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File metadata and controls

177 lines (143 loc) · 5.9 KB


This proejct is obsolete. It was substituted with the composers introduced in stamp specification v1.5.

This repository will be archived in early 2018.


Hackable implementation of the 'compose' specification


$ npm i make-compose


The following is written using rtype type notation.

interface Stamp (options?: Object|Any, ...args?: Any[]) => Any; {
  compose: Compose; Descriptor

Initializer(options?: object, ?: { stamp: Stamp, instance: Any, args: Any[] }) => instance: Void|Any

ingerface Descriptor {
  methods?: Object,
  properties?: Object,
  deepProperties?: Object,
  propertyDescriptors?: Object,
  staticProperties?: Object,
  staticDeepProperties?: Object,
  staticPropertyDescriptors?: Object,
  configuration?: Object,
  deepConfiguration?: Object,
  initializers?: Initializer[]

interface Composable: Stamp|Descriptor

interface Compose (...args?: Composable[]) => Stamp

MakeCompose(options: Object) => compose: Function

This function creates and returns the compose implementation. The options argument can have the following key-value pairs:

  • mergeComposable: (dstDescriptor: Descriptor, srcComposable: Composable) => dstDescriptor: Descriptor - merges (mutates) the second argument into the first argument. Returns the first argument. Supply it to track composition.

  • createStamp: (descriptor: Descriptor, composeFunction: Compose) => Stamp - creates new stamp from the given descriptor and the compose function. Supply it to track each instantiated stamp.

  • createFactory: (descriptor: Descriptor) => Function - creates a factory function from the given descriptor. Supply it to override factory function creation.

  • createObject: (proto: Object) => Object|Any - given the prototype object creates a new empty object form it. Default value is Object.create. Supply it to tweak the objects the stamp are gonna return.

  • assign: (dst: Object, src: Object) => dst: Object - supply it to override the default Object.assign implementation.

  • merge: (dst: Object, src: Object) => dst: Object - the stamp-specific merge function. Supply it to override the default implementation.


Use it when you need to track or override each time a composable is merged to the new descriptor object.

import MakeCompose, {mergeComposable} from 'make-compose';
const compose = MakeCompose({
  mergeComposable: function (dstDescriptor, srcComposable) {
    const name = (srcComposable && ((srcComposable.toString && srcComposable.toString()) ||;
    console.log('composing with', name);
    return, dstDescriptor, srcComposable);


Use it when you need to track or override each new stamp created.

import MakeCompose, {createStamp} from 'make-compose';
let counter = 0;
const compose = MakeCompose({
  createStamp: function (descriptor) {
    return createStamp(descriptor);


Use it when your factory function needs to be different to the default one.

import MakeCompose, {createFactory} from 'make-compose';
let counter = 0;
const compose = MakeCompose({
  createFactory(descriptor) {
    const factory =, descriptor);
    const name = (counter++).toString();
    factory.toString = () => ("Object#" + name);
    return factory;


Use it when you need your stamps to instantiate something different to the regular objects. The default algorithm is simply the Object.create.

import MakeCompose, {createObject} from 'make-compose';
let counter = 0;
const compose = MakeCompose({
  createObject: function (proto) {
    return createObject(proto);


You can also override the Object.assign implementation. But it is used in many various places. Beware!

import MakeCompose, {assign} from 'make-compose';
let counter = 0;
const compose = MakeCompose({
  assign: function (dst, src) {
    return assign(dst, src);


You can also override the stamp-specific deep merge implementation. But it is used in many various places. Beware!

import MakeCompose, {merge} from 'make-compose';
let counter = 0;
const compose = MakeCompose({
  merge: function (dst, src) {
    return merge(dst, src);


All the stamps created from this compose functions are going to:

  • have new toString() method which returns the stamp dummy name
  • print the name of the stamp each time it is composed
  • count the number of descriptors merged and stamps instantiated
import MakeCompose, {mergeComposable, createStamp, isComposable, isDescriptor}
 from 'make-compose';
const counters = {composedDescriptors: 0, createdStamps: 0};
const compose = MakeCompose({
  mergeComposable(dstDescriptor, srcComposable) {
    if (isComposable(srcComposable)) {
      const name = (srcComposable && ((srcComposable.toString && srcComposable.toString()) ||;
      console.log('composing with', name); // Printing the name of the stamp.
    return, dstDescriptor, srcComposable);
  createStamp(descriptor, composeImplementaion) {
    return, descriptor, composeImplementaion);
  createFactory(descriptor) {
    const factory =, descriptor);
    const name = counters.createdStamps.toString();
    factory.toString = () => ("Object#" + name); // Overwriting the default JavaScript "toString"
    return factory;