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201 lines (151 loc) · 6.22 KB

File metadata and controls

201 lines (151 loc) · 6.22 KB

Drupal installation

Drupal version 7.x

Drush 8

<?php /** sites/default/drushrc.php */
$options['uri'] = 'https://DOMAIN.TLD/';
// FIXME set temp directory, see includes/;

PHP configuration

PHP-FPM configuration

; Drupal
php_admin_value[allow_url_fopen] = On
; Is it ineffective as mbstring.encoding_translation is disabled
php_admin_value[mbstring.http_input] = pass
php_admin_value[mbstring.http_output] = pass

Drupal installation

cd website/
drush dl drupal --drupal-project-rename=code # --default-major=6
cd code/
drush site-install standard \
    --db-url='mysql://DB-USER:DB-PASS@localhost/DB-NAME' \
    --site-name=SITE-NAME [email protected] \
    --account-name=USER-NAME --account-pass=USER-PASS

# All options: /admin/config  /admin/by-module

# /admin/config/media/file-system
drush vset file_private_path "PRIVATE-PATH"
drush vset file_temporary_path "UPLOAD-TMP-DIRECTORY"
# Disable cron - /admin/config/system/cron
drush vset cron_safe_threshold 0
# /admin/config/system/site-information
drush vset site_mail [email protected]
drush vset site_403 /forbidden
drush vset site_404 /not-found
# /admin/config/content/webform  /admin/build/contact
drush vset webform_default_from_address [email protected]
drush vset webform_default_from_name "From Name"
drush vset webform_default_subject "Subject"
# /admin/config/development/performance
drush vset cache 1
drush vset block_cache 1
# /admin/settings/jquery_update
drush vset jquery_update_compression_type min
# /admin/config/media/image-toolkit
drush vset image_jpeg_quality 90
# /admin/config/regional/settings
drush vset site_default_country HU
drush vset date_first_day 1
drush vset date_default_timezone Europe/Budapest

#D6 drush vset file_directory_temp "UPLOAD-TMP-DIRECTORY"
#D6 drush vset cron_safe_threshold 0
#D6 drush vset date_default_timezone 3600 # 7200
#D6 drush vset date_default_timezone_name Europe/Budapest

# /admin/people/create
drush user-information --format=list --fields=name 1
drush user-block 1
drush user-create viktor [email protected] --password="12345"
drush user-add-role administrator viktor

#D6 drush user-add-role admin viktor


Preload page cache: /webserver/


Disable development modules: drush dis -y devel

Disable syslog logging: drush dis -y syslog

Browse modules: drush pmi --format=yaml

Enable module: drush en -y MODULE

Report 403 and 404: and HttpAnalyzer

APC cache backend: drush en -y apc

Add this to settings.php

$conf['cache_backends'][] = 'sites/all/modules/apc/';
$conf['cache_default_class'] = 'DrupalAPCCache';
//$conf['apc_show_debug'] = TRUE; // Uncomment to enable debug mode

Object cache: drush en -y entitycache

Only for Drupal 7 (not for 6, built into 8).

Automatic translation updates: drush en -y l10n_update


CDN: drush en -y cdn

Sitemap: drush en -y xmlsitemap xmlsitemap_node

Enable inclusion per content type, add to robots.txt


Mail sending: drush en -y smtp

Check libraries

Integrity and versions.

  • plugins/
  • sites/all/libraries/
  • sites/all/modules/contrib/jquery_update/replace/
  • sites/all/modules/contrib/jquery_ui/jquery.ui/


#D6 DRUSH_PHP=/usr/bin/php5.6
/usr/local/bin/drush --root=/home/USER/website/code cron --quiet
/usr/bin/wget -q -O- ""

Drupal Redis cache

  1. Download: drush dl -y redis
  2. Flush cache: drush cache-clear all
  3. Configure to use phpredis (PECL) - not Predis - in sites/default/settings.php see code below
  4. Install: drush en -y redis
  5. Flush cache: drush cache-clear all
  6. Check Redis keys: echo 'INFO keyspace' | redis-cli
 * Cache settings:
$conf['redis_client_interface'] = 'PhpRedis';
$conf['redis_client_base']      = 2; // db2:examplesite
$conf['cache_prefix']           = 'prefix_'; // Cache key prefix
$conf['lock_inc']               = 'sites/all/modules/redis/';
$conf['path_inc']               = 'sites/all/modules/redis/';
$conf['cache_backends'][]       = 'sites/all/modules/redis/';
$conf['cache_default_class']    = 'Redis_Cache';


Drupal 6 Redis cache

Use drush with PHP 5.6: DRUSH_PHP=/usr/bin/php5.6 exec /usr/local/bin/drush "$@"

  1. Download Cache Backport (D7 to D6) module drush5.6 pm-download cache_backport-6.x-1.0-rc4
  2. Download Redis module for D7: drush5.6 pm-download redis-7.x-3.17
  3. Rename module mv sites/all/modules/contrib/redis sites/all/modules/contrib/redis_d7
  4. For documentation see sites/all/modules/contrib/cache_backport/INSTALL.txt and sites/all/modules/contrib/redis_d7/README.txt
  5. Flush cache: drush5.6 cache-clear all
  6. Configure to use phpredis (PECL) - not Predis - in sites/default/settings.php see code below
  7. Enable cache: drush5.6 pm-enable cache_backport -y
  8. Flush cache: drush5.6 cache-clear all
  9. Check Redis keys: echo 'INFO keyspace' | redis-cli
 * Cache settings:
$conf['cache_inc'] = 'sites/all/modules/contrib/cache_backport/';
$conf['cache_backends'][] = 'sites/all/modules/contrib/redis_d7/';
$conf['cache_default_class'] = 'Redis_Cache';
$conf['redis_client_interface'] = 'PhpRedis';
$conf['redis_client_base'] = 2; // db2:examplesite
$conf['cache_prefix'] = 'prefix_';