Week1 (09/16/2017) Research on Unity3d game engine and design of a sample 3d game:
- The game is going to be developed using the tutorial provided by Unity3d.
- The game is designed to have a sphere object or a ball which is moved in a particular direction by applying force to it using the arrow keys of the keyboard.
- This game is designed to understand game development using Unity3d and to compare the development experience with other game engines such as python's PyGame. References: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xcm5H2J95iI https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/?&_ga=2.180608551.1839389135.1505940866-582203641.1505940866#!/content/40465
Week2 (9/30/2017)
- Designed the appearance of the score board of the game for levels 1 and 2.
- Uploaded two image files of prototype of a score board
- Defined the functionality of the score board of the game for level 1 and 2.
Week3 (10/07/2017)
- Research on the design pattern that would best fit to construct the functionality of the score board for the game is in progress.
- Observer pattern suits the design for the above said module, but looking into more patterns to confirm it.
- Once the pattern is decided, design will be created for the module using a UML Class diagram.
- Sequence diagram for the whole game will be completed next week
Week4 (10/21/2017)
- Observer pattern has been selected to design the score board for the game for levels 1 & 2.
- The UML Class diagram for the above said design pattern is attached for reference.
- Sequence Diagram for the whole game flow is in progress.
Week5 (10/28/2017)
- Construction of code for score board funtionality is in progress. a)Completed build of score keeping for the player when attacking enemy objects. Testing in progress. b)Construction of tracking player's lives when player is hit by the enemy/enemy objects is in progress.
- Sequence Diagram for the whole game flow is in progress.
Week6 (11/04/2017)
- Built number of lives left functionality for player.
- Built score tracking functionality for Alienships, AlienSoldiers and AlienCreatures.
- Creating seperate scoreboard objects for each of the above said elements.
Week7 (11/10/2017)
- Completed Level 1 ScoreBoard module integration with other enemy and player modules of the game
- Integration of Level 2 scoreboard module with player completed.
- Integration of Level 2 scoreboard module enemy module is in progress
Week8 (11/18/2017)
- Completed Level 2 scoreboard integration with Enemy and level 1 & 2 modules are completed.
- Sequence Diagram for the project is in progress
Below are the instances that indicate, that the team adopted the 'Eliminate Waste' which is one of the lean core values:
Week1 (09/16/2017)
- A meeting between the team members was held to assign tasks to work on for the week, hence eliminating waiting of team members to start working on their respective tasks
- Members are assigned the number of tasks in such a way that, over committing to tasks is avoided
Week2 (9/30/2017)
- Game components were categorized and divided among team members to design and define the features, so that redundant work was avoided
Week3 (10/07/2017)
- Items are added in the backlog for each module of the game from design to development and is being appropriately assigned to each member to facilitate continuous flow of work in the team hence avoiding unnecessary waiting.
Week4 (11/21/2017)
- Through team meeting and effective communication, work items are seamlessly segregated between team members, hence avoiding redundancy (more than one person working on the same module).
Week5 (10/28/2017)
- Consrtuction of individual components are in progress as planned. Developer wait time is eliminated by segregating backlog items well before the start of the construction phase.
Week6 (11/04/2017)
- Going according to estimates as per burn down chart. There is not many tasks in progress hence eliminated over-producing.
Week7 (11/21/2017)
- Integrated the various game modules for level 1 by having team meetings and discussions to avoid confusion and prevented scattered work place or unnecessary movement of people.
Week8 (11/18/2017)
- Integrated the game modules for level 2 by having team meetings with developers of the concerned modules to avoid unnecessary movement of people.