What's Changed
- Add get order details, get tenant leases, and get lease details by @rwithik-spheron in #1
- Add Escrow Functions by @nitin-spheron in #2
- Added event listening and provider URLS by @AnuragSpheron in #4
- Added provider module by @AnuragSpheron in #5
- Added ICL manifest to send manifest and close deployment by @AnuragSpheron in #6
- Added order update by @AnuragSpheron in #7
- Updated provider's endpoints by @AnuragSpheron in #9
- Sort leases on id and add active and terminated count to getLeasesByState by @rwithik-spheron in #10
- Add fizz contracts interactions by @abhinav-spheron in #11
- Added event for fizz created by @AnuragSpheron in #12
- Fizz Node Update Functions by @AnuragSpheron in #13
- Add optional wallet in signer in escrow by @nitin-spheron in #16
- Move Provider | Escrow Functions to their modules by @nitin-spheron in #17
- Add Error Handling by @nitin-spheron in #18
- Migrate to optimized contracts by @abhinav-spheron in #19
- Update Order Abstraction by @AnuragSpheron in #23
- Protocol SDK | Release v1.0.0 by @abhinav-spheron in #15
- Update pricing logic for deployment by @AnuragSpheron in #24
- Update protocol SDK readme and examples by @rekpero in #27
New Contributors
- @abhinav-spheron made their first contribution at #11
- @rekpero made their first contribution at #27
Full Changelog: https://github.com/spheronFdn/protocol-sdk/commits/v1.0.0