Ansible is an open-source automation platform. It is very, very simple to set up and yet powerful. Ansible can help you with configuration management, application deployment, task automation.
- An AWS EC2 instance (on Control node)
Install python and python-pip
yum install python yum install python-pip
Install ansible using pip check for version
pip install ansible ansible --version
Create a user called ansadmin (on Control node and Managed host)
useradd ansadmin passwd ansadmin
Below command grant sudo access to ansadmin user. But we strongly recommended using "visudo" command if you are aware vi or nano editor. (on Control node and Managed host)
echo "ansadmin ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" >> /etc/sudoers
Log in as a ansadmin user on master and generate ssh key (on Control node)
Copy keys onto all ansible managed hosts (on Control node)
ssh-copy-id ansadmin@<target-server>
Ansible server used to create images and store on docker registry. Hence install docker, start docker services and add ansadmin to the docker group.
yum install docker # start docker services service docker start service docker start # add user to docker group usermod -aG docker ansadmin
Create a directory /etc/ansible and create an inventory file called "hosts" add control node and managed hosts IP addresses to it.
- Run ansible command as ansadmin user it should be successful (Master)
ansible all -m ping