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Publishing the project to Sonatype and Maven Central

The project relies on some commonly-used sbt plugins to produce artifacts and publish them on public repositories

  • sbt-pgp is used to sign the artifacts and publish them
  • sbt-sonatype add some command-line tooling to easily interact with sonatype

Instructions are detailed in the sbt documentation and will be summarized here with specifics of this project.


We publish signed artifacts using the sbt-pgp plugin.

You need to have the gnu-pgp tool installed and visible from the shell path to properly sign the artifacts.

If gpg is not in the path, you need to add the following line to the build.sbt (or better yet, to a global custom xxx.sbt file):

gpgCommand := "/mypath/to/gpg"

In case you're unable to have gpg running locally, you can disable the plugin integration with the command line tool and use the plugin's internal Bouncy Castle implementation. Change the build.sbt to do that:

useGpg := false


The sbt-sonatype plugin is already availble the project

You need to tell where the sonatype credentials are stored. To do so, add a global ~/.sbt/1.0/sonatype.sbt build definition with the following:

credentials += Credentials(Path.userHome / ".sbt" / "sonatype-cryptonomic.credentials")

This instructs the plugin to look for your Sonatype credentials in the custom ~/.sbt/sonatype-cryptonomic.credentials file, that will contain the following:

realm=Sonatype Nexus Repository Manager

Of course you need to have the proper credentials for a registered Sonatype Account for the tech.cryptonomic group-id

This step should allow to publishSigned using the pgp plugin


Using this configuration allows different local configurations of where and how to store the credentials differently, without tying it into the project itself. Please remember that now you'll publish globally using those credentials. When working on a different project, you simply need to change the credentials reference to add different values.

Publishing steps

With the previous steps taken care of, the regular publishing flow will be

  • publishSigned to deploy your artifact to staging repository at Sonatype.
  • sonatypeRelease do sonatypeClose and sonatypePromote in one step.
    • sonatypeClose closes your staging repository at Sonatype. This step verifies Maven central sync requirement, GPG-signature, javadoc and source code presence, pom.xml settings, etc.
    • sonatypePromote command verifies the closed repository so that it can be synchronized with Maven central.

Note: If your project version has SNAPSHOT suffix, your project will be published to the snapshot repository of Sonatype, and you cannot use sonatypeRelease command.

Additional commands are available

Releasing with the Integration Environment (CI)

The project is using the sbt-git plugin, which allows to use Git directly from the build tool, and to derive the current project version based on the source git repo attributes (tags, commits, ...)

The versioning scheme is

  • use a major number as the platform version (e.g. 1, 2, ...)
  • add a date reference in form of YYWW (year + week in year)
  • use the latest git tag formatted as ci-release-<xyz> and take the numbers from xyz, increasing it
  • Compose the three separated by "dots" to have the version that will be released (e.g. 1.1845.0002)
  • The Git plugin will add a trailing -SNAPSHOT if there are locally uncommitted changes

Everything should be semi-automated through some CI environment command

The environment would need sbt, Git and gnupg installed (with proper credentials for sonatype) A script should sign, publish and release the new artifact

git clone <conseil-git-repo-master-branch> && \
sbt clean test publishSigned sonatypeRelease && \
sbt gitTag

The sonatypeRelease step might be postponed to check if the sonatype staging artifact is correct and all that.

The gitTag task would read the current version to tag and commit the next ci-release-<n+1> on the local repo.

Important: the same user should git push origin --tags to finally complete the process, after ensuring that the generated tag matches the expectations.

Additional references

You can find detailed information here: