This changelog references the relevant changes and bug fixes.
3.0.0 (2016-02-24)
New documentation translated in german and french
#407 Fix icon of emergency component on IE11
#400 Fix an issue with Process navigation when first/last item was active
#421 Do not hide print icon on small screens
Fix an issue which was misplacing the controls of carousels
Focus component overall accessibility has been improved, now with a play/pause button
#138 Change various font sizes to relative units
Introduced high-contrast outline around focused element while browsing with the keyboard
#208 Remove custom styling of checkboxes/radio buttons for better accessibility (required markup has changed)
Language switcher gets more acccessible with extra attributes to describe languages
Move "Admin Icons" code points to PUA Area
#246 Remove deprecated social sharing buttons
#219 Fix accessibility on tables
2.5.4 (2015-08-31)
#376 Fix controls spacing in slideshow element
#385 Change Deutschland to Germany in language select
2.5.4 (2015-08-19)
#357 Missing print function in contact box fix IE9 bug
2.5.3 (2015-08-17)
#375 add .clearfix class to the infobox element to avoid overflowing elements when floated !markup
#374 remove clearing of search-field when clicking on body element, enhance its clear button
#371 remove the p key shortcut to show the print view
#381 add .hidden-print class to content-sidebar anchors
#372 #370 fix print styles
#357 add optional parameter to the printPreview() function !markup -> see doc
#373 fix nav-page-list element to behave correctly on mobile
#381 set .clearfix class to collapse element to avoid issues with first-child heading
#381 change max-width of nav-main element from 140px to 110px
#376 fix slideshow carousel-controls element to make it work with bigger numbers !markup
#368 fix missing print function on publications page
#380 add info about favicons in the CDelements page
#367 #344 fix markup change in js for the focus and tabs elements
#381 fix various visual issues with tabs (background-color, padding, focus state)
2.5.2 (2015-02-26)
#356 fix error with active state of
as list parent -
#358 fix
error due to new Bootstrap version -
2.5.1 (2015-02-10)
#353 Improve print styles
#348 #347 Fix errors with image flow in Publications
#339 Fix error with buttons in main navbar
#271 Change alt text of main logo
#333 Slideshow
2.5.0 (2015-01-20)
#325 [CONTRAST] fix contrast in carets
#279 [CONTRAST] fix input placeholders color
#324 [CONTRAST] fix tabs background contrast
#280 [CONTRAST] fix badge color bin nav-page-list
#321 [CONTRAST] fix color and weight in active link from main navbar
#241 Update Bootstrap to 3.3.1
#235 Fix
#266 Fix headings
on small devices -
#268 Display version number on homepage of styleguide
#287 Implement better collapsibles examples
#322 Fix the font-face mess (faux-bold when setting
, etc..) -
#288 Remove link on active link in nav-page-list
#297 Treecrumb uses nested lists now
#299 Fix collapsible row in table
#323 Update README file
#340 #301 #275 #274 #276 Update loads of aria-tags
#302 Fix Nav page list with nested lists
#337 Fix global navigation error in some examples
Switch all template examples to
files -
#350 Add rows in footer to avoid wrong behavior
Update README with info for Windows contribution config
2.4.1 (2015-01-16)
#327 responsive adjustment
#264 add comment about carousel accessibility
#342 remove useless watch in gulp file set smaller max-width on title on screen-sm to avoid bug seen in #327
2.4.0 (2015-01-05)
#327 Anchor link for context information when placed at the bottom
#319 [icons] Icon in download list are shown twice.
#318 Distance in between checkboxes and text is wrong in search results.
#307 Social Sharing layout is moving on browser zoom
#306 Resetting of search value doesn't work.
#305 Search input field will only be initialised when typeahead values are available.
#295 Language navigation covers name of the organizational unit
#292 Invalid HTML in footer links.
#291 Invalid HTML in breadcrumb.
#290 Missing preset number at one-line order form.
#289 Global Navigation slipped down when scrolling.
#283 Single images will not be scaled and overlays their boxes.
2.2.0 (2014-10-08)
#243 Heading not in a logical sequence bug
#215 Page navigation list element accessibility waiting for answer
#216 Process navigation - active state should be more visible accessibility
#247 Visited links enhancement invalid
#249 Alternative text of icons accessibility
#248 Alternative text of the Confederation logo accessibility
#254 keyboard focus not visible well enough accessibility duplicate
#259 faceted page navigation - add visually hidden texts accessibility
#258 collapsible elements not working correctly with screenreaders accessibility
#255 error messages are not accessible accessibility
#250 Hierarchy of titles accessibility duplicate
#252 Title of the website without
accessibility -
#256 dropdown lists are not accessible accessibility duplicate
#69 News feed should not be scrollable on mobile duplicate UX
#146 Accessibility - WCAG 2.4.7 Focus visible, skip links not visible accessibility
#143 Accessibility - WCAG 2.4.1.Bypass Blocks, skiplinks missing accessibility
2.1.9 (2014-09-24)
#244 Create page about accessibility
#242 Fix navigation lists accessibility
#240 #223 Set first item of Treecrumb list to be a link and improvements
#239 Improve global navigation on mobile
#238 #220 Fix tables accessibility
#212 fix lightbox issues
#162 fix keyboard navigation with sub-navigation
#142 add fieldset around checkboxes and radios
#181 #180 Alignements page title and copyright
#233 Improve README file enhancement Styleguide
#225 Add text indication for selected links on screen readers
#222 Social buttons are not accessible
#221 General Contrast issues
#218 Check ids and headers of Cycle Table
#217 Timeline Color contrast accessibility
#215 Page navigation list element accessibility
#211 Enhance Breadcrumb accessibility
#210 Use an HTML5 accessible player in timeline.js
#185 Page Navigation List - Wrong behavior
#224 Indicate open status
2.1.7 HOTFIX (2014-09-10)
Update Gemfile and gulp-hologram
2.1.6 (2014-09-10)
#229 remove build files from repo
#230 remove TimelineJS from project
#216 process navigation - active state should be more visible accessibility
#231 Cleanup branches
#228 Focus Element does not change automatically enhancement
#219 Check accessibility of data-table accessibility
#213 Carousel navigation accessibiltiy accessibility
#209 Remove
in global nav links accessibility -
#207 Add accesskeys accessibility
#206 Input number too small (browser issue) Not valid ? accessibility
#189 Text about browser compatibility should be updated enhancement
#187 Shouldn't the magnifying glass initiate a search? Function is missing bug
#177 Carousel wrong styling
#172 Alignement of titles
2.1.5 (2014-09-01)
#182 Fix print stuff
#198 Add title to brand link for accessibility
#199 Add title to empty link
#200 Add button insted of meanless span for site search field
#202 add
and<legend class="hidden">
#203 add ARIA roles on form error
#204 review form accessibility with label and help text
#207 add access nav with accesskeys
#209 remove useless br tag
#211 Fix breadcrumb accessibility
#219 tables fit to accessbility standards
#224 add Paypal access plugin and fix all collapse elements
#225 add
for active navigation` -
#183 navigation list text overflow fix demonstrate in exemple page
2.1.4 (2014-07-24)
#190 Fix IE8 compatibility
#175 add site-map toggle for collapse on tablet fix
#186 add search box to page without navigation fix
#183 navigation list text overflow fix
#188 Focus teaser - missing lines in tablet/smartphone format
2.1.3 (2014-06-19)
#158 Search bar on XS - width should be less
#160 fix responsive navigation paradigm
#167 fix typo in main navigation mobile
#168 removed vertical scrollbar
#164 #163 #165 fix detail page
#150 fix links in footer mobile
#126 add favicons
#161 fix links hover to underline
#174 Tab caroussel text too long in the caption
2.1.2 (2014-06-17)
#109 Several Examples Checkboxes and radiobuttons missing
#125 add highlight on current menu item ! Markup changes
#134 Accessibility - WCAG 1.3.1 Heading, there are no invisible headings anymore
#127 Hover changes the "inlining" of the text bug
#107 General Issue Resposiveness Phone-Landscape/Portrait does not work as original enhancement
#106 Navigation bar to high enhancement
#105 Select (List) examples missing enhancement Styleguide
#145 Accessibility WCAG 2.4.7 Focus in elements is not visible
#107 Revert small font size on mobile see ticket for more informations
#140 add lang="en" to html tag
#141 add missing alt tags in some img
#144 add missing labels to selects and inputs for screen readers
#126 add favicon
#124 fix social plugin
#101 #102 fix tabbing issues
#155 fix pagination and breadcrumb on page results
#154 fix search box button size on mobile
#114 change look of phone link on mobile
#152 fix emergency banner red band width
#153 fix typo weight on news feed elements and other elements
#148 fix logo size on mobile on navbar
#158 remove .pull-left class from search form
#159 fix container not closed on forms.html
#150 fix footer mobile
#107 fix font sizes
2.1.1 (2014-06-06)
#70 add german LICENSE file to fonts folder
div ! Markup changes -
#98 fixed some responsive columns size in example page
#72 remove lang selection via dropdown list
#73 replace text in language selection list
#70 add LICENSE file to fonts folder
#93 remove gradient on global nav IE9
#93 fix treecrumb border
#97 add drilldown plugin to all sub-pages-lists
update Timeline.js
fix general responsive issues
#69 remove overlay on navigation
#104 fix logo size
remove print button on mobile
#111 rename dropdown-box to collapsible-panel
#113 remove page name from footer on mobile
#120 fix padding on top of images homepage
#119 remove margin below images in focus element
#110 add background example to styleguide
#106 fix main navigation height
2.1.0 (2014-06-03)
#52 fix side navigation
#52 fix breadcrumb
#52 #37 fix nav-lang and nav-services
#52 #49 revert fonts to original files
#55 add more list-items to news-feed
#52 fix focus element
#52 fix footer sitemap links ! Markup changes
#44 fix search field label vertical alignment
#45 fix search field and themes select position
#54 fix overlay not showing in example pages
#48 fix services navigation responsive placement
#48 update header to make it responsive until xs size
fix global navigation to display more elements without problems
#53 update global navigation to support mobile view ! Markup changes
class to.nav-page-list
add drilldown plugin to handle
sub-navigation animations ! Markup changes -
fix viewport issue on Windows Phone
fix svg fallbacks and svg issues on IE
fix social links in footer on mobile ! Markup changes
#80 #81 #82 #83 #84 fix accessibility issues with colors
#85 fix issue with checkbox alignment in inline forms
#26 remove all cortana prefixes
#53 fix mobile tables scroll
#86 fix focus element with nopadding on medium size
#87 fix global navigation behaviour
#88 fix SVG issues in logo
#89 fix languages menu on mobile
2.0.1 (2014-05-21)
Update file
#35 update README with feedback for windows 7 installation
#57 add link to download file in styleguide header
#36 provide non-minified CSS assets and add
suffix on minified ones -
#32 fix News Feed paddings and border. ! Markup changes
2.0.0 (2014-05-20)
#50 Main navigation working on IE9
#43 Admin logo cut off
#42 Social button
#40 Missing exemple page