The UNCCD Event Map Drupal Module display a map of events. Users can add events, which after approval appear on the map. Live version: UNCCD Events Around the World 2018
The module requires Drupal 8.x, and has no other module dependencies. To install the module:
- Create a new folder "unccd_eventmap" inside "docroot/modules/unccd"
- Place all of the files from this repository inside the above folder.
- Go to "Extend" in the Drupal admin panel.
- Find UNCCD Event Map in the module list, and check the box next to it
- Click "Install" at the bottom of the page
- Clear the cache by running "drush cr" or go to "Configuration -> Performance" and click "Clear all caches"
To update the module:
- Update the contents of "docroot/modules/unccd/unccd_eventmap" with the contents of this repository
- Clear the cache by running "drush cr" or go to "Configuration -> Performance" and click "Clear all caches"
The module introduces two new blocks:
- Event Map Block: Displays approved events on a map
- Events Around the World Block: Displays approved events by country/continent These blocks can be inserted into any page in Drupal settings (Structure -> Block layout). The blocks by default show all the events, but can be restricted to a specific year in the configuration of each block.
The public form for adding events is acessible under /event-map/form, and also from a link included in the Event Map block.
The module also adds an admin panel page to manage events, which can be accessed at Structure -> UNCCD Event Map Events.
The permission "Manage UNCCD Event Map" can be given to users for them to be able to approve, edit and delete events.
- /config/install/unccd_event_map_config.yml The default values for the module configuration
- /src/Controller/
- EventAdminController.php The controller for the admin panel pages
- MapController.php The controller for the admin panel pages
- /src/Form/
- AddEventForm.php The form to add new events in the admin panel
- ConfigForm.php The form to change map configuration
- EditEventForm.php The form to edit events
- PublicEventForm.php The public form to submit events
- /src/Plugin/Block/
- EventMapBlock.php The event map as a Drupal Block
- EventsAroundTheWorld.php The list of events split by continent and country
- /src/Utils/
- ContinentSpliter.php A utility which can categorize countries by continent
- Geocoder.php A utility to convert addresses into latitude/longitude
- /src/EventStorage.php A class managing the database storage of events
- /templates The view of the pages/blocks
- This file
- Description of the module
- unccd_event_map.install A script ran when the module is installed. Adds the database table.
- unccd_event_map.libraries.yml The list of js and css files used by the module.
- A list of actions to add to the admin panel
- A list of menu entries to add to the admin panel
- unccd_event_map.module Defines the view templates used by the module
- unccd_event_map.permissions.yml A list of new permissions added by the module
- unccd_event_map.routing.yml A list of new routes added by the module (both public and admin panel)
The module adds one additional database table called "unccd_event_map", it has the following fields:
Column name | Type | Description |
id | int | Primary Key: Unique event ID. |
title | varchar | Title of the event. |
organisation | varchar | Organisation running the event. |
organisation_url | varchar | Url of the event organizer(s) |
url | varchar | URL of the event on an external website. |
varchar | Email of the contact person. | |
city | varchar | City where the event takes place. |
country | varchar | Country where the event takes place. |
date | datetime | The date the event takes place on. |
description | text | Description of the event |
latitude | float | The latitude of the location of the event (for map display) |
longitude | float | The longitude of the location of the event (for map display) |
approved | tinyint | Has the event been approved? |
image_id | int | The Drupal file id for the uploaded image (needed to delete image when event is deleted) |
image | varchar | Url of the event image |
attachment_type | varchar | The type of PDF attached (report, flyer, etc...) |
pdf_id | int | The Drupal file id for the uploaded PDF (needed to delete PDF when event is deleted) |
varchar | Url of the event PDF |
The module has two different geocoding services implemented to convert from the user entered city and country to a latitude/longitude on the map.
The module implements Geocoding with OpenStreetMap Nominatim, GoogleMaps API, MapQuest API
The OpenStreetMap implementation is enabled by default.
The module uses three third-party JavaScript libraries:
- Leaflet: The interactive mapping library used to display the OpenStreetMaps tiles (Version: 1.3.1)
- Leaflet MarkerCluster: Clusters nearby pins to reduce clutter and make the map cleaner (Version: 1.3.0)
- Leaflet FullScreen: A button to fullscreen the map (Version: 1.0.1)
- Date Picker: A date picker for the user event submission form (Version: 0.6.5)