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OpenSSH Container Login

The script distributed in this repository is used in conjunction with the OpenSSH sshd daemon to launch a Linux container for each ssh login from a client. This containerizes the environment of user sessions by default. Users may specify an environment variable APPTAINER_CONTAINER before executing ssh login in order to select a specific container on the login node.


File Description
sshd_container Configuration file (default path /etc/default/sshd_container) Login script (default path /etc/ssh/

Copy the configuration file sshd_container and the login script to the expected default locations. Add following lines to /etc/ssh/sshd_configand restart sshd:

ForceCommand /etc/ssh/

The line above configures the OpenSSH daemon to accept APPTAINER_CONTAINER as input environment variable using the configuration option AcceptEnv (from the sshd_config manual):


Specifies what environment variables sent by the client will be copied into the session's environ(7). See SendEnv in ssh_config(5) for how to configure the client. Note that environment passing is only supported for protocol 2. Variables are specified by name, which may contain the wildcard characters * and ?. Multiple environment variables may be separated by whitespace or spread across multiple AcceptEnv directives. Be warned that some environment variables could be used to bypass restricted user environments. For this reason, care should be taken in the use of this directive. The default is not to accept any environment variables.

ForceCommand executes the script which reads the APPTAINER_CONTAINER environment variable, validates the input and launches a container during ssh login.


Forces the execution of the command specified by ForceCommand, ignoring any command supplied by the client and ~/.ssh/rc if present. The command is invoked by using the user's login shell with the -c option. This applies to shell, command, or subsystem execution. It is most useful inside a Match block. The command originally supplied by the client is available in the SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND environment variable. Specifying a command of internal-sftp will force the use of an in-process SFTP server that requires no support files when used with ChrootDirectory. The default is none.

Customize the behavior of the login script via the configuration file sshd_container:

Variable Description
SSHD_CONTAINER_DEFAULT Default container to start unless the user passes the environment variable APPTAINER_CONTAINER at login.
SSHD_CONTAINER_OPTIONS Command-line options appended to the apptainer command at container launch (for example --bind=/srv)
SSHD_CONTAINER_MENU List of containers presented to the user for selection when requesting a menu with APPTAINER_CONTAINER=menu.


Usage of the APPTAINER_CONTAINER environment variable in the shell environment on the ssh client:

Variable Description
APPTAINER_CONTAINER= Unset, empty of blank will launch the default container defined in SSHD_CONTAINER_DEFAULT.
APPTAINER_CONTAINER=${path} Launches a container specified by a user.
APPTAINER_CONTAINER=none No container is launched, effective login into the host environment
APPTAINER_CONTAINER=menu Present the user a selection menu with a list of container specified in SSHD_CONTAINER_MENU

Users need to make sure to propagate the APPTAINER_CONTAINER environment variable to the server using the SendEnv configuration option (from the ssh_config manual):


Specifies what variables from the local environ(7) should be sent to the server. Note that environment passing is only supported for protocol 2. The server must also support it, and the server must be configured to accept these environment variables. Refer to AcceptEnv in sshd_config(5) for how to configure the server. Variables are specified by name, which may contain wildcard characters. Multiple environment variables may be separated by whitespace or spread across multiple SendEnv directives. The default is not to send any environment variables.

Note tat the root account will always default to APPTAINER_CONTAINER=none. This grantees administrative access to a node. This is particularly imported if there is only a single sshd instance running on the node. Either use the SSH client option -o SendEnv=APPTAINER_CONTAINER or append this configuration an SSH per-user configuration file in ~/.ssh/config or the system-wide configuration file in /etc/ssh/ssh_config.


Build the required singularity containers with the script (This requires the apptainer command installed on the host). The containers generated by the script are stored under /tmp/*.sif.

Work on the login script using your host:

SSHD_CONTAINER_CONFIG=sshd_container \
        bash -x ./


Start the test environment using the included Vagrantfile which copies the Singularity containers to /tmp:

vagrant up $box
# configuration for sshd
'PermitRootLogin yes
ForceCommand /etc/ssh/'
# configure the box
vagrant ssh $box -- "
        echo 'Text from /etc/motd' | sudo tee /etc/motd
        echo 'Dummy content' | sudo tee /srv/dummy.txt
        sudo cp -v /vagrant/sshd_container /etc/default/sshd_container
        sudo cp -v /vagrant/ /etc/ssh/
        echo '$sshd_config' | sudo tee -a /etc/ssh/sshd_config
        sudo mkdir ~root/.ssh
        sudo chmod 700 ~root/.ssh
        cat ~vagrant/.ssh/authorized_keys | sudo tee -a ~root/.ssh/authorized_keys
        sudo chmod 600 ~root/.ssh/authorized_keys


Start sshd on port 23 in foreground for debugging:

# start a second instance of sshd in foreground on port 23
vagrant ssh $box -- sudo /sbin/sshd -o LogLevel=DEBUG -De -p 23
# connect via the forwarding port (cf. Vagrantfile)
vagrant ssh-config $box > ssh-config
ssh -F ssh-config -p 23 vagrant@$box

ssh-config provides the default configuration from Vagrant to connect with SSH to the box. Either alter the configuration file or use the SSH option -p to connect with the non default port 23.

Alternatively restart sshd.service to run on the default port 22:

vagrant ssh $box -- sudo systemctl restart sshd.service
# Note that this will influence `vagrant ssh` login and may make it difficult to
# debug any issue with SSH login.


The script runs ssh, scp, rsync and sftp commands against the vagrant box for testing various command configurations on multiple different containers.

The reset of this section illustrates some examples for testing the functionality of the login script manually. Adjust the ssh-config for the following example accordingly:

# propagete APPTAINER_CONTAINER to the server
echo "  SendEnv=APPTAINER_CONTAINER" >> ssh-config
# change the SSH forwarding port (cf. Vagrantfile)
sed -i 's/22/23/' ssh-config

By default login launches a container specified with SSHD_CONTAINER_DEFAULT:

# login into a containerized interactive shell
>>> ssh -F ssh-config vagrant@$box
Container launched: /tmp/debian10.sif
vagrant@centos7:~ >
# run a containerized command
>>> ssh -F ssh-config vagrant@$box -- /bin/ps -fH
vagrant   2832  2829  0 06:01 ?        00:00:00 sshd: vagrant@notty
vagrant   2833  2832  0 06:01 ?        00:00:00   Singularity runtime parent
vagrant   2854  2833  0 06:01 ?        00:00:00     /bin/ps -fH
# test if stdin works as expected
>>> echo 1 2 3 4 | ssh -F ssh-config vagrant@$box -- cat
1 2 3 4

File transfer with scp, rsync and sftp:

scp -d -F ssh-config vagrant@$box:/srv/dummy.txt /tmp
scp -d -F ssh-config /bin/bash vagrant@$box:/tmp
rsync -e 'ssh -F ssh-config' /bin/bash vagrant@$box:/tmp
rsync -e 'ssh -F ssh-config' vagrant@$box:/srv/dummy.txt /tmp
sftp -F ssh-config vagrant@$box:/srv/dummy.txt /tmp
sftp -F ssh-config vagrant@$box:/tmp <<< $'put /bin/bash'

Note that the container images require to have corresponding packages installed cf.

Users can specify a specific container with the variable APPTAINER_CONTAINER:

>>> APPTAINER_CONTAINER=/tmp/centos7.sif \
        ssh -F ssh-config -o SendEnv=APPTAINER_CONTAINER vagrant@$box
Container launched: /tmp/centos7.sif
vagrant@el7:~ > 

Login into the host environment using APPTAINER_CONTAINER=none:

>>> APPTAINER_CONTAINER=none ssh -F ssh-config vagrant@$box
[vagrant@el7 ~]$

APPTAINER_CONTAINER=menu will present a list of available containers defined in the sshd_container configuration:

>>> APPTAINER_CONTAINER=menu ssh -F ssh-config vagrant@$box
Available containers
1) /tmp/debian10.sif
2) /tmp/centos7.sif
3) none
Select: 2
Container launched: /tmp/centos7.sif
vagrant@centos7:~ >