I mean really, git commands take too long to type
Instead of manually entering multiple commands to perform basic git operations, use fit to reduce the amount of typing you do.
FIT - Fast Git!
clone Clone a Repository with Default Owner of Specified Username
Requires Additional Argument of Repository Name (Overriden by --repo/-r)
*Secondary Commands*
--repo/-r Specify Repository URL or SSH;
Requires Additional Argument of URL or SSH
--user/-u Sepcify Owner of Repository
Requires Additional Argument of Owner Username
branch Switch to Specified Branch (Overriden by any flag)
Requires Additional Argument of Branch Name (Overriden by --list/-l)
*Secondary Commands*
--list/-l List all Branches
--del/-d Delete a Branch
Requires Additional Argument of Branch Name
--new/-n Create New Branch; Also sets upstream
Requires Additional Argument of Branch Name
push Adds all changes, Commits With Argument Message, Pushes
Requires Additional Arugment of Commit Message (Overriden by --none/-n)
*Secondary Commands*
--none/-n Do not Add and Commit, Just Push
pull Pull From Upstream
set Sets Different Defaults.
Requires Additional Flags of What to Set
*Secondary Commands*
--name/-n Sets Git Username
Rquires Additional Argument of Username
--email/-e Sets Git Email
Requires Additional Argument of Email.
--https/-h Sets FIT to use HTTPS
--ssh/-s Sets FIT to use SSH
raw Run Argument as Git Command
Requires Additional Argument of Command
fit clone fast-git-commands # Clones this repo (My Username is Aadit-Ambadkar)
fit clone -r git@gith ... nds.git # Clones this repo with SSH
fit clone linux --user torvalds # Clones linux
fit branch main # Switches to the main branch
fit branch -n dev # Switches to a new branch, dev
fit branch --list # Lists all the branches
fit push "My First Commit" # Adds, Commits, and Pushes all changes
fit push --none # Pushes all commits
fit pull # Pulls from Upstream
fit set --name Aadit-Ambadkar # Sets name to Aadit Ambadkar
fit set -s # Sets FIT to Use SSH
fit raw commit -a -m "Github" # Commits all changes under message "Github"
fit raw rebase main # Rebases with main
All Methods:
- Clone this repository, or download the zip file and unzip it.
- Ensure that GoLang is installed and available from the command line
- Ensure that sudo permissions are available.
- Navigate to
. - Run
bash compile.sh
- Run
go build -o fit
in this directory - Add this directory to PATH, or move
to a directory in PATH.