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File metadata and controls

177 lines (116 loc) · 4.19 KB


Ruby on Rails complete scaffold template with bootstrap and material design. You can use various additional functions just by scaffold.


git clone
rails new BootstrapTest -d mysql -T -m SwanTemplate/main.rb
# example 
rails g swaffold author name
rails g swaffold genre name
rails g swaffold book title author:references genre:references overview:text 
rails db:migrate

Additionnal Functions

Bootstrap or MaterialDesign

You can choice design frame work.

option  Please Choise use design frame work
  1)  Bootstrap
  2)  Material
choose  Enter your selection: _

Simple form's configration and default _form.html.erb files are generated by your choice.

This is twitter bootstrap sample.


This is material design sample.

material design

For bootstrap only, you can use lavish

  1. Visit to
  2. Provide an image.
  3. copy the finished sass into a .app/assets/stylesheets/_custom_variables.scss

Example this image.


Genarated page is this.


Search sub class and form in index

Auto create search subclass in model.

They are include ActiveModel::Base.

And search form append in top of index pages.

You can search string(verchar) and text with LIKE, integer, date with min..max, references with IN by select2 multiple select


references columns are auto apply select2.

you can like search relation sip table in edit page.

index pages are searchable by multiple select.

Bootstrap Datepicker

Date type columns can input by bootstrap datepicker.

Kaminari pagenation

Append pagination helper, when search result count over 25.

Logical Delete

Migration auto add "deleated_at" column.

Provide methods are

  • logical_delete! insert to deleated_at column.
  • active where(deleated_at: nil)
  • active?
  • deleted
  • deleted?

Scaffold delete method, use logical_delete.

Scaffolded index page, only show active columns. and references select box too.

Lock version

migration auto add "lock_version" column.

they hidden in edit pages.

added strong parametars.

ERD and annnotate

after rake db:migration, auto create Entity Relationsip Diagram pdf.

pleace install graphviz.

graphviz install guide.

scheme infomation output to model as comment.


# coding: utf-8
# == Schema Information
# Table name: books
#  id           :integer          not null, primary key
#  title        :string(255)
#  author_id    :integer
#  genre_id     :integer
#  overview     :text(65535)
#  lock_version :integer          default(0), not null
#  created_by   :integer
#  updated_by   :integer
#  deleted_by   :integer
#  created_at   :datetime         not null
#  updated_at   :datetime         not null
#  deleted_at   :datetime

i18n genarator

Auto translate and create i18n.yml after migration.


I was test only ubuntu, mysql, ruby2.4 and rails 5.1. Others may go well.

  ##                                                                 ##
  ##  Please enjoy your trip of the Limited Express Train on Rails!  ##
  ##                                                                 ##
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