- https://simplex.chat/contact#/?v=1-4&smp=smp%3A%2F%2Fu2dS9sG8nMNURyZwqASV4yROM28Er0luVTx5X1CsMrU%3D%40smp4.simplex.im%2FJAxhwzjehJ8aIVNo5rsEPlJMm5EZW1Wf%23%2F%3Fv%3D1-2%26dh%3DMCowBQYDK2VuAyEAmLHF9GqSxVqVFpqAIi6oL5Oq05NSBscmkvpLDAtAWB4%253D%26srv%3Do5vmywmrnaxalvz6wi3zicyftgio6psuvyniis6gco6bp6ekl4cqj4id.onion&data=%7B%22type%22%3A%22group%22%2C%22groupLinkId%22%3A%22RxxsszYk2c4KnSTfav2NFA%3D%3D%22%7D
- https://etherscan.io/address/0x55AA7043BA90DD847F42ADCF59A562530D52f439
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A software platform used for building applications based on containers — small and lightweight execution environments.
Learn moreApache Maven
A default package manager used for the Java programming language and the Java runtime environment.
Learn moreNuGet
A free and open source package manager used for the Microsoft development platforms including .NET.
Learn moreRubyGems
A standard format for distributing Ruby programs and libraries used for the Ruby programming language.
Learn morenpm
A package manager for JavaScript, included with Node.js. npm makes it easy for developers to share and reuse code.
Learn moreContainers
A single place for your team to manage Docker images and decide who can see and access your images.
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