This is the combined documentation for the Spotishell cmdlets.
Last updated on Sunday 11/22/2020 10:56 UTC
Cmdlet | Synopsis |
Add-CurrentUserSavedAlbum | Save one or more albums from the current user's 'Your Music' library. |
Add-CurrentUserSavedShow | Save one or more shows from current Spotify user's library. |
Add-CurrentUserSavedTrack | Save one or more tracks from the current user's 'Your Music' library. |
Add-FollowedArtist | Add the current user as a follower of one or more artists. |
Add-FollowedPlaylist | Add the current user as a follower of a playlist. |
Add-FollowedUser | Add the current user as a follower of one or more other Spotify users. |
Add-ItemInPlaybackQueue | Add an item to the end of the user's current playback queue. |
Add-PlaylistItem | Add one or more items to a user's playlist. |
Backup-Library | Backup Library items to json file (FollowedArtists, Playlists, SavedAlbums, SavedShows, SavedTracks) |
ConvertTo-Hashtable | Convert PSCustomObject to Hashtable |
Edit-PlaylistOrder | Reorder an item or a group of items in a playlist. |
Get-Album | Get Spotify catalog information for one or more albums identified by their Spotify IDs. |
Get-AlbumTracks | Get Spotify catalog information about an album’s tracks. |
Get-Artist | Get Spotify catalog information for one or more artists based on their Spotify IDs. |
Get-ArtistAlbums | Get Spotify catalog information about an artist’s albums. |
Get-ArtistRelatedArtists | Get Spotify catalog information about artists similar to a given artist. Similarity is based on analysis of the Spotify community’s listening history. |
Get-ArtistTopTracks | Get Spotify catalog information about an artist’s top tracks by country. |
Get-AvailableDevices | Get information about a user's available devices. |
Get-Category | Get one or more categories used to tag items in Spotify (on, for example, the Spotify player’s “Browse� tab). |
Get-CategoryPlaylists | Get a list of Spotify playlists tagged with a particular category. |
Get-CurrentPlaybackInfo | Get information about the user's current playback state, including track, track progress, and active device. |
Get-CurrentTrack | Get the object currently being played on the user’s Spotify account. |
Get-CurrentUserPlaylists | Get a list of the playlists owned or followed by the current Spotify user. |
Get-CurrentUserProfile | Get info on the current user's profile |
Get-CurrentUserSavedAlbums | Get a list of the albums saved in the current Spotify user's 'Your Music' library. |
Get-CurrentUserSavedShows | Get a list of shows saved in the current Spotify user's library. |
Get-CurrentUserSavedTracks | Get a list of the songs saved in the current Spotify user's 'Your Music' library. |
Get-CurrentUserTopArtists | Get the current user's top artists based on calculated affinity. |
Get-CurrentUserTopTracks | Get the current user's top tracks based on calculated affinity. |
Get-Episode | Get Spotify catalog information for one or more episodes based on their Spotify IDs. |
Get-FeaturedPlaylists | Get a list of Spotify featured playlists (shown, for example, on a Spotify player’s ‘Browse’ tab). |
Get-FollowedArtists | Get the current user’s followed artists. |
Get-NewReleases | Get a list of new album releases featured in Spotify (shown, for example, on a Spotify player’s “Browse� tab). |
Get-Playlist | Get a playlist owned by a Spotify user. |
Get-PlaylistCoverImage | Get the current image associated with a specific playlist. |
Get-PlaylistItems | Get a playlist owned by a Spotify user. |
Get-RecentlyPlayedTracks | Get tracks from the current user's recently played tracks. |
Get-RecommendationGenres | Retrieve a list of available genres seed parameter values for recommendations. |
Get-Recommendations | Create a playlist-style listening experience based on seed artists, tracks and genres. |
Get-Show | Gets one or more shows. |
Get-ShowEpisodes | Get Spotify catalog information about a show's episodes. Optional parameters can be used to limit the number of episodes returned. |
Get-SpotifyApplication | Retrieves saved spotify credential |
Get-Track | Get Spotify catalog information for one or more tracks based on their Spotify IDs. |
Get-TrackAudioAnalysis | Get a detailed audio analysis for a single track identified by its unique Spotify ID. |
Get-TrackAudioFeature | Get audio features for one or more tracks based on their Spotify IDs. |
Get-UserPlaylists | Get a list of the playlists owned or followed by a Spotify user. |
Get-UserProfile | Get public profile information about a Spotify user. |
Invoke-NextTrack | Skips to next track in the user's queue. |
Invoke-PreviousTrack | Skips to previous track in the user's queue. |
Invoke-SeekPositionCurrentTrack | Seeks to the given position in the user's currently playing track. |
Invoke-SpotishellLogo | Display a ascii spotishell logo on screen. |
Move-Playback | Transfer playback to a new device and determine if it should start playing. |
New-Playlist | Create a playlist for a Spotify user. (The playlist will be empty until you add tracks.) |
New-SpotifyApplication | Creates a new application |
Remove-CurrentUserSavedAlbum | Remove one or more albums from the current user's 'Your Music' library. |
Remove-CurrentUserSavedShow | Delete one or more shows from current Spotify user's library. |
Remove-CurrentUserSavedTrack | Remove one or more tracks from the current user's 'Your Music' library. |
Remove-FollowedArtist | Remove the current user as a follower of one or more artists. |
Remove-FollowedPlaylist | Remove the current user as a follower of a playlist. |
Remove-FollowedUser | Remove the current user as a follower of one or more other Spotify users. |
Remove-PlaylistItems | Remove one or more items from a user's playlist. |
Remove-SpotifyApplication | Removes saved spotify credential |
Restore-Library | Restore Library items from json file (Playlists, FollowedArtists, SavedAlbums, SavedShows, SavedTracks) |
Resume-Playback | Resume current playback on the user's active device. |
Search-Item | Get Spotify Catalog information about albums, artists, playlists, tracks, shows or episodes that match a keyword string. |
Send-PlaylistCoverImage | Replace the image used to represent a specific playlist. |
Set-PlaybackVolume | Set the volume for the user's current playback device. |
Set-Playlist | Change a playlist's name and public/private state. (The user must, of course, own the playlist.) |
Set-PlaylistItems | Replace all the items in a playlist, overwriting its existing items. |
Set-RepeatMode | Set the repeat mode for the user's playback. Options are repeat-track, repeat-context, and off. |
Set-ShufflePlayback | Toggle shuffle on or off for user's playback. |
Set-SpotifyApplication | Modifies an aplication credentials |
Start-Playback | Start a new context on the user's active device. |
Suspend-Playback | Pause playback on the user's account. |
Test-CurrentUserSavedAlbum | Check if one or more albums is already saved in the current Spotify user's 'Your Music' library. |
Test-CurrentUserSavedShow | Check if one or more shows is already saved in the current Spotify user's library. |
Test-FollowedArtist | Check to see if the current user is following one or more artists. |
Test-FollowedPlaylist | Check to see if one or more Spotify users are following a specified playlist. |
Test-FollowedUser | Check to see if the current user is following one or more other Spotify users. |
For additional help, type:
get-help about_Spotishell
Save one or more albums from the current user's 'Your Music' library.
Add-CurrentUserSavedAlbum [-Id] [[-ApplicationName] ] []
-Id <Array>
One or more Spotify album Ids that you want to save
-ApplicationName <String>
Specifies the Spotify Application Name (otherwise default is used)
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------
PS C:>Add-CurrentUserSavedAlbum -Id 'blahblahblah'
Save the album with the Id of 'blahblahblah' for the user authed under the current Application
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------
PS C:>Add-CurrentUserSavedAlbum -Id 'blahblahblah','blahblahblah2'
Save both albums with the Id of 'blahblahblah' for the user authed under the current Application
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 3 --------------------------
PS C:>@('blahblahblah','blahblahblah2') | Add-CurrentUserSavedAlbum
Save both albums with the Id of 'blahblahblah' for the user authed under the current Application
Save one or more shows from current Spotify user's library.
Add-CurrentUserSavedShow [-Id] [[-ApplicationName] ] []
-Id <Array>
One or more Spotify show Ids that you want to save
-ApplicationName <String>
Specifies the Spotify Application Name (otherwise default is used)
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------
PS C:>Add-CurrentUserSavedShow -Id 'blahblahblah'
Save the show with the Id of 'blahblahblah' for the user authed under the current Application
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------
PS C:>Add-CurrentUserSavedShow -Id 'blahblahblah','blahblahblah2'
Save both shows with the Id of 'blahblahblah' for the user authed under the current Application
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 3 --------------------------
PS C:>@('blahblahblah','blahblahblah2') | Add-CurrentUserSavedShow
Save both shows with the Id of 'blahblahblah' for the user authed under the current Application
Save one or more tracks from the current user's 'Your Music' library.
Add-CurrentUserSavedTrack [-Id] [[-ApplicationName] ] []
-Id <Array>
One or more Spotify track Ids that you want to save
-ApplicationName <String>
Specifies the Spotify Application Name (otherwise default is used)
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------
PS C:>Add-CurrentUserSavedTrack -Id 'blahblahblah'
Save the track with the Id of 'blahblahblah' for the user authed under the current Application
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------
PS C:>Add-CurrentUserSavedTrack -Id 'blahblahblah','blahblahblah2'
Save both tracks with the Id of 'blahblahblah' for the user authed under the current Application
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 3 --------------------------
PS C:>@('blahblahblah','blahblahblah2') | Add-CurrentUserSavedTrack
Save both tracks with the Id of 'blahblahblah' for the user authed under the current Application
Add the current user as a follower of one or more artists.
Add-FollowedArtist [-Id] [[-ApplicationName] ] []
-Id <Array>
One or more Spotify artist Ids that you want to follow
-ApplicationName <String>
Specifies the Spotify Application Name (otherwise default is used)
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------
PS C:>Add-FollowedArtist -Id 'blahblahblah'
Add the artist with the Id of 'blahblahblah' to follow for the user authed under the current Application
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------
PS C:>Add-FollowedArtist -Id 'blahblahblah','blahblahblah2'
Add both artists with the Id of 'blahblahblah' to follow for the user authed under the current Application
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 3 --------------------------
PS C:>@('blahblahblah','blahblahblah2') | Add-FollowedArtist
Add both artists with the Id of 'blahblahblah' to follow for the user authed under the current Application
Add the current user as a follower of a playlist.
Add-FollowedPlaylist [-Id] [[-Public] ] [[-ApplicationName] ] []
-Id <String>
The spotify Id of the playlist we want to follow
-Public <Boolean>
If true the playlist will be included in user’s public playlists, if false it will remain private
-ApplicationName <String>
Specifies the Spotify Application Name (otherwise default is used)
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------
PS C:>Add-FollowedPlaylist -Id 'blahblahblah'
Add the playlist with the Id of 'blahblahblah' to follow for the user authed under the current application
Add the current user as a follower of one or more other Spotify users.
Add-FollowedUser [-Id] [[-ApplicationName] ] []
-Id <Array>
One or more Spotify user Ids that you want to follow
-ApplicationName <String>
Specifies the Spotify Application Name (otherwise default is used)
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------
PS C:>Add-FollowedUser -Id 'blahblahblah'
Add the user with the Id of 'blahblahblah' to follow for the user authed under the current Application
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------
PS C:>Add-FollowedUser -Id 'blahblahblah','blahblahblah2'
Add both users with the Id of 'blahblahblah' to follow for the user authed under the current Application
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 3 --------------------------
PS C:>@('blahblahblah','blahblahblah2') | Add-FollowedUser
Add both users with the Id of 'blahblahblah' to follow for the user authed under the current Application
Add an item to the end of the user's current playback queue.
Add-ItemInPlaybackQueue [-ItemUri] [[-DeviceId] ] [[-ApplicationName] ] []
-ItemUri <String>
The uri of the item to add to the queue. Must be a track or an episode uri.
-DeviceId <String>
The id of the device this command is targeting.
If not supplied, the user's currently active device is the target.
-ApplicationName <String>
Specifies the Spotify Application Name (otherwise default is used)
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------
PS C:>Add-ItemInPlaybackQueue
Skips to next song for user with username "blahblah"
Add one or more items to a user's playlist.
Add-PlaylistItem [-Id] [-ItemId] [[-Position] ] [[-ApplicationName] ] []
-Id <String>
The Spotify ID for the playlist.
-ItemId <Array>
Specifies the list of Spotify URIs to add, can be track or episode URIs.
-Position <Int32>
Specifies the position to insert the items, a zero-based index.
If omitted, the items will be appended to the playlist.
-ApplicationName <String>
Specifies the Spotify Application Name (otherwise default is used)
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------
PS C:>Add-PlaylistItem -Id 'myPlaylistId' -ItemId 'blahblahblah'
Add the Item with the Id of 'blahblahblah' to the playlist with Id 'myPlaylistId'
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------
PS C:>Add-PlaylistItem -Id 'myPlaylistId' -ItemId 'blahblahblah','blahblahblah2'
Add both items with the Id of 'blahblahblah' to the playlist with Id 'myPlaylistId'
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 3 --------------------------
PS C:>@('blahblahblah','blahblahblah2') | Add-PlaylistItem -Id
Add both items with the Id of 'blahblahblah' to the playlist with Id 'myPlaylistId'
Backup Library items to json file (FollowedArtists, Playlists, SavedAlbums, SavedShows, SavedTracks)
Backup-Library [-Path] [[-Type] ] [[-ApplicationName] ] []
-Path <String>
Path of the backup file you want to create
-Type <Array>
One or more items type to backup (All, FollowedArtists, SavedAlbums, SavedShows, SavedTracks)
-ApplicationName <String>
Specifies the Spotify Application Name (otherwise default is used)
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------
PS C:>Backup-Library -Path '.\mySpotifyBackup.json'
Backup all Library items into '.\mySpotifyBackup.json'
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------
PS C:>Backup-Library -Type FollowedArtists,SavedAlbums -Path '.\mySpotifyBackup.json'
Backup Followed Artists and Saved Albums items into '.\mySpotifyBackup.json'
Convert PSCustomObject to Hashtable
ConvertTo-Hashtable [-InputObject] []
Allows to convert one or an array of PSCustomObject to one or an array of Hashtable
-InputObject <PSObject>
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------
PS C:>Get-Content -Path $FilePath -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json | ConvertTo-Hashtable
Read a JSON file then convert it to a hashtable easier to modify
Reorder an item or a group of items in a playlist.
Edit-PlaylistOrder [-Id] [-RangeStart] [[-RangeLength] ] [-InsertBefore] [[-SnapshotId] ] [[-ApplicationName] ] []
-Id <String>
Specifies the Spotify ID for the playlist.
-RangeStart <Int32>
Specifies the position of the first item to be reordered.
-RangeLength <Int32>
Specifies the amount of items to be reordered. Defaults to 1 if not set.
The range of items to be reordered begins from the range_start position, and includes the range_length subsequent items.
-InsertBefore <Int32>
Specifies the position where the items should be inserted.
To reorder the items to the end of the playlist, simply set insert_before to the position after the last item.
-SnapshotId <String>
Specifies the playlist’s snapshot ID against which you want to make the changes.
-ApplicationName <String>
Specifies the Spotify Application Name (otherwise default is used)
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------
PS C:>Edit-PlaylistOrder -Id 'blahblahblah' -RangeStart 0 -InsertBefore 4
Moves the first item to the fifth position in the playlist with id 'blahblahblah'
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------
PS C:>Edit-PlaylistOrder -Id 'blahblahblah' -RangeStart 1 -RangeLength 2 -InsertBefore 3
Moves the second and third items to the fourth position in the playlist with id 'blahblahblah'
Get Spotify catalog information for one or more albums identified by their Spotify IDs.
Get-Album [-Id] [[-ApplicationName] ] []
-Id <Array>
One or more Album Ids
-ApplicationName <String>
Specifies the Spotify Application Name (otherwise default is used)
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------
PS C:>Get-Album -Id 'blahblahblah'
Retrieves an album from Spotify with the Id of 'blahblahblah'
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------
PS C:>Get-Album -Id 'blahblahblah','blahblahblah2'
Retrieves both specified albums from Spotify with Ids 'blahblahblah' and 'blahblahblah2'
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 3 --------------------------
PS C:>@('blahblahblah','blahblahblah2') | Get-Album
Retrieves both specified albums from Spotify with Ids 'blahblahblah' and 'blahblahblah2'
Get Spotify catalog information about an album’s tracks.
Get-AlbumTracks [-Id] [[-ApplicationName] ] []
-Id <String>
Specifies the album Id
-ApplicationName <String>
Specifies the Spotify Application Name (otherwise default is used)
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------
PS C:>Get-AlbumTracks -Id 'blahblahblah'
Retrieves album tracks from spotify album with the Id of "blahblahblah"
Get Spotify catalog information for one or more artists based on their Spotify IDs.
Get-Artist [-Id] [[-ApplicationName] ] []
-Id <Array>
One or more Artist Ids
-ApplicationName <String>
Specifies the Spotify Application Name (otherwise default is used)
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------
PS C:>Get-Artist -Id 'blahblahblah'
Retrieves an artist from Spotify with the Id of 'blahblahblah'
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------
PS C:>Get-Artist -Id 'blahblahblah','blahblahblah2'
Retrieves both specified artists from Spotify with Ids 'blahblahblah' and 'blahblahblah2'
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 3 --------------------------
PS C:>@('blahblahblah','blahblahblah2') | Get-Artist
Retrieves both specified artists from Spotify with Ids 'blahblahblah' and 'blahblahblah2'
Get Spotify catalog information about an artist’s albums.
Get-ArtistAlbums [-Id] [-Album] [-Single] [-AppearsOn] [-Compilation] [[-ApplicationName] ] []
-Id <String>
This is the Id of the artist you want to get albums for
-Album <SwitchParameter>
Filter to get Albums of this artist
-Single <SwitchParameter>
Filter to get Singles of this artist
-AppearsOn <SwitchParameter>
Filter to get Albums where this artist appears on
-Compilation <SwitchParameter>
Filter to get Compilations of this artist
-ApplicationName <String>
Specifies the Spotify Application Name (otherwise default is used)
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------
PS C:>Get-ArtistAlbums -Id "blahblah" -Album -AppearsOn
Retrieves an artist's albums from Spotify with the Id of "blahblahblah". This will only return albums and appears on albums.
Get Spotify catalog information about artists similar to a given artist. Similarity is based on analysis of the Spotify community’s listening history.
Get-ArtistRelatedArtists [-Id] [[-ApplicationName] ] []
-Id <String>
The Id of the artist we want to look up
-ApplicationName <String>
Specifies the Spotify Application Name (otherwise default is used)
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------
PS C:>Get-ArtistRelatedArtists -Id 'blahblahblah'
Retrieves artists related to artist with Id of 'blahblahblah'
Get Spotify catalog information about an artist’s top tracks by country.
Get-ArtistTopTracks [-Id] [[-Country] ] [[-ApplicationName] ] []
-Id <String>
The artist's Spotify Id
-Country <String>
Specifies the country (ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2) of top tracks listing. (otherwise Country of Spotify account)
-ApplicationName <String>
Specifies the Spotify Application Name (otherwise default is used)
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------
PS C:>Get-ArtistTopTracks -Id 'blahblahblah'
Retrieves top tracks by artist with Id 'blahblahblah' in your country
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------
PS C:>Get-ArtistTopTracks -Id 'blahblahblah' -Country 'US'
Retrieves top tracks by artist with Id 'blahblahblah' in the market 'US'
Get information about a user's available devices.
Get-AvailableDevices [[-ApplicationName] ] []
-ApplicationName <String>
Specifies the Spotify Application Name (otherwise default is used)
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------
PS C:>Get-AvailableDevices
Retrieves list of available devices
Get one or more categories used to tag items in Spotify (on, for example, the Spotify player’s “Browse� tab).
Get-Category [[-Id] ] [[-Country] ] [[-Locale] ] [[-ApplicationName] ] []
-Id <String>
Specifies the category's Id we want to pull info on.
-Country <String>
Specifies the country if you want to narrow the list of returned categories to those relevant to a particular country
Uses "ISO 3166-1 alpha-2" country code :
Ex : FR
-Locale <String>
Specifies the desired language
Uses an "ISO 639-1" language code and an "ISO 3166-1 alpha-2" country code, joined by an underscore
Ex : es_MX meaning Spanish (Mexico)
-ApplicationName <String>
Specifies the Spotify Application Name (otherwise default is used)
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------
PS C:>Get-Category -Id 'toplists'
Retrieves details on a specific category with Id 'toplists'
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------
PS C:>Get-Category
Retrieves details on all categories
Get a list of Spotify playlists tagged with a particular category.
Get-CategoryPlaylists [-Id] [[-Country] ] [[-ApplicationName] ] []
-Id <String>
The Id of the category we want to pull info on.
-Country <String>
Specifies the country if you want to narrow the list of returned categories to those relevant to a particular country
Uses "ISO 3166-1 alpha-2" country code :
Ex : FR
-ApplicationName <String>
Specifies the Spotify Application Name (otherwise default is used)
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------
PS C:>Get-CategoryPlaylists 'toplists'
Retrieves details on a specific category with Id "toplists"
Get information about the user's current playback state, including track, track progress, and active device.
Get-CurrentPlaybackInfo [[-ApplicationName] ] []
-ApplicationName <String>
Specifies the Spotify Application Name (otherwise default is used)
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------
PS C:>Get-CurrentPlaybackInfo
Retrieves the current playback status
Get the object currently being played on the user’s Spotify account.
Get-CurrentTrack [[-ApplicationName] ] []
-ApplicationName <String>
Specifies the Spotify Application Name (otherwise default is used)
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------
PS C:>Get-CurrentTrack
Retrieves the current playing track
Get a list of the playlists owned or followed by the current Spotify user.
Get-CurrentUserPlaylists [[-ApplicationName] ] []
-ApplicationName <String>
Specifies the Spotify Application Name (otherwise default is used)
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------
PS C:>Get-CurrentUserPlaylists
Grabs data of all current user's playlists
Get info on the current user's profile
Get-CurrentUserProfile [[-ApplicationName] ] []
-ApplicationName <String>
Specifies the Spotify Application Name (otherwise default is used)
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------
PS C:>Get-CurrentUserProfile
Gets profile info for the user authed under the current access token
Get a list of the albums saved in the current Spotify user's 'Your Music' library.
Get-CurrentUserSavedAlbums [[-ApplicationName] ] []
-ApplicationName <String>
Specifies the Spotify Application Name (otherwise default is used)
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------
PS C:>Get-CurrentUserSavedAlbums
Grabs data of all saved albums and returns them in a list
Get a list of shows saved in the current Spotify user's library.
Get-CurrentUserSavedShows [[-ApplicationName] ] []
-ApplicationName <String>
Specifies the Spotify Application Name (otherwise default is used)
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------
PS C:>Get-CurrentUserSavedShows
Grabs data of all saved shows and returns them in a list
Get a list of the songs saved in the current Spotify user's 'Your Music' library.
Get-CurrentUserSavedTracks [[-ApplicationName] ] []
-ApplicationName <String>
Specifies the Spotify Application Name (otherwise default is used)
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------
PS C:>Get-CurrentUserSavedTracks
Grabs data of all saved tracks and returns them in a list
Get the current user's top artists based on calculated affinity.
Get-CurrentUserTopArtists [[-TimeRange] ] [[-ApplicationName] ] []
-TimeRange <String>
Long: calculated from several years of data and including all new data as it becomes available
Medium (default): approximately last 6 months
Short: approximately last 4 weeks
-ApplicationName <String>
Specifies the Spotify Application Name (otherwise default is used)
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------
PS C:>Get-CurrentUserTopArtists -TimeRange Long
Gets top artists for user over several years
Get the current user's top tracks based on calculated affinity.
Get-CurrentUserTopTracks [[-TimeRange] ] [[-ApplicationName] ] []
-TimeRange <String>
Long: calculated from several years of data and including all new data as it becomes available
Medium (default): approximately last 6 months
Short: approximately last 4 weeks
-ApplicationName <String>
Specifies the Spotify Application Name (otherwise default is used)
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------
PS C:>Get-CurrentUserTopTracks -TimeRange Long
Gets top tracks for user over several years
Get Spotify catalog information for one or more episodes based on their Spotify IDs.
Get-Episode [-Id] [[-ApplicationName] ] []
-Id <Array>
One or more Episode Ids
-ApplicationName <String>
Specifies the Spotify Application Name (otherwise default is used)
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------
PS C:>Get-Episode -Id 'blahblahblah'
Retrieves an episode from Spotify with the Id of 'blahblahblah'
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------
PS C:>Get-Episode -Id 'blahblahblah','blahblahblah2'
Retrieves both specified episodes from Spotify with Ids 'blahblahblah' and 'blahblahblah2'
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 3 --------------------------
PS C:>@('blahblahblah','blahblahblah2') | Get-Episode
Retrieves both specified episodes from Spotify with Ids 'blahblahblah' and 'blahblahblah2'
Get a list of Spotify featured playlists (shown, for example, on a Spotify player’s ‘Browse’ tab).
Get-FeaturedPlaylists [[-Country] ] [[-Locale] ] [[-Timestamp] ] [[-ApplicationName] ] []
-Country <String>
Specifies the country if you want to narrow the list of returned categories to those relevant to a particular country
If omitted, the returned items will be relevant to all countries.
Uses "ISO 3166-1 alpha-2" country code :
Ex : FR
-Locale <String>
Specifies the desired language
Uses an "ISO 639-1" language code and an "ISO 3166-1 alpha-2" country code, joined by an underscore
Ex : es_MX meaning Spanish (Mexico)
-Timestamp <String>
Specifies the user’s local time to get results tailored for that specific date and time in the day.
uses ISO 8601 format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.
Ex : 2014-10-23T09:00:00
-ApplicationName <String>
Specifies the Spotify Application Name (otherwise default is used)
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------
PS C:>Get-FeaturedPlaylists
Retrieves all featured playlists
Get the current user’s followed artists.
Get-FollowedArtists [[-ApplicationName] ] []
-ApplicationName <String>
Specifies the Spotify Application Name (otherwise default is used)
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------
PS C:>Get-FollowedArtists
Grabs data of all followed artist and returns them in a list
Get a list of new album releases featured in Spotify (shown, for example, on a Spotify player’s “Browse� tab).
Get-NewReleases [[-Country] ] [[-ApplicationName] ] []
-Country <String>
Specifies the country if you want to narrow the list of returned categories to those relevant to a particular country
If omitted, the returned items will be relevant to all countries.
Uses "ISO 3166-1 alpha-2" country code :
Ex : FR
-ApplicationName <String>
Specifies the Spotify Application Name (otherwise default is used)
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------
PS C:>Get-NewReleases
Retrieves all new releases
Get a playlist owned by a Spotify user.
Get-Playlist [-Id] [[-Fields] ] [[-Market] ] [[-ApplicationName] ] []
-Id <String>
Specifies the playlist Id
-Fields <String>
Filters for the query: a comma-separated list of the fields to return. If omitted, all fields are returned.
For example, to get just the playlist’s description and URI: 'description,uri'.
A dot separator can be used to specify non-reoccurring fields, while parentheses can be used to specify reoccurring fields within objects.
For example, to get just the added date and user ID of the adder: 'tracks.items(added_at,'.
Use multiple parentheses to drill down into nested objects.
For example: 'tracks.items(track(name,href,album(name,href)))'.
Fields can be excluded by prefixing them with an exclamation mark.
For example: 'tracks.items(track(name,href,album(!name,href)))'
-Market <String>
Specifies an ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code or the string from_token.
-ApplicationName <String>
Specifies the Spotify Application Name (otherwise default is used)
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------
PS C:>Get-Playlist -Id 'blahblahblah'
Retrieves a playlist with the Id of 'blahblahblah'
Get the current image associated with a specific playlist.
Get-PlaylistCoverImage [-Id] [[-ApplicationName] ] []
-Id <String>
Specifies the Spotify ID for the playlist.
-ApplicationName <String>
Specifies the Spotify Application Name (otherwise default is used)
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------
PS C:>Get-PlaylistCoverImage -Id 'thisPlaylistId'
Grabs image information of playlists with Id 'thisPlaylistId'
Get a playlist owned by a Spotify user.
Get-PlaylistItems [-Id] [[-Field] ] [[-Market] ] [[-ApplicationName] ] []
-Id <String>
Specifies the Spotify ID for the playlist.
-Field <String>
Filters for the query: a comma-separated list of the fields to return. If omitted, all fields are returned.
For example, to get just the total number of items and the request limit: 'total,limit'
A dot separator can be used to specify non-reoccurring fields, while parentheses can be used to specify reoccurring fields within objects.
For example, to get just the added date and user ID of the adder: 'items(added_at,'.
Use multiple parentheses to drill down into nested objects.
For example: 'items(track(name,href,album(name,href)))'.
Fields can be excluded by prefixing them with an exclamation mark.
For example: 'items.track.album(!external_urls,images)'
-Market <String>
Specifies an ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code or the string from_token.
-ApplicationName <String>
Specifies the Spotify Application Name (otherwise default is used)
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------
PS C:>Get-PlaylistItems -Id 'blahblahblah'
Retrieves tracks or episodes of the playlist with the Id of 'blahblahblah'
Get tracks from the current user's recently played tracks.
Get-RecentlyPlayedTracks [[-ApplicationName] ] []
-ApplicationName <String>
Specifies the Spotify Application Name (otherwise default is used)
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------
PS C:>Get-RecentlyPlayed
Retrieves the recently played tracks
Retrieve a list of available genres seed parameter values for recommendations.
Get-RecommendationGenres [[-ApplicationName] ] []
-ApplicationName <String>
Specifies the Spotify Application Name (otherwise default is used)
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------
PS C:>Get-RecommendationGenres
Retrieves all recommendation genres from Spotify
Create a playlist-style listening experience based on seed artists, tracks and genres.
Get-Recommendations [[-SeedArtists] ] [[-SeedGenres] ] [[-SeedTracks] ] [[-OtherFilters] ] [[-ApplicationName] ] []
Recommendations are generated based on the available information for a given seed entity and matched against similar artists and tracks. If there is sufficient information about the provided seeds, a list of tracks will be returned together with pool size details.
-SeedArtists <Array>
Specifies a comma separated list of spotify Ids for artists.
Up to 5 seed values may be provided in any combination of SeedArtists, SeedTracks and SeedGenres.
-SeedGenres <Array>
Specifies a comma separated list of any genres in the set of available genre seeds.
Up to 5 seed values may be provided in any combination of SeedArtists, SeedTracks and SeedGenres.
-SeedTracks <Array>
Specifies a comma separated list of Spotify IDs for a seed track.
Up to 5 seed values may be provided in any combination of SeedArtists, SeedTracks and SeedGenres.
-OtherFilters <Array>
Specifies a list of additional query parameters in min_*, max_* and target_* list (
Ex : @('min_acousticness=1.0','max_energy=1.0','min_popularity=50')
-ApplicationName <String>
Specifies the Spotify Application Name (otherwise default is used)
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------
PS C:>Get-Recommendations -SeedArtists @('artist1', 'artist2') -SeedGenres @('genre1') -SeedTracks @('track1')
Retrieves recommendations based on all provided attributes
Gets one or more shows.
Get-Show [-Id] [[-ApplicationName] ] []
-Id <Array>
One or more Show Ids
-ApplicationName <String>
Specifies the Spotify Application Name (otherwise default is used)
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------
PS C:>Get-Show -Id 'blahblahblah'
Retrieves a show from Spotify with the Id of 'blahblahblah'
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------
PS C:>Get-Show -Id 'blahblahblah','blahblahblah2'
Retrieves both specified shows from Spotify with Ids 'blahblahblah' and 'blahblahblah2'
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 3 --------------------------
PS C:>@('blahblahblah','blahblahblah2') | Get-Show
Retrieves both specified shows from Spotify with Ids 'blahblahblah' and 'blahblahblah2'
Get Spotify catalog information about a show's episodes. Optional parameters can be used to limit the number of episodes returned.
Get-ShowEpisodes [-Id] [[-ApplicationName] ] []
-Id <String>
Specifies the Show Id
-ApplicationName <String>
Specifies the Spotify Application Name (otherwise default is used)
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------
PS C:>Get-ShowEpisodes -Id 'blahblahblah'
Retrieves show episodes from spotify show with the Id of "blahblahblah"
Retrieves saved spotify credential
Get-SpotifyApplication [[-Name] ] [-All] []
Finds saved spotify credential on local machine if there is one.
-Name <String>
Specifies the name of the spotify application you're looking for
-All <SwitchParameter>
Specifies that you're looking for all Spotify Application in store
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------
PS C:>Get-SpotifyApplication
Looks for a saved spotify application file of the name 'default'
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------
PS C:>Get-SpotifyApplication -Name 'dev'
Looks for a saved spotify application file of the name 'dev'
Get Spotify catalog information for one or more tracks based on their Spotify IDs.
Get-Track [-Id] [[-ApplicationName] ] []
-Id <Array>
One or more Track Ids
-ApplicationName <String>
Specifies the Spotify Application Name (otherwise default is used)
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------
PS C:>Get-Track -Id 'blahblahblah'
Retrieves an track from Spotify with the Id of 'blahblahblah'
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------
PS C:>Get-Track -Id 'blahblahblah','blahblahblah2'
Retrieves both specified tracks from Spotify with Ids 'blahblahblah' and 'blahblahblah2'
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 3 --------------------------
PS C:>@('blahblahblah','blahblahblah2') | Get-Track
Retrieves both specified tracks from Spotify with Ids 'blahblahblah' and 'blahblahblah2'
Get a detailed audio analysis for a single track identified by its unique Spotify ID.
Get-TrackAudioAnalysis [-Id] [[-ApplicationName] ] []
-Id <String>
The Spotify ID for the track.
-ApplicationName <String>
Specifies the Spotify Application Name (otherwise default is used)
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------
PS C:>Get-TrackAudioAnalysis -Id 'blahblahblah'
Retrieves audio analysis for a track from spotify with the Id of 'blahblahblah'
Get audio features for one or more tracks based on their Spotify IDs.
Get-TrackAudioFeature [-Id] [[-ApplicationName] ] []
-Id <Array>
One or more Track Ids
-ApplicationName <String>
Specifies the Spotify Application Name (otherwise default is used)
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------
PS C:>Get-TrackAudioFeature -Id 'blahblahblah'
Retrieves audio features for track from Spotify with the Id of 'blahblahblah'
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------
PS C:>Get-TrackAudioFeature -Id 'blahblahblah','blahblahblah2'
Retrieves audio features for both specified tracks from Spotify with Ids 'blahblahblah' and 'blahblahblah2'
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 3 --------------------------
PS C:>@('blahblahblah','blahblahblah2') | Get-TrackAudioFeature
Retrieves audio features for both specified tracks from Spotify with Ids 'blahblahblah' and 'blahblahblah2'
Get a list of the playlists owned or followed by a Spotify user.
Get-UserPlaylists [-Id] [[-ApplicationName] ] []
-Id <String>
Specifies the Spotify user we want to search for
-ApplicationName <String>
Specifies the Spotify Application Name (otherwise default is used)
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------
PS C:>Get-UserPlaylists -Id 'thisUserId'
Grabs data of playlists of user with Id 'thisUserId'
Get public profile information about a Spotify user.
Get-UserProfile [[-UserId] ] [[-ApplicationName] ] []
-UserId <String>
Specifies the spotify user we want to search for
-ApplicationName <String>
Specifies the Spotify Application Name (otherwise default is used)
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------
PS C:>Get-UserProfile 'myusername'
Gets the public user profile information about myusername
Skips to next track in the user's queue.
Invoke-NextTrack [[-DeviceId] ] [[-ApplicationName] ] []
-DeviceId <String>
The id of the device this command is targeting.
If not supplied, the user's currently active device is the target.
-ApplicationName <String>
Specifies the Spotify Application Name (otherwise default is used)
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------
PS C:>Invoke-NextTrack
Skips to next track
Skips to previous track in the user's queue.
Invoke-PreviousTrack [[-DeviceId] ] [[-ApplicationName] ] []
Note that this will always skip to the previous track, regardless of the current track’s progress.
-DeviceId <String>
The id of the device this command is targeting.
If not supplied, the user's currently active device is the target.
-ApplicationName <String>
Specifies the Spotify Application Name (otherwise default is used)
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------
PS C:>Invoke-PreviousTrack
Skips to previous track
Seeks to the given position in the user's currently playing track.
Invoke-SeekPositionCurrentTrack [-PositionMs] [[-DeviceId] ] [[-ApplicationName] ] []
-PositionMs <Int32>
The position in milliseconds to seek to.
Must be a positive number.
Passing in a position that is greater than the length of the track will cause the player to start playing the next song.
-DeviceId <String>
The id of the device this command is targeting.
If not supplied, the user's currently active device is the target.
-ApplicationName <String>
Specifies the Spotify Application Name (otherwise default is used)
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------
PS C:>Invoke-SeekPositionCurrentTrack -PositionMs 120000
Seeks current track to position 2:00
Display a ascii spotishell logo on screen.
Invoke-SpotishellLogo []
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------
PS C:>Invoke-Ascii
Display a ascii spotishell logo on screen.
Transfer playback to a new device and determine if it should start playing.
Move-Playback [-DeviceId] [[-Play] ] [[-ApplicationName] ] []
-DeviceId <String>
The id of the device this command is targeting.
If not supplied, the user's currently active device is the target.
-Play <Boolean>
Specifies if it should start playing.
$true: ensure playback happens on new device.
$false or not provided: keep the current playback state.
-ApplicationName <String>
Specifies the Spotify Application Name (otherwise default is used)
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------
PS C:>Move-Playback -DeviceId '6ea768bcdce0c0be68b0905d8afe500107abea70'
Transfer playback to the device with id '6ea768bcdce0c0be68b0905d8afe500107abea70'
Create a playlist for a Spotify user. (The playlist will be empty until you add tracks.)
New-Playlist [-UserId] [-Name] [[-Public] ] [[-Collaborative] ] [[-Description] ] [[-ApplicationName] ] []
-UserId <String>
Specifies the user's Spotify user ID.
-Name <String>
The name for the new playlist
This name does not need to be unique; a user may have several playlists with the same name.
-Public <Boolean>
$True the playlist will be public (default)
$False it will be private
-Collaborative <Boolean>
$True the playlist will be collaborative.
$False the playlist will not be collaborative (default)
Note that to create a collaborative playlist you must also set Public to false .
-Description <String>
Value for playlist description as displayed in Spotify Clients and in the Web API.
-ApplicationName <String>
Specifies the Spotify Application Name (otherwise default is used)
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------
PS C:>New-Playlist -UserId (Get-CurrentUserProfile).id -Name 'New Playlist'
Create a new playlist named 'New Playlist'
Creates a new application
New-SpotifyApplication [[-Name] ] [-ClientId] [-ClientSecret] [[-RedirectUri] ] []
Creates a new application and saves it locally (file) so you may re-use it without setting it every time
-Name <String>
Specifies the name of the application you want to save ('default' if not specified).
-ClientId <String>
Specifies the Client ID of the Spotify Application
-ClientSecret <String>
Specifies the Client Secret of the Spotify Application
-RedirectUri <String>
Specifies the Redirect Uri of the Spotify Application
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------
PS C:>New-SpotifyApplication -ClientId 'ClientIdOfSpotifyApplication' -ClientSecret 'ClientSecretOfSpotifyApplication'
Creates the default application json in the store, named default.json and containing default as Name, ClientId and ClientSecret.
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------
PS C:>New-SpotifyApplication -Name 'dev' -ClientId 'ClientIdOfSpotifyApplication' -ClientSecret 'ClientSecretOfSpotifyApplication'
Creates a new application json in the store, named dev.json and containing Name, ClientId and ClientSecret.
Remove one or more albums from the current user's 'Your Music' library.
Remove-CurrentUserSavedAlbum [-Id] [[-ApplicationName] ] []
-Id <Array>
One or more Spotify album Ids that you want to remove
-ApplicationName <String>
Specifies the Spotify Application Name (otherwise default is used)
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------
PS C:>Remove-CurrentUserSavedAlbum -Id 'blahblahblah'
Remove the saved album with the Id of 'blahblahblah' for the user authed under the current Application
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------
PS C:>Remove-CurrentUserSavedAlbum -Id 'blahblahblah','blahblahblah2'
Remove both saved albums with the Id of 'blahblahblah' for the user authed under the current Application
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 3 --------------------------
PS C:>@('blahblahblah','blahblahblah2') | Remove-CurrentUserSavedAlbum
Remove both saved albums with the Id of 'blahblahblah' for the user authed under the current Application
Delete one or more shows from current Spotify user's library.
Remove-CurrentUserSavedShow [-Id] [[-ApplicationName] ] []
-Id <Array>
One or more Spotify show Ids that you want to remove
-ApplicationName <String>
Specifies the Spotify Application Name (otherwise default is used)
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------
PS C:>Remove-CurrentUserSavedShow -Id 'blahblahblah'
Remove the saved show with the Id of 'blahblahblah' for the user authed under the current Application
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------
PS C:>Remove-CurrentUserSavedShow -Id 'blahblahblah','blahblahblah2'
Remove both saved shows with the Id of 'blahblahblah' for the user authed under the current Application
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 3 --------------------------
PS C:>@('blahblahblah','blahblahblah2') | Remove-CurrentUserSavedShow
Remove both saved shows with the Id of 'blahblahblah' for the user authed under the current Application
Remove one or more tracks from the current user's 'Your Music' library.
Remove-CurrentUserSavedTrack [-Id] [[-ApplicationName] ] []
-Id <Array>
One or more Spotify track Ids that you want to remove
-ApplicationName <String>
Specifies the Spotify Application Name (otherwise default is used)
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------
PS C:>Remove-CurrentUserSavedTrack -Id 'blahblahblah'
Remove the saved track with the Id of 'blahblahblah' for the user authed under the current Application
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------
PS C:>Remove-CurrentUserSavedTrack -Id 'blahblahblah','blahblahblah2'
Remove both saved tracks with the Id of 'blahblahblah' for the user authed under the current Application
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 3 --------------------------
PS C:>@('blahblahblah','blahblahblah2') | Remove-CurrentUserSavedTrack
Remove both saved tracks with the Id of 'blahblahblah' for the user authed under the current Application
Remove the current user as a follower of one or more artists.
Remove-FollowedArtist [-Id] [[-ApplicationName] ] []
-Id <Array>
One or more Spotify artist Ids that you want to unfollow
-ApplicationName <String>
Specifies the Spotify Application Name (otherwise default is used)
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------
PS C:>Remove-FollowedArtist -Id 'blahblahblah'
Remove the artist with the Id of 'blahblahblah' to follow for the user authed under the current Application
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------
PS C:>Remove-FollowedArtist -Id 'blahblahblah','blahblahblah2'
Remove both artists with the Id of 'blahblahblah' to follow for the user authed under the current Application
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 3 --------------------------
PS C:>@('blahblahblah','blahblahblah2') | Remove-FollowedArtist
Remove both artists with the Id of 'blahblahblah' to follow for the user authed under the current Application
Remove the current user as a follower of a playlist.
Remove-FollowedPlaylist [-Id] [[-ApplicationName] ] []
-Id <String>
The spotify Id of the playlist we want to unfollow
-ApplicationName <String>
Specifies the Spotify Application Name (otherwise default is used)
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------
PS C:>Remove-FollowedPlaylist -Id 'blahblahblah'
Remove the playlist with the Id of 'blahblahblah' to follow for the user authed under the current application
Remove the current user as a follower of one or more other Spotify users.
Remove-FollowedUser [-Id] [[-ApplicationName] ] []
-Id <Array>
One or more Spotify user Ids that you want to unfollow
-ApplicationName <String>
Specifies the Spotify Application Name (otherwise default is used)
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------
PS C:>Remove-FollowedUser -Id 'blahblahblah'
Remove the user with the Id of 'blahblahblah' to follow for the user authed under the current Application
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------
PS C:>Remove-FollowedUser -Id 'blahblahblah','blahblahblah2'
Remove both users with the Id of 'blahblahblah' to follow for the user authed under the current Application
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 3 --------------------------
PS C:>@('blahblahblah','blahblahblah2') | Remove-FollowedUser
Remove both users with the Id of 'blahblahblah' to follow for the user authed under the current Application
Remove one or more items from a user's playlist.
Remove-PlaylistItems [-Id] [-Track] [[-SnapshotId] ] [[-ApplicationName] ] []
-Id <String>
Specifies the Spotify ID for the playlist.
-Track <Array>
An array of objects containing Spotify URIs of the tracks and episodes to remove
It may contains specific positions of each tracks/episodes to remove (zero-indexed)
-SnapshotId <String>
The playlist's snapshot ID against which you want to make the changes.
The API will validate that the specified items exist and in the specified positions and make the changes, even if more recent changes have been made to the playlist.
-ApplicationName <String>
Specifies the Spotify Application Name (otherwise default is used)
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------
PS C:>Remove-PlaylistItems -Id 'myPlaylistId' -Track @(@{uri = 'spotify:track:4iV5W9uYEdYUVa79Axb7Rh' }, @{uri = 'spotify:track:1301WleyT98MSxVHPZCA6M' })
Removes all occurrences of both tracks by specifying only uris in playlist with Id 'myPlaylistId'
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------
PS C:>Remove-PlaylistItems -Id 'myPlaylistId' -Track @(@{uri = 'spotify:track:4iV5W9uYEdYUVa79Axb7Rh'; positions = @(0, 3) }, @{uri = 'spotify:track:1301WleyT98MSxVHPZCA6M' ; positions = @(7) })
Removes specific occurrence of both tracks by specifying both the uris and items positions in the playlist with Id 'myPlaylistId'
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 3 --------------------------
PS C:>Remove-PlaylistItems -Id 'myPlaylistId' -Track @(@{uri = 'spotify:track:4iV5W9uYEdYUVa79Axb7Rh' }) -SnapshotId 'mySuperPlaylistSnapshot'
Removes all occurrences of both tracks in the specific snapshot with Id 'mySuperPlaylistSnapshot' of the playlist
Removes saved spotify credential
Remove-SpotifyApplication [[-Name] ] []
Removes saved spotify credential on local machine if there is one.
-Name <String>
Specifies the name of the spotify application you want to remove
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------
PS C:>Remove-SpotifyApplication
Remove a saved spotify application file of the name 'default'
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------
PS C:>Remove-SpotifyApplication -Name 'dev'
Remove a saved spotify application file of the name 'dev'
Restore Library items from json file (Playlists, FollowedArtists, SavedAlbums, SavedShows, SavedTracks)
Restore-Library [-Path] [[-Type] ] [[-ApplicationName] ] []
-Path <String>
Path of the backup file you want to restore
-Type <Array>
One or more items type to restore (All, FollowedArtists, SavedAlbums, SavedShows, SavedTracks)
-ApplicationName <String>
Specifies the Spotify Application Name (otherwise default is used)
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------
PS C:>Restore-Library -Path $FilePath
Restore all Library items from '.\mySpotifyBackup.json'
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------
PS C:>Restore-Library -Type FollowedArtists,SavedAlbums -Path $FilePath
Restore Followed Artists and Saved Albums items from '.\mySpotifyBackup.json'
Resume current playback on the user's active device.
Resume-Playback [[-DeviceId] ] [[-ApplicationName] ] []
-DeviceId <Array>
The id of the device this command is targeting.
If not supplied, the user's currently active device is the target.
-ApplicationName <String>
Specifies the Spotify Application Name (otherwise default is used)
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------
PS C:>Resume-Playback
Resumes current playback on the user's active device
Get Spotify Catalog information about albums, artists, playlists, tracks, shows or episodes that match a keyword string.
Search-Item [-Query] [-Type] [[-Market] ] [-IncludeExternalAudio] [[-ApplicationName] ] []
-Query <String>
Specifies the Search query keywords and optional field filters and operators.
Keyword matching: Matching of search keywords is not case-sensitive. Operators, however, should be specified in uppercase.
Unless surrounded by double quotation marks, keywords are matched in any order.
Operator: The operator NOT can be used to exclude results.
the OR operator can be used to broaden the search
Field filters: By default, results are returned when a match is found in any field of the target object type.
Searches can be made more specific by specifying an album, artist or track field filter.
To limit the results to a particular year, use the field filter year with album, artist, and track searches.
To retrieve only albums released in the last two weeks, use the field filter tag:new in album searches
More details and exemple here :
-Type <Array>
A list of item types to search across.
Valid types are: All, Album, Artist, Playlist, Track, Show and Episode
-Market <String>
An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code or the string from_token.
If a country code is specified, only artists, albums, and tracks with content that is playable in that market is returned.
-IncludeExternalAudio <SwitchParameter>
Specifies to include any relevant audio content that is hosted externally in the response.
-ApplicationName <String>
Specifies the Spotify Application Name (otherwise default is used)
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------
PS C:>Search-Item -Query 'Adam Tell' -Type Artist
Will search for just artists containing both words 'Adam' and 'Tell'
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------
PS C:>Search-Item -Query 'Party' -Type All
Will search for anything named 'Party'.
Replace the image used to represent a specific playlist.
Send-PlaylistCoverImage -Id -ImagePath [-ApplicationName ] []
Send-PlaylistCoverImage -Id -ImageBase64 [-ApplicationName ] []
-Id <String>
Specifies the Spotify ID for the playlist.
-ImagePath <String>
Path to a JPEG Image file to send. (~190KB max size)
-ImageBase64 <String>
-ApplicationName <String>
Specifies the Spotify Application Name (otherwise default is used)
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------
PS C:>Send-PlaylistCoverImage -Id 'blahblahblah' -ImagePath '..\myCoverImage.jpg'
Set cover image of the playlist with id 'blahblahblah' using '..\myCoverImage.jpg'
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------
Set a smiley cover image on the playlist with id 'blahblahblah'
Set the volume for the user's current playback device.
Set-PlaybackVolume [-VolumePercent] [[-DeviceId] ] [[-ApplicationName] ] []
-VolumePercent <Int32>
The volume to set. (0-100)
-DeviceId <String>
The id of the device this command is targeting.
If not supplied, the user's currently active device is the target.
-ApplicationName <String>
Specifies the Spotify Application Name (otherwise default is used)
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------
PS C:>Set-PlaybackVolume -VolumePercent 70
Sets playback volume to 70
Change a playlist's name and public/private state. (The user must, of course, own the playlist.)
Set-Playlist [-Id] [[-Name] ] [[-Public] ] [[-Collaborative] ] [[-Description] ] [[-ApplicationName] ] []
-Id <String>
The Spotify ID for the playlist.
-Name <String>
Specifies the new name for the playlist
-Public <Boolean>
$True the playlist will be public
$False it will be private
-Collaborative <Boolean>
$True the playlist will become collaborative and other users will be able to modify the playlist in their Spotify client.
Note: You can only set collaborative to true on non-public playlists.
-Description <String>
Value for playlist description as displayed in Spotify Clients and in the Web API.
-ApplicationName <String>
Specifies the Spotify Application Name (otherwise default is used)
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------
PS C:>Set-Playlist -Id 'myplaylistId' -Name 'New Playlist Name'
Change the name of the playlist with Id 'myplaylistId'
Replace all the items in a playlist, overwriting its existing items.
Set-PlaylistItems [-Id] [[-Uris] ] [[-ApplicationName] ] []
-Id <String>
Specifies the Spotify ID for the playlist.
-Uris <Array>
Specifies an array of the Spotify URIs to set, can be track or episode URIs.
-ApplicationName <String>
Specifies the Spotify Application Name (otherwise default is used)
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------
PS C:>Set-PlaylistItems -Id 'blahblahblah'
Empties the playlist with id 'blahblahblah'
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------
PS C:>Set-PlaylistItems -Id 'blahblahblah' -Uris @('spotify:track:4iV5W9uYEdYUVa79Axb7Rh','spotify:track:1301WleyT98MSxVHPZCA6M')
Put both uris in the playlist with id 'blahblahblah' (previous content of the playlist is lost)
Set the repeat mode for the user's playback. Options are repeat-track, repeat-context, and off.
Set-RepeatMode [-State] [[-DeviceId] ] [[-ApplicationName] ] []
-State <String>
Specifies the repeat mode to set
Track will repeat the current track.
Context will repeat the current context.
Off will turn repeat off.
-DeviceId <String>
The id of the device this command is targeting.
If not supplied, the user's currently active device is the target.
-ApplicationName <String>
Specifies the Spotify Application Name (otherwise default is used)
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------
PS C:>Set-RepeatMode -State Track
Set Repeat mode on current track
Toggle shuffle on or off for user's playback.
Set-ShufflePlayback [-State] [[-DeviceId] ] [[-ApplicationName] ] []
-State <Boolean>
Specifies the shuffle mode to set
$true : Shuffle user's playback
$false : Do not shuffle user's playback.
-DeviceId <String>
The id of the device this command is targeting.
If not supplied, the user's currently active device is the target.
-ApplicationName <String>
Specifies the Spotify Application Name (otherwise default is used)
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------
PS C:>Set-ShufflePlayback -State $true
Set Shuffle mode ON
Modifies an aplication credentials
Set-SpotifyApplication [-Name ] -ClientId -ClientSecret [-RedirectUri ] []
Set-SpotifyApplication [-Name ] -Token []
Allows to modify clientId and ClientSecret of an existing Spotify application credentials
-Name <String>
Specifies the name of the application credentials you want to modify ('default' if not specified).
-ClientId <String>
Specifies the new Client ID of the Spotify Application
-ClientSecret <String>
Specifies the new Client Secret of the Spotify Application
-RedirectUri <String>
Specifies the new redirect Uri of the Spotify Application
-Token <Object>
Specifies the new Token retrieved from the Spotify Application
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------
PS C:>Set-SpotifyApplication -ClientId 'ClientIdOfSpotifyApplication' -ClientSecret 'ClientSecretOfSpotifyApplication'
Change the content of the default application credentials json in the store (named default.json) using new ClientId and ClientSecret provided.
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------
PS C:>Set-SpotifyApplication -Name 'dev' -ClientId 'ClientIdOfSpotifyApplication' -ClientSecret 'ClientSecretOfSpotifyApplication'
Change the content of the application credentials json named dev.json using new ClientId and ClientSecret provided.
Start a new context on the user's active device.
Start-Playback [-DeviceId ] [-ContextUri ] -TrackUris [-OffsetPosition ] [-OffsetUri ] [-PositionMs ] [-ApplicationName ] []
Start-Playback [-DeviceId ] -ContextUri [-TrackUris ] [-OffsetPosition ] [-OffsetUri ] [-PositionMs ] [-ApplicationName ] []
-DeviceId <String>
The id of the device this command is targeting.
If not supplied, the user's currently active device is the target.
-ContextUri <String>
Specifies the Spotify URI of the context to play.
Valid contexts are albums, artists, playlists.
-TrackUris <Array>
Specifies an array of track URIs to play
-OffsetPosition <Int32>
Indicates from where in the context playback should start.
It's zero based.
Only available when ContextUri corresponds to an album or playlist object, or when the TrackUris parameter is used.
-OffsetUri <String>
Indicates from where in the context playback should start.
It's representing the uri of the item to start at
Only available when ContextUri corresponds to an album or playlist object, or when the TrackUris parameter is used.
-PositionMs <Int32>
Indicates from what position to start playback.
Passing in a position that is greater than the length of the track will cause the player to start playing the next song.
-ApplicationName <String>
Specifies the Spotify Application Name (otherwise default is used)
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------
PS C:>Start-Playback
Start playback
Pause playback on the user's account.
Suspend-Playback [[-DeviceId] ] [[-ApplicationName] ] []
-DeviceId <String>
The id of the device this command is targeting.
If not supplied, the user's currently active device is the target.
-ApplicationName <String>
Specifies the Spotify Application Name (otherwise default is used)
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------
PS C:>Suspend-Playback
Pauses playback
Check if one or more albums is already saved in the current Spotify user's 'Your Music' library.
Test-CurrentUserSavedAlbum [-Id] [[-ApplicationName] ] []
-Id <Array>
One or more Album Ids
-ApplicationName <String>
Specifies the Spotify Application Name (otherwise default is used)
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------
PS C:>Test-CurrentUserSavedAlbum -Id 'blahblahblah'
Check to see if the current user saved the album with the Id of 'blahblahblah'
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------
PS C:>Test-CurrentUserSavedAlbum -Id 'blahblahblah','blahblahblah2'
Check to see if the current user saved both specified albums from Spotify with Ids 'blahblahblah' and 'blahblahblah2'
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 3 --------------------------
PS C:>@('blahblahblah','blahblahblah2') | Test-CurrentUserSavedAlbum
Check to see if the current user saved both specified albums from Spotify with Ids 'blahblahblah' and 'blahblahblah2'
Check if one or more shows is already saved in the current Spotify user's library.
Test-CurrentUserSavedShow [-Id] [[-ApplicationName] ] []
-Id <Array>
One or more Show Ids
-ApplicationName <String>
Specifies the Spotify Application Name (otherwise default is used)
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------
PS C:>Test-CurrentUserSavedShow -Id 'blahblahblah'
Check to see if the current user saved the show with the Id of 'blahblahblah'
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------
PS C:>Test-CurrentUserSavedShow -Id 'blahblahblah','blahblahblah2'
Check to see if the current user saved both specified shows from Spotify with Ids 'blahblahblah' and 'blahblahblah2'
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 3 --------------------------
PS C:>@('blahblahblah','blahblahblah2') | Test-CurrentUserSavedShow
Check to see if the current user saved both specified shows from Spotify with Ids 'blahblahblah' and 'blahblahblah2'
Check to see if the current user is following one or more artists.
Test-FollowedArtist [-Id] [[-ApplicationName] ] []
-Id <Array>
One or more Artist Ids
-ApplicationName <String>
Specifies the Spotify Application Name (otherwise default is used)
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------
PS C:>Test-FollowedArtist -Id "blahblahblah"
Check to see if the current user follows the artist with the Id of 'blahblahblah'
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------
PS C:>Test-FollowedArtist -Id 'blahblahblah','blahblahblah2'
Check to see if the current user follows both specified artists from Spotify with Ids 'blahblahblah' and 'blahblahblah2'
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 3 --------------------------
PS C:>@('blahblahblah','blahblahblah2') | Test-FollowedArtist
Check to see if the current user follows both specified artists from Spotify with Ids 'blahblahblah' and 'blahblahblah2'
Check to see if one or more Spotify users are following a specified playlist.
Test-FollowedPlaylist [-PlaylistId] [-UserId] [[-ApplicationName] ] []
-PlaylistId <String>
The spotify Id of the playlist we want to check
-UserId <Array>
One or more User Ids that may follow the playlist
-ApplicationName <String>
Specifies the Spotify Application Name (otherwise default is used)
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------
PS C:>Test-FollowedPlaylist -PlaylistId 'blahblahblah' -UserId (Get-CurrentUserProfile).id
Check to see if the current user follows the playlist with the Id of 'blahblahblah'
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------
PS C:>Test-FollowedPlaylist -PlaylistId 'blahblahblah' -UserId 'user1','user2'
Check to see if the users 'user1' and 'user2' follow the playlist with the Id of 'blahblahblah'
Check to see if the current user is following one or more other Spotify users.
Test-FollowedUser [-Id] [[-ApplicationName] ] []
-Id <Array>
One or more User Ids
-ApplicationName <String>
Specifies the Spotify Application Name (otherwise default is used)
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------
PS C:>Test-FollowedUser -Id "blahblahblah"
Check to see if the current user follows the user with the Id of 'blahblahblah'
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------
PS C:>Test-FollowedUser -Id 'blahblahblah','blahblahblah2'
Check to see if the current user follows both specified users from Spotify with Ids 'blahblahblah' and 'blahblahblah2'
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 3 --------------------------
PS C:>@('blahblahblah','blahblahblah2') | Test-FollowedUser
Check to see if the current user follows both specified users from Spotify with Ids 'blahblahblah' and 'blahblahblah2'
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