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285 lines (193 loc) · 8.44 KB

Humble Bundle Manager

Python library and command line tool to manage Humble Bundle games

List your bundles and games, Show their info, Download, Install and Uninstall them! It's like apt-get for Humble Bundle :)


  • Python (tested in Python 2.7, can easily be ported to Python 3)
  • Bash (for the install hooks. Some may require version 4+)

Python and Bash are already installed by default in virtually all GNU/Linux distros.


The above can be installed in any modern Debian-like distros (like Ubuntu/Mint) with:

sudo apt-get install python-{lxml,progressbar,keyring}


Just clone the repository and optionally symlink the main script from somewhere in your $PATH:

cd ~/some/dir
git clone

mkdir -p ~/.local/bin
ln -s ~/some/dir/ ~/.local/bin/humblebundle
echo 'PATH=$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.profile  # or ~/.bashrc

To use as a python library, also add the repository directory to your $PYTHONPATH environment.

(Yes, this project desperately needs a!)


Just delete the directory! And the symlink, if you created it:

rm -rf ~/some/dir/humblebundle
rm -f ~/.local/bin/humblebundle

Usage as a command-line tool

Adapted from --help:

Usage: humblebundle [general options] [command] [command options]

Optional arguments:
	                show this help message and exit
  -g|--loglevel {debug,info,warn,error,critical}
	                set logging level, default is 'warn'
	                alias for --loglevel debug

	                Fetch all games and bundles data from the server,
	                rebuilding the cache

Login options:
  -U|--username USERNAME
	                Account login, the user's email
  -P|--password PASSWORD
	                Account password
  -A|--auth AUTH
	                Account _simpleauth_sess cookie

	                List all available Games (Products), including
	                Soundtracks and eBooks
	                List all available Bundles (Purchases), including
	                Store Front (single product) purchases

  -s|--show GAME
	                Show all info about selected game
  -S|--show-bundle BUNDLE
	                Show all info about selected bundle

  -d|--download GAME
	                Name of the game to download. See --list

  -i|--install GAME
	                Install selected game
  -I|--uninstall GAME
	                Uninstall selected game

Download options:
  -t|--type NAME
	                Type (name) of the download, for example '.deb',
	                'mojo', 'flash', etc
  -a|--arch {32,64}
	                Download architecture: 32-bit (also known as i386) or
	                64-bit (amd64, x86_64, etc)
  -p|--platform {windows,mac,linux,android,audio,ebook,comedy}
	                Download platform. Default is 'linux'
  -F--server-file FILE
	                Basename of the server file to download. Useful when
	                no combination of --type, --arch and --platform is
	                enough to narrow down choices to a single download.
	                Download bittorrent file instead of direct download
  -f|--path PATH
	                Path to download. If PATH is a directory, default
	                download basename will be used. By if omitted,
	                download to current directory.

Show options:
	                Output --show/--show-bundle in machine-readable, JSON

Install options:
  -m|--method {custom,deb,apt,mojo,air,steam}
	                Use this method instead of the default for
	                (un-)installing a game

Command line interface is heavily inspired on apt workflow:

  • List games and bundles to get their humble bundle id

  • Show info on a particular game or bundle (similar to apt-cache show)

  • Download a game archive (similar to apt-get download, and as such not needed for install)

  • Install and Uninstall a game (as easy as apt-get install)

Examples and sample output:

Authenticating (only needed once, it stores credentials in keyring):

$ humblebundle --username '[email protected]' --password '1234' --update --list

Show bundle and game info:

$ humblebundle --show-bundle androidbundle5

Bundle    : androidbundle5
Name      : Humble Bundle with Android 5
Category  : bundle
Price US$ :
Games     :
	Beat Hazard Ultra	[beathazardultra]
	Beat Hazard Ultra	[beathazardultra_android]
	Beat Hazard Ultra	[beathazardultra_soundtrack]
	Crayon Physics Deluxe	[crayonphysicsdeluxe_android_pc_soundtrack]
	Dungeon Defenders + All DLC	[dungeondefenders_dlc_android_pc]
	Dynamite Jack	[dynamitejack_android_pc]
	NightSky	[nightsky_android_pc]
	NightSky	[nightsky_soundtrack]
	Solar 2	[solar_android_pc]
	Splice	[splice]
	Splice	[splice_android]
	Splice Soundtrack	[splice_soundtrack]
	Super Hexagon	[superhexagon_android_pc]
	Super Hexagon	[superhexagon_asm]
	Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP	[swordandsworcery_android_pc_soundtrack]

$ humblebundle --show solar_android_pc

Game      : solar_android_pc
Name      : Solar 2
Developer : Murudai
URL       :
Bundles   :
	Humble Bundle with Android 5 [androidbundle5]
	Humble Bundle: PC and Android 8 [androidbundle8]
Downloads :
		Download            	 45.3 MB	Solar2_Android_1.13_1388267491.apk
		MP3                 	 53.5 MB
		FLAC                	179.9 MB
		.deb                	101.3 MB	solar2_1.10_i386_1409159048.deb
		.tar.gz             	101.3 MB	solar2-linux-1.10_1409159048.tar.gz
		Download            	 69.5 MB	solar2-mac-1.10_1409159048.dmg
		Download            	 41.2 MB	solar2-windows-1.10_1409159048.exe

Download a file:

$ humblebundle --download solar_android_pc --platform audio --type mp3

Downloading 'Solar 2' [solar_android_pc] 'MP3' 53.5 MB
  27% of 53.5 MiB |................                       |   1.23 M/s ETA:  00:00:3

Install a game (may require an entry in gamedata.json or manual options):

$ humblebundle --install dontmove

Downloading "Don't Move" [dontmove]  (64-bit)  4.7 MB  DontMove_v1-3_Linux-64.tar
Installing Don't Move

Usage as a library

import humblebundle

hb = HumbleBundle('[email protected]', '1234')


for name in
    game = hb.get_game(name)
      # or simply[name] - It's a dictonary! (for now)
    print game['human_name']

    # Blame Humble Bundle for their weird dictionary structure, not me!
    for platforms in game.get('downloads', []):
        for download in platforms.get('download_struct', []):
            url = download.get('url', {}).get('web', '')
            if url:
               print url

filename ='dontmove', platform='linux', arch=64)


Patches are welcome! Fork, hack, request pull! Here is my current to-do list:

  • Better documentation: Improve this README, document installers/ usage, custom hooks/ interface, explain how credentials are used and stored, gamedata.json format and usage, config dir structure. And, most important, describe the install mechanics in more detail.

  • Install: create a decent, possibly uploading to Pypi

  • Classes: convert the games and bundles dictionaries to classes with attributes and methods. HumbleBundle.get_game() would return a Game instance, methods .install(), .download() etc would be there and not on the "main" class.

If you find a bug or have any enhacement request, please to open a new issue

Written by

Rodrigo Silva (MestreLion) [email protected]

Licenses and Copyright

Copyright (C) 2014 Rodrigo Silva (MestreLion) [email protected].

License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later

This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.

There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.