Simple Video Processor Server Api.
Currently it supports only one operation video trimming.
- In form of HTML is Available here
- And also is placed at public project's folder here http://:domain/documentation/docs/index.html
- I have used my api_sketch gem for documentation generation. Here is it's DSL description
- Install mongoDB, Redis, ffmpeg on your machine
- Copy and configure config/secrets.yml.example to config/secrets.yml
- Copy and configure config/mongoid.yml.example to config/mongoid.yml
- Copy and configure config/sidekiq.yml.example to config/sidekiq.yml
- Copy and configure .env.example to .env
- Start background sidekiq queue ./bin/bundle exec sidekiq -C ./config/sidekiq.yml
- Start project server ./bin/rails s
Ruby ruby-2.3.0
Rails 5
MongoDB (mongoid gem)
ffmpeg (streamio-ffmpeg gem)
Redis (sidekiq gem for background jobs)
rSpec (for tests)