A PHP calculator to calculate the zodiac sign for a given day and month.
Install ZodiacSign using Composer:
$ composer require whatsma/zodiacsign:^1.0
Given a month (integer from 1 to 12) and a day (integer from 1 to 31), calculate the zodiac sign.
Returns a lower case string representing a zodiac sign, (eg "aries", or "leo").
Raises an InvalidMonthException:
- if the input month is invalid (eg is non int, or has a value of 13)
Raises an InvalidDayException:
- if the day is invalid (eg is non int, or has a value of 32)
- if the day is an invalid day of the month, such as 31st of February)
require_once __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php';
use Whatsma\ZodiacSign;
$calculator = new ZodiacSign\Calculator();
try {
$day = 17;
$month = 8;
$zodiacSign = $calculator->calculate($day, $month);
echo $zodiacSign . "\n";
} catch (ZodiacSign\InvalidDayException $e) {
echo "ERROR: Invalid Day";
} catch (ZodiacSign\InvalidMonthException $e) {
echo "ERROR: Invalid Month";
// output: "leo"