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- Spreading Malware with Google (Nice Quilombo) Speaker: Fabian Cuchietti & Gonzalo Sanchez Module 404 | VIDEO
- You Logged Into My Account Speaker: Daizibukaikou Module 404 | VIDEO
- When Memory-Safe Language Become Unsafe Speaker: Mingshen Sun Module 404
- Lessons Learned from Five Years of Building Capture The Flag Speaker: Vito Genovese Module PDF | PPT File | Script | VIDEO
- Triton and Symbolic Execution on GDB Speaker: Weibo Chen Module PDF
- General ways to find and exploit Path Traversal Vulnerabilities on Android App Speaker: Xiaobo Xiang Module PDF | PPT File | VIDEO
- Keynote: Bugs Aren’t Random: A Unifi ed Perspective on Building and Breaking Speaker: Dan Kaminsky Module 404
- Blasted to Bits: Mutilating Media in a Minute Speaker: ZOZ Module 404 | VIDEO
- Fooling Image Search Engine Speaker: Yuanjun Gong , Bin Liang & Jianjun Huang Module PDF
- Transparent Malware Debugging on x86 and ARM Speaker: Zhenyu Ning & Fengwei Zhang Module PDF
- From Memory Safety to Non-bypassable Security Speaker: Dr. Wei (Lenx) Tao Module 404
- Beyond Adversarial Learning— Data Scaling Attacks in Deep Learning Applications Speaker: Kang Li Module 404
- Security Research Over the Windows (kernel) Speaker: Peter Hlavaty Module PDF
- Smart Contract Hacking Speaker: Konstantinos Karagiannis Module PDF
- From Dark Visitors to ValuedAllies: The Evolution of the Hacker Community in Asia and Around the World! Speaker: Jayson E. Street Module PDF | PPT File | VIDEO
- Hacking Intranet from Outside: Security Problems of Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) Speaker: Dr. Haixin Duan & Jianjun Chen Module 404
- Passwords in the Air: Harvesting Wi-Fi Credentials from SmartCfg Provisioning Speaker: Changyu Li & Quanpu Cai Module 404
- I Am Groot: Examining the Guardians of Windows 10 Security Speaker: Chuanda Ding Module 404 | VIDEO
- Androsia: Securing ‘Data in Process’ for your Android Apps Speaker: Samit Anwer Module PDF | PPT File