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File metadata and controls

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The Only CodeTalker Introduction You'll Ever Need

Or at least that's the idea. I tried to design CodeTalker such that you don't need to pore over pages of API docs... This document + the example contrib parsers provided should be enough (let me know if they aren't).

Defining a Grammar

Specifying Tokens

  • CTokens (built-in, c optimized)
  • STRING # normal " string
  • SSTRING # single-quoted ' string
  • TSTRING # triple-quoted ''' or """ pythonic string
  • CCOMMENT # c-style comment /** **/ //
  • PYCOMMENT # python-style comment
  • NUMBER # an integer or float
  • INT # an integer
  • HEX # an 0xabc012 hex number.
  • ID # usually [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*
  • ANY # matches any single char
  • CharToken
  • also c-optimized; matches 'one of the specified characters'.
  • example: SYMBOLS
  • StringToken
  • matches 'one of the specified strings'
  • IdToken
  • matches 'one of the specified strings' followed by a non-id character
  • example: RESERVED_WORDS
  • IIdToken
  • same as IdToken, but caseInsensitive
  • ReToken
  • this is the most flexible, but also the slowest. Use only when needed (uses the python re module to match tokens)

Defining Rules

def rulename(rule):
    rule | option1 | option2
    rule | option3

child or (child, child, ...)

  • "string literal"
  • [optional, children, ...]
  • (nested, (tuples, are), collapsed)
  • star(zero, or_more)
  • plus(one, or_more)
  • _or(one, of, these)
  • _not(this, stuff) # checks the content, and if it does not match, consumes a single token.

Abstract Syntax Tree Attributes

By default, none of the rules you create will become nodes in the AST - that's because you haven't defined what attributes such a node would have. Adding to our generic rule, you specify an astAttrs attribute.

def rulename(rule):
    rule | option1 | option2
    rule.astAttrs = {
        "attr1": spec,
        "attr2": spec

It's a dictionary where the keys are the attribute names that you want, and the values are a specification of the value to be populated. The spec comes in two flavors -- simple or complex. As you'll see, the simple flavor is just a shortcut, but makes the definition clearer & simpler in many cases. (in the following examples, atype is the name of a rule or token).


atype:match the first element of atype [becomes None if there are no elements matching atype]
[atype]:match all elements of atype [becomes a list]
[atype, anothertype]:match all elements of the contained types [becomes a list]


The complex definition is a dictionary, where the type parameter follows the simple definition above.

type:atype | [atype] | [atype, anothertype]
single:(bool) only use if you want to override the normal inference.
start:(int) used for slicing (default: 0)
end:(int) also for slicing (default: 0 [means no limit])
step:(int) (default: 1)

As you can see, if you don't need to slice or override the "single" aspect, you can just use the simple spec.

And here's an example from a calculator:

def addsub_expression(rule):
    rule | (value, star(_or('+', '-'), value))
    rule.astAttrs = {
        'left': value,      # matches only the first 'value' node
        'ops': [OP],        # matches all the operator tokens ('+' or '-')
        'values': {
            'type': [value],
            'start': 1
        }                   # matches all but the first value.

AST Name

The (class)name of the resulting AST node defaults to the function name, converted to TitleCase (e.g. some_rule => SomeRule). You can customize this name by setting the astName attribute of the function. example:

def foo(rule):
    # stuff
foo.astName = 'FooBar'

Actually Making the Grammar

grammar = Grammar(start, tokens, idchars='', indent=False, ignore=[], ast_tokens=[])
start:the start rule
tokens:a list of tokens to use
idchars:extra characters you want to be considered ID-like (e.g. '$' for javascript, PHP)
indent:(bool) if true, insert INDENT and DEDENT tokens in the appropriate places (necessary if you want to parse indentation-based languages like python)
ignore:list of tokens to ignore while parsing (usually [WHITE], or [WHITE, NEWLINE])
ast_tokens:list of tokens to not ignore while constructing the AST (often [NUMBER, ID])


This is the final step - doing something with the AST you just made. The ast classes are auto generated, and stored in grammar.ast_classes. I generally put ast = grammar.ast_classes at the start of my translator.


AST Nodes have only the attributes you defined for them, populated with the parse tree.

Tokens have three attributes:


A translator function can return anything you like...

A Translator is really just a pretty transparent shortcut for taking an AST and turning it into what you really wanted in the first place.

Instead of writing:

def deal_with_ast(node):
    if isinstance(node, ast.Foo):
        return deal_with_foo(node)
    elif isinstance(node, ast.Bar):
        return deal_with_bar(node)

You get:

t = Translator(grammar, bar=0)

def deal_with_foo(node, scope):

def deal_with_bar(node, scope):

Within a deal_with_baz function, if you want to translate a child node, call t.translate(node.somechild, scope) -- it will deal with that node in the way you'd expect.

The scope variable that you saw me passing around is an object that is really useful if you need to maintain any kind of state while translating (local variables, etc.). To "turn on" scope usage, pass some keyword arguments to the translator, which will populate the default attributes of the scope. example:

t = Translator(grammar, variables={}, call_stack=[])

The scope object that gets passed around will then have the attributes "variables" and "call_stack". For a good example of using the translation scope, look at CleverCSS2. If you don't "turn on" the scope, it doesn't get passed around -- your translating functions should only take one argument.

Once you've populated your translator, you can call t.from_string(text) to first turn the text into an AST, and then translate the AST.

Here's a really simple example of a translator function (taken from the json grammar):

def t_list(node):
    return list(JSON.translate(value) for value in node.values)

Now you're ready to look at the examples:

If you have any suggestion as to how to improve this document, feel free to let me know at [email protected]