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Spofford -- TRLN Ingest

Spofford is a Rails application for ingesting and enhancing bibliographic records for the Triangle Research Libraries Network (TRLN).

Continuous Integration Status

Setup is currently handled via Vagrant or Docker Compose, but here's at least a partial list of what you'll need installed on the target system, other than Ruby, of course.

  • Postgres 9.5+ (for JSONB and "upsert" support) -- Postgres yum repositories is a good place to get the relevant packages for your system if you're not using a very recent distribution.
  • Redis (for Sidekiq)
  • Yajl (for JSON processing)
  • Node.js (for the asset pipeline, not as a server)

Getting Started

Containers and Docker/Podman Compose

The Vagrant setup should do most of what's needed, but a somewhat lighter-weight approach is available using docker compose (or podman-compose), as defined in the docker-compose.yml and various Dockerfiles in the project's directory.

Before running containers for all the services via compose, you will need to run the script in the same directory as this file; this will pull down the solr configuration from the working repository and, if needed, create a docker/podman secret for the PostgreSQL database password.

Read the comments in for more information, especially if you want to use a Solr configuration other than from the main branch.

From that point, docker compose up will start all the necessary services, including the primary Rails application (in development mode, so editing files in the Rails application directories will take effect immediately).

For more information, look at the docker-compose.yml, the Dockerfile in this directory, and the one in in the solr-docker subdirectory. A little bit of depends_on and wait-for fine-tuning is necessary to ensure that the Solr plugin files (in solr-docker/plugins) and the Solr configuration are correctly installed before the services services start. When the smoke clears you should have a complete set of services.

A few tidbits: note that docker-compose up will build any images that it doesn't already know about, but once an image is found, you'll have to rebuild it to get any changes you've made (e.g. docker-compose build app). If you've done docker-compose up and stop things with ctrl-c in the terminal, this does not remove any of the images so when you run up again, you'll get the same images as were used in your previous run. Frequent docker-compose downs will help eliminate problems resulting from things sticking around too long.

The default exposed ports are:

Port Service
3000 Rails
2181 Zookeeper
8983 solr
6379 Redis
5432 Postgres

These are all available on localhost.

An Extra Note About Running trln_argon (or derivatives thereof) in Another Container

You might want to do some end-to-end testing of index schema changes for trln_argon, and in that case it's nice to point one of those at the Solr instance exposed by this application.

Unless you tell it otherwise, docker-compose and friends will probably put all containers it starts into the same network (bridge by default -- see for more details). When running trln_argon inside a container, it can't see the services exposed to the host at localhost but you can use host.containers.internal instead to access the services exposed by containers, even if they're started from another process.

In this case, put

SOLR_URL: http://host.containers.internal:8983/solr/trlnbib


trln_argon/.internal_test_app/config/local_env.yml (adjust as necessary for the particulars of the application you're working with). Note that with trln_argon specifically, you will need to edit this file every time the application is reinitialized.


If you don't want to use containers, you can use vagrant if you just need to get going.

Vagrant is a tool for managing virtual machines; it doesn't itself contain any 'virtualization' features, but it knows how to interact with several VM providers (e.g Virtualbox, vmWare Fusion, things like that) and is intended to let you quickly set up a virtual environment.

The Vagrantfile in this project does what it can to set up all the parts of the application for you. Especially if you don't use vagrant, it's worth looking at the steps in this file to see what packages and services you'll need. It uses the ansible-local provisioner to do a lot of the work, but there is still a step or two that you need to do manually.

How Vagrant Works / a sort of glossary

Vagrant provides hooks to download 'boxes' which are images of various operating systems; we use a plain Centos 7 image here, then use a provisioning script (defined as part of the Vagrantfile) to pull down updates, install various packages, and, generally get the virtual machine into a 'ready-to-run' state as quickly as possible.

In this case, the provisioner used is ansible-local, which installs Ansible into the VM and runs the playbook in the ansible directory. This does not require having Ansible installed on your machine. The Ansible playbook will install Ruby (via RVM), PostgreSQL, Redis, and all the other stuff mentioned above.

It will also run bundle install on the Rails application and run the inital database setup, including creating a default admin account (see below).

It will also install Solr and install the index configuration from TRLN's github.

Since all of the above is quite a lot, some of which depends on external services behaving as they're expected to, it doesn't always work entirely smoothly. The provisioner is intended to be re-runnable, so if something does fail due to external reasons, you can always re-run the provisioner (via vagrant provision).

For everything else, of if you want to install things outside of the confines of Vagrant, you can look at ansible/playbook.yml to get a sense of what it's trying to do.

Before executing vagrant up for the first time, if you're using Virtualbox as your VM provider, make sure you have installed the vagrant-vbguest plugin:

$ vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest

The plugin ensures that your VM will have the guest extension options, which makes filesystem mirroring between the host and guest more robust.

To bring up the VM and provision it, once you've checked out this repository, change into its directory. Open a terminal and type

$ vagrant up --provider virtualbox

I'll assume throughout you're using virtualbox as the 'provider', since that's available for macOS, Windows, and Linux. Other providers may work (e.g. this has been tested under libvirt but that's Linux-only, and requires a tweak to the Vagrantfile).

Once the vagrant VM's downloaded, updated, provisioned, and running, you can just type vagrant ssh in the working directory, and you'll be logged in as the vagrant user; if you need to do any administration on your VM, this user has passwordless sudo privileges.

Other vagrant commands you may find useful:

$ vagrant halt # shuts down the VM (power off)
$ vagrant suspend # save current state of VM and stop running it
$ vagrant resume # re-start a suspended VM
$ vagrant ssh # log in to the VM
$ vagrant destroy # stops the VM (if running) and deletes it 
$ vagrant status # see which VMS are running

vagrant ssh puts you in /vagrant on the guest VM, which is mounted at the root of this repository. This means you can edit files on the host machine using your favourite editor, and they will be made available 'inside' the VM.

Once the provisioner is finished, you should be able to execute ./ to start the Rails application.

One gem that might give you some trouble is the pg gem. Check the Vagrantfile for some more hints that can help if it doesn't 'just work'.

bundle exec rake db:reset may come in useful during development (clears databae and recreates tables).

Installing Solr

The bundled Ansible playbook should install Solr with the necessary libraries to use TRLN Discovvery's solr configuration. It should also install the public configset (which should normally be in sync with the one in actual use) from trln/argon-solr-config. These operations might fail due to external circumstances, but usually re-running the provisioner will work.

Accessing your VM via a web browser

Vagrant setup forwards port 3000 to port 3001 on the host, so opening your browser to http://localhost:3001 will let you interact with Spofford. In addition, the Solr instance will be forwarded to 8985 on the host, i.e. http://localhost:8985/solr

Logging In

(the below are run during VM provisioning)

If you are running under Vagrant, and you have already created your database with

$ bundle exec rake db:migrate

You will be able to create an initial admin user (this is disabled for other contexts for security reasons) by running the custom task:

$ bundle exec rake user:admin

This will create a user admin@localhost with the password you can see by looking in lib/tasks/user.rake; it will have admin privileges and be approved to use the application.

Running Spofford

$ cd /vagrant && ./

Use of the script is only for use during development. Production deployments will need to separate out Sidekiq and Rails services.

Spofford endpoints

The index page shows the most recent 'transactions' (ingest package submissions). Transaction pages have paths like /transaction/:id;

Once documents are ingested, they can be viewed at http://localhost:3001/record/:id where :id is the unique ID of the record, e.g. something like NCCU1293879. This resulting page gives you a quick overview of the record's main characteristics and shows you the 'raw' Argot stored for it. /record by itself will show you links to a bunch of recently updated records.

Any of the above URLs can also be fetched as JSON via appending .json to them.


You can POST Argot flavoured concatenated JSON' to http://localhost:3001/ingest/[institution code] and it will do some minimal pre-processing on your files, and stash them. You can also POST a .zip file containing multiple JSON files and it will be processed as a unified ingest package ("transaction").

ZIP entries matching the pattern add*.json will be interpreted as containing Argot records to be updated, while files named delete*.json will be interpreted as JSON arrays containing IDs (in the form 'NCSU234098') to be deleted.

Before returning, it will kick off an asynchronous process (via sidekiq) that ingests your documents. You can monitor the progress of these jobs via Sidekiq.

See the Spofford Client for a tool that can handle many interactions with this service, including the assembly and ingest of ingest packages from the command line.


Sidekiq must be running before you start your Rails process, if you want to process ingest packages.

$ cd /vagrant
$ bundle exec sidekiq

(this is done in the start script) If you don't, your uploads will get stored, but the records won't be ingested into the databse and nothing will get put into Solr.

The status of sidekiq and all its jobs is available at http://localhost:3001/sidekiq. This URL will need to be secured for production purposes.

During development, you may find the custom rake task util:clear_sidekiq useful; Sidekiq has a 'retry' feature which will try to re-run any failed jobs, and if you've cleaned out your database, you can get a lot of errors. Running this will wipe out sidekiq's data store (a redis instance, which sidekiq starts for you automatically).

Sidekiq worker tasks are defined in workers/ directory, and may make use of services which will be located in services/ directory.

See services/transaction_processor.rb for the logic that manages the JSON->database data flow.

Postgres and JSONB

The content of records is stored as JSONB in a Postgres database. Storage requirements (irrespective of indexes!) appear to be slightly smaller than the amount of disk space taken up by JSON files themselves. Use of Postgres allows us to create indexes on and query into the JSON content itself, e.g. to look for a document with a certain ISBN, you can run something like

  id, content#>'{title,main,value}' 
  content->'isbn' ? '9251021511';

(roughly, give me the ID and the text content at the path title.main.value in the (JSON-typed) 'content' field for all documents where [this isbn] is in the array of the isbn field).

Currently, we are not indexing any of the fields inside Postgres, but ISBN would be a natural one to look at.

Environment Setup

When running under Vagrant, things should Just Work, but there are a number of environment variables that impact how this application works:

Variable Default Used in File Notes
DB_ADAPTER postgres config/database.yml see above
DB_HOST (not set) config/databse.yml hostname to connect to (assumes standard port 5432); if not set, assumes connection to DB running on the same machine via UNIX socket
DB_NAME shrindex config/database.yml the database name
DB_USER set_env_vars config/database.yml username
DB_PASSWORD (not set) config/database.yml default PostgreSQL setup uses 'ident' auth from localhost, which requires this to not be set.
TRANSACTION_FILES_BASE (not set) config/initializers/spofford.yml base directory for ingest packages and error messages for any given ingest package. Will be created if it does not exist.
SECRET_KEY_BASE (not set) n/a Used to secure sessions, and also by Devise

The Vagrant provisioner will create .vagrant_rails_env, which will be read by, providing defaults for all necessary variable

The default script sets the variables to appropriate values when running under Vagrant (no hostname, user 'shrindex' , no password).

Production or shared deployments will need to set these variables elsewhere, e.g. if you plan to run the application via systemd unit files, you would typically store the values in /etc/default/[service name] and then make sure that your unit file has the following two lines in the [Service] stanza:

# assuming service name == 'trln-ingest'

You may also want to create a config/database.yml and config/solr.yml for your deployment environment and copy those into your deployment directory (capistrano, the tool we are using, has facilities for doing this).


Tests (bundle exec rake test) should be run from inside the VM, if possible, largely because some of them depend on the database being available at localhost If youare willing to set up PostgreSQL in the right way (see the provisioning steps in ansible/playbook.yml relating to pg_hba.conf and postgresql.conf) on your machine, you can run them from outside.

The bundled .travis-ci.yml ensures that Postgres is installed when running the continuous integration builds that happen when you create a pull request in GitHub.

Testing creates a database called shrindex_testing which will be deleted at the end of the run. Ensure that the database user in the test environment has the requisite permissions.

$ bundle exec rake test

Sample Package Ingest Command

Install spofford-client, or if you like to do things manually:

$ curl -v -H'Content-type: application/json' --data-binary @<file> http://localhost:3001/ingest/unc

Replace unc with the name of your institution; -v is optional, but can help to read what's going on in case anything fails.

If you have a .zip file, change "application/json" to "application/zip".