- In order to facilitate switching between platforms (e.g. between pegasus, stampede and your mac), it is recommended to keep all your control files (minsar, geodmod, gbis) in your infiles directory and share via github, followinhg the following convention. the directory name is set using the customizable USERPREFERRED environment variable.
You can get the infiles form other group members by cloning their infiles directories:
mkdir -p infiles;
cd infiles;
git clone https://github.com/geodesymiami/infiles_famelung.git famelung;
git clone https://github.com/geodesymiami/infiles_sxh733.git sxh733;
git clone https://github.com/geodesymiami/infiles_sxm1611.git sxm1611;
git clone https://github.com/geodesymiami/infiles_yzhang1.git yzhang1 ;
git clone https://github.com/geodesymiami/infiles_bkv3.git bkv3;
git clone https://github.com/geodesymiami/infiles_lvxr.git lvxr;
echo DONE;
Also, everybody should keep their matlab, python and other scripts plus notebooks that are not part of MinSAR in our tools repository. This is an effort to make your code available to others. (optional)
cd $RSMASINSAR_HOME/sources;
git clone https://github.com/geodesymiami/rsmas_tools.git ;