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This is a tool which lets you do instant parsing or language design tasks enjoying the elegancy of pure Python[1]. With this tool, creating a Python class is sufficient to define a language, which includes

  • lexical patterns
  • syntatical rules
  • semantic actions (i.e. interpretation/translation)

On top of this class, a parser/interpreter is automatically generated. You can already use it to directly parse strings via calling its parse or interpret method.

[1]. This module is motivated by instaparse in Clojure, but goes another way more like PLY.

Table of Contents

  1. Quick Example
  2. Design and Usage
  3. Generalized LALR Parsing
  4. API

Quick Example

In metaparse, language syntax and semantics can be simply defined as methods of a class. To illustrate this, we create a tiny calculator grammar which can read basic arithmetic expressions and register variable bindings in a global dictionary.

At first, we conceptually design the grammar on a paper, as seen from the textbooks,

assign → ID = expr
expr → NUM
expr → ID
expr → expr₁ + expr₂
expr → expr₁ * expr₂
expr → expr₁ ** expr₂

then we map them to method declarations in Python:

def assign(ID, EQ, expr): ...
def expr(NUM): ...
def expr(ID): ...
def expr(expr_1, ADD, expr_2): ...
def expr(expr_1, MUL, expr_2): ...
def expr(expr_1, POW, expr_2): ...

and finally we write down the semantic rules as method bodies, in a SDT-style (cf. Yacc). The method parameters are bound to the parse result of the sub-tree when a rule is being executed (i.e. being reduced after its sub-rules or tokens have been successfully processed).

from metaparse import LALR

# Global context/environment for language semantics.
context = {}

class LangArith(metaclass=LALR.meta):

    "A language for calculating expressions."

    # ===== Lexical patterns / Terminals =====
    # - Patterns are specified via regular expressions
    # - Patterns will be checked with the same order as declared during tokenizing

    IGNORED = r'\s+'             # Special pattern to be ignored.

    EQ  = r'='
    POW = r'\*\*', 3             # Can include precedence of token using a number (for LALR conflict resolution)
    POW = r'\^'  , 3             # Alternative patterns can share the same name
    MUL = r'\*'  , 2
    ADD = r'\+'  , 1

    ID  = r'[_a-zA-Z]\w*'
    NUM = r'[1-9][0-9]*'
    def NUM(value):              # Can specify translator for certain lexical patterns!
        return int(value)

    # ===== Syntactic/Semantic rules in SDT-style =====

    def assign(ID, EQ, expr):        # Can access global context in Python environment.
        context[ID] = expr
        return expr

    def expr(NUM):                   # Normally computing result without side-effects would be better.
        return NUM                   # NUM is passed as (int) since there is a NUM handler!

    def expr(ID):
        return context[ID]

    def expr(expr_1, ADD, expr_2):   # TeX style subscripts used for identifying expression instances, like (expr → expr₁ + expr₂)
        return expr_1 + expr_2

    def expr(expr, MUL, expr_1):     # Can ignore one of the subscripts.
        return expr * expr_1

    def expr(expr, POW, expr_1):
        return expr ** expr_1

Then we get a LALR parser object:

>>> type(LangArith)
<class 'metaparse.LALR>

Now we are done and it's quite straightforward trying it out.

>>> LangArith.interpret("x = 1 + 4 * 3 ** 2 + 5")
>>> LangArith.interpret("y = 5 + x * 2")
>>> LangArith.interpret("z = 9 ^ 2")

>>> context
{'y': 89, 'x': 42, 'z': 81}

IMO, tools under state-of-the-art could hardly get more handy than this.

Note metaclass=LALR.meta only works in Python 3. There is an alternative way which works in Python 2. Directly using the APIs without all syntactic sugars is also possible.

Design and Usage

The design of this module targets "native parsing" (like instaparse and Parsec). Highlights are

  • native structure representing grammar rules
    • like def E(E, plus, T), def T(F) ...
    • rather than literal string notations like "E = E + T", "T = F" ...
  • language translation implemented in pure Python,
  • easy to play with (e.g. in REPL),
  • no need to generate a program before use
  • but you can generate one and save it for future use (via dump/load APIs)
  • does not feel too much like a DSL (maybe?),
  • no dependencies,
  • optional precedence specification (for LALR),
  • nice error reporting,
  • and etc.

Though this slim module does not intend to replace full-fledged tools like Bison and ANTLR, it is still very handy and its integration into existing Python project is seamless.

The following sections explains more details about the core utilities . Feel free to skip them since you already see from above how it is used.

Retrieving the Parse Tree

Continuing the first example, if only the parse tree is needed rather than the translation result, use method parse instead of interpret:

tr = LangArith.parse(" w  = 1 + 2 * 3 ** 4 + 5 ")

>>> tr
 [('ID', 'w'),
  ('EQ', '='),
     [('expr', [('NUM', '1')]),
      ('ADD', '+'),
       [('expr', [('NUM', '2')]),
        ('MUL', '*'),
         [('expr', [('NUM', '3')]),
          ('POW', '**'),
          ('expr', [('NUM', '4')])])])]),
    ('ADD', '+'),
    ('expr', [('NUM', '5')])])])

The result is a ParseTree object with tuple representation. A parse leaf is just a Token object represented as (<token-name>, '<lexeme>').

Save generated parser object

It can be time consuming when metaparse converts your language into a parser/interpreter, depending on the size of the language. You might not want to re-generate the parser each time you starts a Python process. So metaparse allows you to serialize your parser (which is no much more than a dictionary encoding the state machine under the hood). The API is dumps/loads or dump/load.


Since our parser is created given access to a global variable named context, which makes globals and context dependencies of your translation scheme, you have to pass it to load when loading the parser and define the context object in the global scope to allow your translation to be still functional (for sure, a better way is to define your context object dedicatedly instead of using globals):

# Another file using the parser

from metaparse import LALR

# Let loaded parser be able to access current runtime env `globals()`.
arith_parser = LALR.load('./', globals())

# Context instance to be accessed by the loaded parser
context = {}

arith_parser.interpret('foo = 1 + 9')

print (context)
# {'foo': 10}

You might wonder why passing globals can work - It's due to that in Python the __code__ object can be evaluated given whatever context and that's what metaparse does internally. (more basic details see the documents for exec and code object).

Error Reporting

During designing a language, it's very easy to make inconsistent rules. metaparse provides sensible error reporting for such cases - for example, executing the following

from metaparse import LALR

class ExprLang(metaclass=LALR.meta):

    NUM = '\d+'
    PLUS = '\+'

    def expr(expr, PLUS, term):
        return expr + term

    def expr(expr, TIMES, term):
        return expr * term

    def expr(term):
        return term

    def term(NUM):
        return int(NUM)

    def factor(NUM):
        return int(NUM)

would result in error report:

metaparse.LanguageError: No lexical pattern provided for terminal symbol: TIMES
- in 2th rule (expr = expr TIMES term)
- with helping traceback (if available): 
  File "", line 21, in expr

- declared lexes: Lexer{
[('NUM', re.compile('\\d+')),
 ('PLUS', re.compile('\\+')),
 ('IGNORED', re.compile('\\s+'))]}

After providing the missing terminal symbol TIMES, another error is detected during re-run:

metaparse.LanguageError: There are unreachable nonterminal at 5th rule: {'factor'}.
- with helping traceback: 
  File "", line 30, in factor

The error information is formulated within Python traceback and should be precise enough and guide you or editors to the exact place where correction is needed.

Generalized LALR and Dealing with Ambiguity

metaparse supplies an interesting extension: the GLR parser with look-ahead, which can parse ambiguous grammars and help you figure out why a grammar is ambiguous and fails to be LALR(1).

Given the famous ambiguous Dangling-Else grammar:

 selection-statement = ...
    | IF expression THEN statement
    | IF expression THEN statement ELSE statement

let's build it using LALR:

from metaparse import GLR, LALR

class LangIfThenElse(metaclass=LALR.meta):

    IF     = r'if'
    THEN   = r'then'
    ELSE   = r'else'
    EXPR   = r'\d+'
    SINGLE = r'[_a-zA-Z]+'

    def stmt(ifstmt):
        return ifstmt 

    def stmt(SINGLE):
        return SINGLE 

    def ifstmt(IF, EXPR, THEN, stmt_1, ELSE, stmt_2):
        return ('ite', EXPR, stmt_1, stmt_2) 

    def ifstmt(IF, EXPR, THEN, stmt):
        return ('it', EXPR, stmt)

would result in a shift/reduce conflict on the token ELSE with error hints:

Handling item set: 
['(ifstmt = IF EXPR THEN stmt.ELSE stmt)', '(ifstmt = IF EXPR THEN stmt.)']
Conflict on lookahead: ELSE 
- ('reduce', (ifstmt = IF EXPR THEN stmt))
- ('shift', ['(ifstmt = IF EXPR THEN stmt ELSE.stmt)'])

Using GLR.meta instead of LALR.meta, and interpret_generalized respectively:

>>> LangIfThenElse.interpret_generalized('if 1 then if 2 then if 3 then a else b else c')
[('ite', '1', ('ite', '2', ('it', '3', 'a'), 'b'), 'c'),
 ('ite', '1', ('it', '2', ('ite', '3', 'a', 'b')), 'c'),
 ('it', '1', ('ite', '2', ('ite', '3', 'a', 'b'), 'c'))]

the parser delivers all ambiguous parse results which cannot be handled by LALR(1) properly. From the result you can gather more insights about why it's ambigious.

Note that interpreting ambigious grammar is error-prone if side-effects are involved, since the translator function for each alternative result is executed and it is hard to understand how they can potentially interfer. (It is generally advised to use side-effects-free translation when using GLR parsers!).

Using Token Precedence to Resolve Conflicts

Though GLR is powerful, we may not want to keep ambiguity in practical cases and eventually would prefer LALR for the sake of clarity and performance. Very likely, ambiguity is not what you really want and you might want to resolve ambiguity by specifying precedence of certain tokens.

Taking the Dangling-Else example, by associate to ELSE a higher precedence than THEN (just like the arithmetic grammar example regarding operators), meaning when handling stmt between THEN and ELSE, i.e. conflicting rules raise an ELSE token, the rule having ELSE has higher precedence and will be chosen:

class LangIfThenElse(metaclass=LALR.meta):
    THEN = r'then', 1
    ELSE = r'else', 2

With this conflict resolution. The LALR parser can be constructed successfully and parsing delivers

>>> LangIfThenElse.interpret('if 1 then if 2 then if 3 then a else b else c')
('it', '1', ('ite', '2', ('ite', '3', 'a', 'b'), 'c'))

However, in practice, precedence specification can get highly complicated and intended behavior gets much less than explicit. It is advised to not use precedence at all if you could find more explicit and straightforward alternatives.


The following contents give more details about the underlying utilities.

Explicitly Registering Lexical Patterns and Syntactic Rules

The following APIs for defining the language in the very first example works for both Python 2 and Python 3, with the more verbose but more explicit style, heavily relying on using decorators.

from metaparse import LALR

LangArith = LALR()

lex  = LangArith.lexer
rule = LangArith.rule

# lex(<terminal-symbol> = <pattern>)
lex(IGNORED = r'\s+')
lex(NUM = r'[0-9]+')
lex(EQ  = r'=')
lex(ID  = r'[_a-zA-Z]\w*')

# lex(... , p = <precedence>)
lex(POW = r'\*\*', p=3)
lex(POW = r'\^')                # No need to give the precedence twice for POW.
lex(MUL = r'\*'  , p=2)
lex(ADD = r'\+'  , p=1)

# @rule
# def <lhs> ( <rhs> ):
#     <semantics>
def assign(ID, EQ, expr):
    context[ID] = expr
    return expr

def expr(ID):
    return context[ID]

def expr(NUM):
    return int(NUM)

def expr(expr_1, ADD, expr_2):
    return expr_1 + expr_2

def expr(expr, MUL, expr_1):
    return expr * expr_1

def expr(expr, POW, expr_1):
    return expr ** expr_1

# Complete making the parser after collecting things!

Explanation in short:

  • lex is the Lexer instance associated with LangArith, which is also able to collect definition of lexical patterns.

  • rule is a decorator which extracts syntactic rule information from the function signature and register the function itself as translator for this rule.

The Underlying Lexical Analyzer

After declaring the language like above, metaparse internally creates a lexical analyzer as a component used by the internal parser. Lexical analyzer maintains a list of terminal symbols of the language defined, preserving the order they appear in the code.

>>> LangArith.lexer
[('IGNORED', re.compile('\\s+')),
 ('EQ', re.compile('=')),
 ('NUM', re.compile('[1-9][0-9]*')),
 ('ID', re.compile('[_a-zA-Z]\\w*')),
 ('POW', re.compile('\\*\\*')),
 ('MUL', re.compile('\\*')),
 ('ADD', re.compile('\\+'))]}

It runs when method tokenize is called and generates tokens carrying attributes. During tokenizing, the patterns are checked respecting the order in the list.

Note there is a pre-defined special lexical element IGNORED:

  • When Lexer reads a string matching the pattern associating IGNORED, no token is generated for the matching part of the string;

  • If IGNORED is not explicitly overriden in the user's language definition, it will have the default value r'\s+'.

We can print out the tracing of lexcial analyzing process:

>>> for token in LangArith.lexer.tokenize(" foo  = 1 + bar * 2"):
...     print(token.pos,
...           token.end,
...           token.symbol,
...           repr(token.lexeme),   # (lexeme) is something literal.
...           repr(token.value))    # (value) is something computed by handler, if exists.

1 4 ID 'foo' 'foo'
6 7 EQ '=' '='
8 9 NUM '1' 1
10 11 ADD '+' '+'
12 15 ID 'bar' 'bar'
16 17 MUL '*' '*'
18 19 NUM '2' 2

Moreover, it is OK to declare more lexical patterns under the same name:

class LangArith(metaclass=LALR.meta):
    IGNORED = r' '
    IGNORED = r'\t'
    IGNORED = r'#'
    POW     = r'\*\*'
    POW     = r'\^'

which avoids clustering alternative sub-patterns in one re expression.

In practical use, you might not need to call Lexer at all.

Online-Parsing behind the Scene

The parse and interpret methods are implemented internally based on generators, which is a sort of online-processing behavior, i.e.

<get-token> —→ <process-actions> —→ <wait-for-next-token>

The following block of code calls the routine directly, starts it, and traces the intermediate states:

# Prepare a parsing routine
p = LangArith.prepare()

# Start this routine

# Send tokens one-by-one
for token in LangArith.lexer.tokenize('bar = 1 + 2 + + 3', with_end=True):
    print("Sends: ", token)
    r = p.send(token)
    print("Got:   ", r)

that is, via sending tokens to the parser one-by-one for interpretation, an internal interpretation stack is maintained and updated. The top element of the stack is returned wrapped in a Just structure as a response to each token (which can be a reduced result from a sequence of elements perfectly matching the rule). When token fails processing a ParseError containing useful information is returned (rather than thrown).

Sends:  ('ID', 'bar')
Got:    Just(result=('ID', 'bar'))

Sends:  ('EQ', '=')
Got:    Just(result=('EQ', '='))

Sends:  ('NUM', '1')
Got:    Just(result=('NUM', '1'))

Sends:  ('ADD', '+')
Got:    Just(result=('ADD', '+'))

Sends:  ('NUM', '2')
Got:    Just(result=('NUM', '2'))

Sends:  ('ADD', '+')
Got:    Just(result=('ADD', '+'))

Sends:  ('ADD', '+')
Got:    Unexpected token ('ADD', '+') at (14:15)
while expecting actions 
{'ID': ('shift', 5), 'NUM': ('shift', 6)}
with state stack 
[['(assign^ = .assign)'],
 ['(assign = ID.EQ expr)'],
 ['(assign = ID EQ.expr)'],
 ['(assign = ID EQ expr.)',
  '(expr = expr.ADD expr)',
  '(expr = expr.MUL expr)',
  '(expr = expr.POW expr)'],
 ['(expr = expr ADD.expr)']]
and subtree stack 
['bar', '=', 3, '+']

Sends:  ('NUM', '3')
Got:    Just(result=('NUM', '3'))

Sends:  ('\x03', None)
Got:    Just(result=6)


Though this module provides advantageous features, there are also limitations:

  • Parsing grammars with loops is not supported. For example, the grammar

    P → Q | a
    Q → P

    is infinitely ambiguous, which has infinite number of derivations while processing only finite input, e.g. "a":

    P ⇒ a
    P ⇒ Q ⇒ P ⇒ a
    P ⇒ Q ⇒ ... ⇒ P ⇒ a

    where each derivation corresponds to a parse tree. Eager generation of these trees lead to non-termination during parsing.

  • Only legal Python identifier, rather than non-alphabetic symbols (like <fo#o>, ==, raise, etc) can be used as symbols in grammar (seems no serious).

  • Parsing algorithms are implemented in pure Python, but speed-up via Cython should be possible in the future.