contracts: contains the smart contracts
- DAppContract.sol: Contract used in the DApp tutorial
- Migrations.sol: Truffle's
- MyContract.sol: Contract shown in the slides
- NFT.sol: Contract used to show how to test a contract during the class
migrations: Truffle's migration scripts folder
src: contains the DApp html, js, and css files
test: contains the Javascript test scripts
- Run ganache with
ganache -p 8545
- Compile the contracts with
truffle compile
- Test with
truffle test
ortruffle test test/file.js
WARNING: tested on Google Chrome
- Install the dependencies web3, truffle-contract, lite-server (see package.json) with
npm install
- Run ganache with
ganache -p 8545
- Compile the contracts with
truffle compile
- Migrate the contracts with
truffle migrate
- Be aware the contracts are migrated on ganache at port 8545 (check truffle-config.js)
- run the lite server with
npm run dev
- run the lite server with
- Go to the browser, open Metamask, connect Metamask to ganache and to the DApp (there should be a button "connect to DApp"), and import an account by copying and pasting a ganache private key under "import account"
- Play with the (limited) DApp and check out the transactions outcomes