Sylius Bootstrap theme with build process based on Webpack Encore.
It allows to swap to Bootstrap-based theme separately in each channel.There are two ways to install a theme. It is possible to copy files in themes/
or add this package as a composer dependency and create a child theme.
The instructions below refer to an installation in the theme folder. Installation as a composer dependency (with child theme) is also documented.
- Sylius 1.6 :
composer require sylius/bootstrap-theme:~0.1.0
- Sylius 1.7 :
composer require sylius/bootstrap-theme:~0.2.0
- Sylius 1.8 :
composer require sylius/bootstrap-theme:~0.3.0
- Sylius 1.8, 1.9 and 1.10 :
composer require sylius/bootstrap-theme:~0.4.0
- Sylius 1.11 :
composer require sylius/bootstrap-theme:~0.6.0
- Sylius 1.12 :
composer require sylius/bootstrap-theme:~0.7.0
Sylius 1.11 tested with Node v15.14.0, Sylius 1.12 tested with Node v18.16.0
- Copy files from repository to
Only assets
and SyliusShopBundle
directories and the webpack.config.js
file are required.
- Install Encore (Only for sylius <1.12)
composer require encore
- Install node dependencies
yarn add @symfony/webpack-encore sass-loader@^13.0.0 node-sass -D
yarn add lodash.throttle -D
yarn add bootstrap@^4.5.0 bootstrap.native@^3.0.0 glightbox axios form-serialize @fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core @fortawesome/free-brands-svg-icons @fortawesome/free-regular-svg-icons @fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons popper.js
yarn add @popperjs/core
- Import bootstrap-theme config in the main webpack file
# ./webpack.config.js
+ const bootstrapTheme = require('./themes/BootstrapTheme/webpack.config');
- module.exports = [shopConfig, adminConfig, appShopConfig, appAdminConfig];
+ module.exports = [shopConfig, adminConfig, appShopConfig, appAdminConfig, bootstrapTheme];
For sylius 1.11 and 1.12 change output paths
# ./webpack.config.js
// Shop config
- .setOutputPath('public/build/shop/')
- .setPublicPath('/build/shop')
- .addEntry('shop-entry', './vendor/sylius/sylius/src/Sylius/Bundle/ShopBundle/Resources/private/entry.js')
+ .setOutputPath('public/bootstrap-theme')
+ .setPublicPath('/bootstrap-theme')
+ .addEntry('app', './themes/BootstrapTheme/assets/app.js')
- Edit project config files
# ./config/packages/assets.yaml
+ bootstrapTheme:
+ json_manifest_path: '%kernel.project_dir%/public/bootstrap-theme/manifest.json'
# ./config/packages/webpack_encore.yaml
output_path: '%kernel.project_dir%/public/build'
+ bootstrapTheme: '%kernel.project_dir%/public/bootstrap-theme'
# ./config/packages/_sylius.yaml
+ legacy_mode: true # for sylius 1.9, 1.10, 1.11, 1.12
- To build the assets, run one of the following commands
# compile assets once
yarn encore dev
# recompile assets automatically when files change
yarn encore dev --watch
# recompile assets automatically with live reload
yarn encore dev-server
# create a production build
yarn encore production
In Sylius 1.12 you can use predefined commands
# compile assets once
yarn build
# recompile assets automatically when files change
yarn watch
- Change theme in the admin panel by visiting the Edit Channel page
- Run
composer create-project sylius/bootstrap-theme ProjectName
or clone this project
- From the plugin skeleton root directory, run the following commands:
sudo chmod -Rf 777 tests/Application/var
sudo chmod -Rf 777 tests/Application/public/media
docker-compose exec php php -d memory_limit=-1 /usr/bin/composer install
docker-compose exec nodejs yarn --cwd tests/Application install
docker-compose exec php tests/Application/bin/console doctrine:database:create --if-not-exists -vvv
docker-compose exec php tests/Application/bin/console doctrine:schema:create -vvv
docker-compose exec php tests/Application/bin/console assets:install tests/Application/public -vvv
docker-compose exec nodejs yarn --cwd tests/Application build
docker-compose exec php php -d memory_limit=-1 tests/Application/bin/console cache:warmup -vvv
docker-compose exec php tests/Application/bin/console sylius:fixtures:load -n
docker-compose exec php composer validate --ansi --strict
docker-compose exec php php -d memory_limit=-1 vendor/bin/behat --profile docker --colors --strict -vvv -f progress --no-interaction --tags="@javascript && ~@todo && ~@cli"
ProTip use Makefile
From the plugin skeleton root directory, run the following commands:
$ (cd tests/Application && yarn install) $ (cd tests/Application && yarn build) $ (cd tests/Application && APP_ENV=test bin/console assets:install public) $ (cd tests/Application && APP_ENV=test bin/console doctrine:database:create) $ (cd tests/Application && APP_ENV=test bin/console doctrine:schema:create)
To be able to setup a plugin's database, remember to configure you database credentials in tests/Application/.env
and tests/Application/.env.test
Behat (non-JS scenarios)
vendor/bin/behat --strict --tags="~@javascript"
Behat (JS scenarios)
Start Headless Chrome:
google-chrome-stable --enable-automation --disable-background-networking --no-default-browser-check --no-first-run --disable-popup-blocking --disable-default-apps --allow-insecure-localhost --disable-translate --disable-extensions --no-sandbox --enable-features=Metal --headless --remote-debugging-port=9222 --window-size=2880,1800 --proxy-server='direct://' --proxy-bypass-list='*'
- Install SSL certificates (only once needed) and run test application's webserver on
symfony server:ca:install APP_ENV=test symfony server:start --port=8080 --dir=tests/Application/public --daemon
- Run Behat:
vendor/bin/behat --strict --tags="@javascript"
environment:(cd tests/Application && APP_ENV=test bin/console sylius:fixtures:load) (cd tests/Application && APP_ENV=test bin/console server:run -d public)
environment:(cd tests/Application && APP_ENV=dev bin/console sylius:fixtures:load) (cd tests/Application && APP_ENV=dev bin/console server:run -d public)