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Constitution of the Computer Science Undergraduate Society of McGill University

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Constitution of the Computer Science Undergraduate Society of McGill University

Ratified: April 2nd, 1990

Amendments: May 28th, 1992


The Computer Science Undergraduate Society (CSUS) is only a legal body within the compound of McGill University. This organization is strictly a student organization and student interest group. The CSUS is a non-profit organization and receives funding based on a formula as described in the Science Undergraduate Society (SUS) and the Student Society of McGill University (SSMU).

Part I -- The Society

1 Name

The official name of the society, in EngIish, shall be the "Computer Science Undergraduate Society of McGill University", and in French, "L'Association des Etudiants et Etudiantes en Informatique de L'Universite McGill", herein referred to as CSUS and AEIM respectively.

2 Membership

2.1 Membership of the CSUS shall be all students registered in an Undergraduate programme in the School of Computer Science at McGill University, subject to payment of fees prescribed in Article 4. For the purpose of membership, any student registered in a Computer Science Major or Computer Science Honours programme shall be considered a member. Students registered in a Computer Science Minor or Computer Science Joint Honours may be granted membership by the Executive Council subject to Article 4 (payment).

3 Purpose

The purpose of the CSUS is to represent and promote the views of its members and to implement academic, educational, cultural, social and other programmes of interest to its members.

4 Society Fees

The fees for the CSUS will be determined by the Science Undergraduate Society of McGill University (Hereafter referred to as SUS).

5 Rights, Privileges and Obligations of Members

  1. The rights of the members shall include the following: (a) the right to vote in the CSUS general elections and referenda; (b) the right to attend General Assemblies and Executive Council meetings of the CSUS subject to the rules of procedure described in article 22; (c) the right to initiate referenda or General Assemblies according to articles 20 and 24; (d) the right to move or second a motion at any General Assembly; (e) the right to speak for or against any motion at any General Assembly; (f) the right to nominate candidates for Society elections according to the Electoral bylaws.

  2. The privileges of the members shall include:(a) holding office within the CSUS subject to the qualifications as specified in article 26; (b) making use of the CSUS facilities and services.

  3. The obligations of all members of the CSUS will be to conform to the CSUS Constitution, regulations and bylaws.

  4. Every regular member has the right to request from the Vice-President Administration that a question be asked at any General Assembly or referendum of the CSUS pursuant to the requirements of articles 20 and 24 by submitting a petition bearing the signatures of twenty percent (20%) of the members of the CSUS.

  5. No member is empowered to make purchase in the name of the CSUS or to financially obligate the CSUS in any way, until such permission has been granted to so purchase or obligate the CSUS by the Executive Council of the CSUS.

  6. No member is empowered to act as an agent of the CSUS unless permission to so act has been granted be the Executive Council of the CSUS.

6 Finances of the CSUS

  1. The fiscal year of the Society shall from April 15th to April 14th of the following year.

  2. The budget of the CSUS for the current fiscal year will be presented to the SUS no later than October 1st.

  3. The accounts of the CSUS shall be maintained according to standard accounting practice and shall be made available to the University auditors or any student on demand.

7 Languages of the Society

  1. English and French are the official languages of the Society.

  2. At all meetings of the Society and its committees, members may use either official languages.

  3. Resolutions of the Society and its committees may be adopted in either or both official languages.

  4. Documents may be obtained from the CSUS in any particular language upon demand.

Part II -- Organization of the Society

8 The Executive Council

The Executive Council shall generate, formulate and implement the policies of the Society.

9 Members of the Executive Council

  1. The Executive Council shall consist of: (a) the President; (b) the Vice-President Internal; (c) the Vice-President External; (d) the Vice-President Finance; (e) the Vice-President Academic; (f) the Vice-President Administration; (g) the U1 Representative.

  2. Members of the Executive Council must be members of the CSUS for the entire duration of their mandate. No exception shall be granted.

  3. No member of the Executive Council shall receive financial remuneration for the fulfillment of their mandate.

  4. No student having been convicted for a criminal offense, internal or external of the University shall be allowed to take office. For the purpose of internal, a conviction by the University's Judiciary board; For the purposes of external, a conviction by any court of the land, be it municipal, provincial, Superior, Federal or the Supreme Court of Canada and all Court of Appeals.

10 Powers and Duties

  1. The Executive Council shall: (a) define all general policies of the CSUS; (b) coordinate and administer the policies, activities and other day to day affairs of the CSUS; (c) act as the governing body of the CSUS, empowered to make all decisions and take responsible and required actions on behalf of the CSUS; (d) be held accountable to General Assembly and ensure the execution of General Assembly decisions; (e) approve and/or reject budgets for all the CSUS Committees; This task may be delegated to the Vice-President Finance with the approval of 2/3 majority of members present and voting. (f) create or dissolve CSUS Committees; (g) uphold the Constitution, regulations, policies and bylaws of the CSUS; (h) determine the membership fee of each member of the Society, subject to ratification by referendum according to article 24; (i) appoint the Chief Returning Officer.

  2. Signing powers of the Society shall be exercised by the following, any two of whom shall be required for any given transaction: (a) the President; (b) the Vice-President Finance; (c) the Vice-President Administration.

  3. Each member of the Executive Council shall prepare and submit to the Executive Council a year-end report no later than April 14th. (Although it is recommended that a semester-end report should also be given to inform the constituence of the going ons of the council)

  4. A member of the Executive Council shall cease to remain in office upon acceptance of their letter of resignation, or upon their impeachment.

11 President

The President shall:

  1. coordinate and supervise the affairs of the Society;

  2. call and chair over the Executive Council meetings;

  3. chair General Assemblies;

  4. serve as an ex-officio member of all Society committees;

  5. be the official representative of the Society.

12 Vice-President External

The Vice-President External shall:

  1. in the absence of the President, be empowered to perform any function of the President;

  2. be responsible for maintaining links with student organizations at the university, provincial, federal and international levels and with computer science student societies of other universities;

  1. be responsible for maintaining relations with industry, government and other groups outside University.

13 Vice-President Internal

The Vice-President Internal shall:

  1. be responsible for the organization of social, cultural and other activities for the members of the CSUS; (a) The Vice-President Internal shall be chair of the Social Activities Committee (SAC).

  2. maintain and promote relations with other Faculties, Student Associations and administrative bodies of the University (Internal Affairs).

  3. be responsible for the society's facilities and equipment.

14 Vice-President Finance

The Vice-President Finance shall:

  1. in cooperation with the Executive Council, prepare the annual budget of the CSUS, which shall include the actual expenditures from the previous year, before October 15;

  2. in cooperation with the Executive Council, manage the funds of the CSUS;

  3. keep proper financial accounts and records;

  4. prepare a year-end financial report by April 14th for review by an independent person at minimal cost to the society.

  5. present a complete semester-end financial report that shall be made public and shall be readily available to the constituents.

15 Vice-President Academic

The Vice-President Academic shall:

  1. be responsible for all educational and curricular concerns of the CSUS, whether they be internal or external to the University.

  2. (may) represent a student, upon the demand of the student in writing, in any judicial or academic or social proceedings taken against the student by the University, or a delegate appointed by the University.

  3. be chair of the University Academic Committee (UAC).

16 Vice-President Administration

The Vice-President Administration shall:

  1. be responsible for preparing and issuing agendas and minutes of the CSUS Executive Council meetings and General Assemblies at least three (3) school days prior to any CSUS Executive Council meeting or General Assembly;

  2. promote and coordinate communication within the Society;

  3. maintain the files of the Society;

  4. ensure members of the CSUS Executive Council attend meetings;

  5. be responsible to have official minutes of the Executives and the General Assembly readily available on demand.

  6. serve as an ex-officio member of all Society committees;

17 U1 Representative

The U1 Representative shall:

  1. act as liaison between the U1 students and the Executive Council;

  2. represent the views of the Ul students at meetings of the Executive Council;

  3. hold a meeting of the Ul students when necessary.

  4. serve on the University Academic Committee (UAC) as Vice-Chairperson.

  5. serve as the Vice-Chair of the Executive Council.

18 Meetings of the Executive Council

  1. The CSUS Executive Council shall hold meetings at least once every two weeks while classes are in session.

  2. Quorum for a Regular meeting of the CSUS Executive Council shall be four (4) members.

  3. Each member of the Executive Council shall have a sing Ie vote, except for the President who shall only vote to break a tie.

  4. If the Chairperson wishes to add his comment(s) to the discussion, he/she must first pass the chair to the next executive (in order of succession). [Definition: Comments - Any statement(s) that may have any bearing to the discussion; excluded are Chairperson's remarks about (see Robert's Rule of Order), and decisions of the Chair.

  5. In case of an emergency, the President may call a special meeting at any time, provided that all executives are present, or upon the signing of a waiver of notice by all executives.

19 Powers of Assembly

The General Assembly may make any decision, including the ratification or rejection of any Executive Council decision. The General Assembly may also impeach a (the) member(s) of the Executive Council as prescribed under Article 25 and the Impeachment Annex.

20 Meetings of the General Assembly

  1. The General Assembly may be called by a resolution of the Executive Councilor by a petition signed by at least twenty percent (20%) of the members of the Society. (It is advised that at least one General Assembly be held once per semester as to allow students to become involved with the affairs of the Society).

  2. A notice announcing the meeting of the General Assembly shall be posted at least five (5) teaching days prior to the convening of the General Assembly. The notice must be posted in areas where the maximum number of CS students will be able to see.

  3. Motions to be presented at the General Assembly must be submitted to the Vice-President Administration at least three (3) school days prior to the General Assembly. However motions may be made at a General Assembly by any student after having secured the floor.

  4. The order of business and motions to be presented at the General Assembly shall be posted two (2) school days prior to the General Assembly. The notices must be placed in areas where the maximum number of CS students will be able to see.

  5. The Quorum for the General Assembly shall b{ twenty percent (20%) of the members of the Society.

  6. Procedure at the General Assembly shall be subject to the rules of order stated in article 22.

  7. A General Assembly of the CSUS shall be held at least twice every school year. (Recommended: once every semester).

21 Committees of the CSUS

  1. Any member of the CSUS is eligible to hold chair on a CSUS Committee, unless otherwise specified.

  2. Each Committee shall be responsible for submitting a year-end report to the Executive Council no later than April 1st. (Although it is recommended that a weekly and/or a semester-end report be given to the Executive Council).

  3. A Committee shall be defined by its own separate bylaws, subject to approval by the Executive Council.

  4. The CSUS may, as it sees fit, establish Committees to assist the Executive Council. No member shall be renumerated for their services render, unless authorized by the Executive Council.

  5. The creation or dissolution of a Committee or the modification of its bylaws shall require a resolution with two-thirds (2/3) majority present and voting in the Executive Council.

22 Procedure

The rules of procedure for all meetings of the Executive Council and the General Assembly shall be the most recent edition of Roberts' Rules of Order. (Note: An annex must be inserted to the Constitution if a permanent change is made to Roberts' Rules of Order).

23 Electoral Officer

  1. The Chief Returning Officer (CRO) shall be responsible for all aspects of the administration of Society elections and referenda according to the Electoral bylaws of the CSUS.

  2. The CRO may not be a candidate in any Society election; if he wishes to be a candidate for any elected Society position, the CRO shall resign from the position of CRO. The Executive Council shall then elect a new CRO subject to Article 28.

  3. The CRO may be removed from office for dereliction of duties as specified in Article 25.

24 Referenda

  1. A Referendum may be initiated by a resolution of the Executive Council or a petition signed by at least twenty percent (20%) of the members of the Society. The requirements for impeachment are described in article 25.

  2. Notice of the referendum question, voting location and voting hours must be posted no less than six (6) school days before the vote is to take place. All notices must be posted in highly public area, especially areas frequented by CS students.

  3. The referendum shall be held according to the Electoral bylaws of the CSUS.

  4. The Referendum shall be considered valid only if a minimum of thirty percent (30%) of the CSUS members vote.

  5. A simple majority is required to pass a referendum. The requirements for constitutional amendments are stated in article 31.

  6. The result of a Referendum shall be binding on the Society and take precedence over decisions of the Executive Council and the General Assembly.

25 Impeachment

  1. A member of the Executive Council may be removed by way of referendum initiated by either: (a) two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Executive Council; (b) a petition signed by twenty-five percent (25%) of the members of his or her constituency.

  2. The CRO may be relieved of his or her duties by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Executive Council.

  3. Impeachment procedures to be followed are specified in Annex 1 : IMPEACHMENT Proceedings.

##Part III -- Elections

26 Eligible Voters and Candidates

  1. The following shall be elected by and from the regular members of the CSUS: (a)the President; (b)the Vice-President Internal; (c) the Vice-President External; (d)the Vice-President Finance; (e)the Vice-President Academic; (f)the Vice-President Administration.

  2. The U1 Representative shall be elected by and from the regular members who are in their first year of studies in a computer science programme.

  3. The Chief Returning Officer may not be candidate in any election of the CSUS.

27 Procedures

  1. Elections for all members of the Executive Council except the Ul Representative shall be held between March 1st and March 31st.

  2. Elections for the Ul Representative shall be held during the month of September.

  3. The elections shall be held according to the Bylaws of the CSUS.

28 Filling of Vacancies

In the event of an Executive vacancy, the Executive Council shall instruct the CRO to hold a by-election accord ing to the Electoral bylaws of the CSUS.

29 Terms of Office

  1. The terms of office for all members of the Executive Council except the Ul Representative shall begin on the 15th of April and last one year.
  2. The terms of office for the Ul Representative shall be from the day he or she is elected to April 14th of the following calendar year.

30 Order of Succession

  1. For the purpose of continuity, in the case of prolonged absence, illness, resignation, impeachment or death of an executive, the following options are available: (a) Another executive may assume the duties; (b) A by-election subject to the Election By-laws. (c) Hiring of an Executive Director to complete the mandate of the executive in question. No member of the Executive may be hired or renumerated for their services rendered.

  2. In the event of prolonged absence or illness, resignation, impeachment or death of the President of the CSUS, the order of succession shall be as follows: (a) Vice-President External; (b) Vice-President Finance; (c) Vice-President Internal; (d) Vice-President Administration; (e) Vice-President Academic; (f) U1 Representative. (g) c.n.o.

By definition, a person is incapacitated when he/she is no longer able to perform the duties as specified in the Society's Constitution, and is unable to continue their mandate.

The c.R.a. is listed, in the event none of the members of the Executive Council is able to assume the office of President, shall be the acting President until such time as an election or by-election is held to fill all vacancies as prescribed by the Society's Constitution and Electorate Bylaws.

Part IV -- The Constitution

31 Superseding Clause

This Constitution supersedes and repeals all previous Constitutions of the Society.

32 Constitutional Amendments

The Constitution of the society may only be amended by a referendum in accordance to Article 24 with a majority of two-thirds (2/3) of the members voting in favour.

33 Coming into force

The Constitution shall come into force April 4th, 1990.

Amendment: The Constitution shall come into force upon the Declaration of the Executives subject to Article 32.

##Part V -- Bylaws

A Electoral Bylaws

A.1 Nomination Rules

  1. The CRO shall post, at an appropriate time, giving notice to all students, a list of positions open to nomination and election along with a time for the opening and closing of the nominations.

  2. The closing date for the nominations will be no later than five (5) school days before the elections.

  3. All nominations must contain the words

"We, the undersigned, nominate ______________ for the position of ____________ for the 19__/19__ academic year."

  1. With respect to the elections of the U1 representative, all nominations must be signed by five (5) students eligible to vote according to article 26.

  2. With respect to the general elections, all nominations must be signed by ten (10) students eligible to vote according to article 26.

  3. All nominations must be presented to the CRO before the closing dead line established by the CRO.

  4. If at the close of nominations, any position is such that it would result in a vacancy or acclamation, the CRO shall re-open nominations for one (1) additional teaching day.

  5. The CRO shall validate the nominations and publicize them within twelve (12) hours of the closing of the nominations.

A.2 Campaigning Rules

  1. The CRO shall post the date, time and location of the elections at least five (5) school days before the elections.

  2. The campaign period for all candidates will commence one week before the election and will end at 23:00 hrs. of the day before the election.

  3. The posting of notices and signs must conform to the general rules of McGill University concerning the placing of such materials on the University premises.

  4. The CRO may designate rules from time to time with respect to the placing of such materials in the University.

  5. The CRO may set a maximum spending limit of which the CSUS will reimburse each candidate a predetermined amount. (Ensure that all candidates get to spend the same amount).

  6. All receipts (except for the use of an automobile and public transport) must be turned over to the CRO before the end of the voting period. The CRO has the right to refuse a (all) receipt(s) that are not deemed to be proper, official or otherwise.

A.3 Balloting Rules

  1. The CRO shall be responsible for appointing polling clerks. (a) Polling clerks shall be paid the minimum wage/hour, or a predetermined amount not to be less that the (hours * minimum wage) formula.

  2. Balloting shall be done in accordance to article 26.

  3. Before polls open, the CRO shall cast his vote and seal it under guard of the President and Vice-President Administration of the Society. The vote of the CRO shall only be opened in the case of a tie in which case it will only be used to break a particular tie(s).

A.4 Count, Recount and Protests

  1. Ballots shall be counted as soon as practicable after the closing of the polls under the supervision of the CRO and those whom the CRO designate to assist him.

  2. No ballot shall be counted in the presence of less than two persons.

  3. Ballot shall be rejected if they are deemed spoiled by the CRO.

  4. When the counting of the ballots has been completed, the CRO will announce the results to the candidates. The results shall then be posted publicly.

  5. All complaints, protest or petitions for a recount must be made to the CRO no later than three (3) school days following the closing of the polls.

A.5 Invalidation

The CRO shall invalidate the election if upon investigation it is evident that there was a gross violation of these bylaws such as to:

  1. disenfranchise eligible voters;

  2. permit ineligible persons to vote;

  3. mislead voters in their choice;

  4. interfere with voting on election days.

  5. groups running as a party (be it official or unofficial). If a group of candidates decide to run as a collective, then the CRO shall give notice that such action is illegal, as well, as advertisement with the names of collective candidates.

B Bylaw Amendments

Amendments to the by-laws may be made at any meeting of the CSUS Executive Council and must be approved by two-thirds (2/3) of those present and voting.

ANNEX 1 : Impeachment

Any member of the Executive Council who is derelict of duty shall be subject to impeachment proceedings upon ten (10) academic days written notice by the Executive Council if the day, time and place of the proceedings, to be delivered personally or by prepaid registered mail. For the purpose of this section, a member of the Executive shall be deemed to be derelict of duty if :

a) (s)he is elected in contravention of the By-Laws and/or legally adopted proceedings of the Society;

b) once elected, (s)he knowingly contravenes the By-Lays and/or legally adopted proceedings of the Society;

c) (s)he fails to fulfill the duties imposed upon him/her by the By-Laws and/or legally adopted proceedings of the Society;

d) (s)he contravenes the Society's code of ethics in Annex B;

e) (s)he fails to attend two out of three consecutive scheduled meetings of the Executives without having given prior acceptable notice of absence, or displays a repeated and marked tendency to be absent from meetings of the Society.

The subject of the impeachment procedures, as well as the complaint(s) shall each and all be entitled present their respective cases before the Society prior to the impeachment vote. The subject of the proceedings may only be impeached by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of those eligible, present and voting, excluding the Chairperson. In the event of a tie, the Chair shall vote to break the tie.


The impeachment proceedings shall be as follows:

a) All proceedings shall be subject to Article 11 (a to i) of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom (concerning the rights of the accused). The proceedings shall be in either of the official languages.

b) On the appointed day of the proceedings, the Chairperson of the proceedings will summarize the list of charges that have been filed against the individual (hereafter, the accused shall be refereed to as the "individual").

c) The Chairperson of the proceedings shall be appointed by the Executive Council prior to the proceedings. The VP Administration shall be the secretary of the proceedings. In the event the VP Administration is being impeached, the Chair shall designate a Secretary from amongst the members of the Society. The individual may not be the chair of his/her proceedings, nor is (s)he allowed to be the secretary of the proceedings. The individual shall not be allowed to vote at such proceedings.

d) The proceedings will be to determine if the individual is guilty or not guilty of the charge(s). Evidence shall be presented at the hearing. Anyone testifying as a witness against the individual shall be subjected to Article 13 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (protection from self incrimination).


  1. Involvement of the general student population in worthy projects such that it is beneficial to the students. being a small faculty, the well being of the collective depends on the well being of the individual.

  2. Set out and accomplish at least 5 major goals within an academic year. Students would like to see action and result, not bureaucracy nor administrative delays. With a pending event, project, the focus should be on that specific event, rather than split it up to those responsible for the activity.

  3. Better forms of communication, be it electronic, visual, or open air presentation. Students would like to know what's going on, but sometimes don't have the time. Go in person to a classroom (with permission from prof of course). Publish a newsletter or put up posters advertising an event well in advance rather than last minute.


Constitution of the Computer Science Undergraduate Society of McGill University






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