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Kafka Basics

Here's a basic "Hello World" example for Apache Kafka using Docker and Docker Compose. This will set up a Kafka broker and a Zookeeper instance, allowing you to produce and consume messages.

1. Create a docker-compose.yml File

Create a docker-compose.yml file that defines the services for Zookeeper and Kafka.

2. Start Kafka and Zookeeper

Run the following command to start the Kafka and Zookeeper containers:

cd devops-basics/topics/kafka/basic
docker-compose up -d

This command will start Zookeeper and Kafka in the background.

3. Create a Kafka Topic

Once the containers are running, create a Kafka topic named helloworld.

docker exec kafka --create --topic helloworld --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --partitions 1 --replication-factor 1

4. Produce Messages to the Kafka Topic

To send a message to the helloworld topic:

docker exec -it kafka --topic helloworld --bootstrap-server localhost:9092

Type a message (e.g., Hello, Kafka!) and press Enter. This sends the message to the Kafka topic.

5. Consume Messages from the Kafka Topic

To read the message from the helloworld topic:

docker exec -it kafka --topic helloworld --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --from-beginning

You should see the message you produced earlier.

6. Cleanup

To stop and remove the Kafka and Zookeeper containers, run:

cd devops-basics/topics/kafka/basic
docker-compose down

This basic setup allows you to get hands-on experience with Kafka using Docker and Docker Compose. You can extend this setup to explore more advanced Kafka features.