A Leiningen plugin to manage your checkouts without setting your hair on fire.
Put [org.clojars.timvisher/lein-checkout "0.4.2"]
into the :plugins
vector of your
profile, or if you are on Leiningen 1.x do lein plugin install lein-checkout 0.4.2
follows Semantic Versioning
reads the :dependencies
key out of your project.clj
and then searches for those projects to create a checkout for them in a configurable manner. It allows you to do several other things with your checkouts as well.
By default, checkout
searches the parent directory of the current project for projects. If you need fancier logic than that (i.e. you store your projects across multiple directory trees), you'll need to specify configuration similar to the following:
:checkout {:search-roots ["/path/containing/projects"]}
This :checkout
config would be placed in your project.clj
(for project by project configuration), or in your :user
profile (for system wide configuration). The vector of paths are the absolute paths of directories which house your projects so that checkout
can search there as well.
If your project tree looks like this
`-- projects
|-- a
|-- b
`-- c
And you're currently in project a
, adding a checkout to project b
would look like:
$ lein checkout [ln] b
Adding a checkout to all projects would be:
$ lein checkout [ln]
arguments are passed directly to re-matches
Keep in mind that b
must be specified as a dependency of a
or checkout
will not find it. Why are you trying to create a checkout to a non-depedency?
Other tasks include:
rm [pattern]: Remove all checkouts. If PATTERN is specified, only checkouts matching that pattern will be removed
enable Enable checkouts.
disable Disable all checkouts for a moment.
list List checkouts.
Copyright © 2013 Tim Visher
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.