDynamicImplementations" of this class accepts lambda expressions for 5 method categories :
- Sync
- SyncVoid
- AsyncGeneric
- AsyncVoidTask
- and AsyncVoid.
"MonoMicroservices.Library.Microservices.WebApiHandler.DynamicWebApiMiddleware.cs" is added to app in "Program.cs" and interferes the web requests. If the web request passes the regex condition and matches with a qualified service interface (marked with WebApi attributes) that has implementation on current container, middleware extracts params json and calls the method and makes a json from the returned result to send back to client codes.
"MonoMicroservices.Library.Microservices.WebApiHandler.DynamicWebApiHandler" takes the part of handling interface method calls and makes the web requests. It registers the interfaces in DryIoc container and handles the "service key" part, all at Startup, thread-safe and process is started through "DependencyRegistrar" events which are called by IocService.
- Dto (record,class,...) parameters
- Generic type returns like ServiceResult<MyDto>
- Async generic Task<MyDto> methods
- Async void Task methods
- Async void methods
- Multiple interface implementations on different containers :
public interface IMyService {}
[Export("ContainerOneServiceKey", typeof(IMyService))]
public class MyService : IMyService {} //in the namespace of container one
[Export("ContainerTwoServiceKey", typeof(IMyService))]
public class MyService : IMyService {} //in the namespace of container two
//Note: in microservices mode, for multi resolves, there is a magic property in service
// named "__ServiceKey" that will not be available in monolith.
//Also in Microservices mode we don't have access to the implementation to know
// what was the "ContractName" of "ExportAttribute".
//So the best solution would be to have a method (because properties are not supported yet)
// that returns the service key.
Someone may ask why service key is used? Because multiple implementations may be placed in one container and concurrently in many other containers.
- Type parameters (like MyMethod<ADto>()), I was thinking the external published services (WebAPIs) would most likely be simple.
- "ref" and "out" parameters.
- Properties and Fields of service interface
- gRPC
- Many other things ...
- .net6
- DryIoc
- Tested on Docker desktop windows, and linux containers.
It was a few weeks of work and as a newbie to Microservices, NUnit and dotnet core and don't think about ILGenerator, I was going to improve my skills, but this project may be a simple inspiration for other newcomers.