Go rewrite of scylla sstableloader for performance purpose
Implement partially sstable3 specification (3 types, text only partition and clustering key)
sstloader [OPTIONS]
Application Options:
-d, --datafile= sstable data file
-s, --seeds= cassandra seeds
-k, --keyspace= cassandra keyspace
-t, --table= cassandra table
-r, --datacenter= cassandra datacenter
-u, --username= cassandra username (default: cassandra)
-p, --password= cassandra password (default: cassandra)
-c, --connections= number of connections by host (default: 20)
-w, --workers= workers numbers (default: 100)
-i, --maxinflight= maximum in flight requests (default: 200)
--dryrun only decode sstable
--printcsv print CSV to stdout
--ratelimit= rate limit insert per second (default: 10000)
--retries= number of retry per query (default: 5)
--timeout= timeout of a query in ms (default: 5000)
--debug print debugging messages
Help Options:
-h, --help Show this help message