During week 8, the team completed the working module of the game. It is ready for the demo.
Throughout the week, the team took feedback from all team members to make code of the game working. Team followed small feedback-loops for coding and integrating which made the integration process easy and quick.
In seventh week, the team integrated all the modules together to make the game work implementing their respective design patterns.
For integrating the modules together, each team member took feedback from every other member so that the their respective design patterns can be merged with others to make the game. This made possible to construct a desired working model of the game.
In sixth week, the team has almost completed coding their respective modules. I have almost coded my module involving destruction elements of Level 1.
Throughout this week, every team member took feedback from others and completed coding their respective modules. Also, we followed short feedback-loops so that all the modules can be integrated together to make the entire game working.
In fifth week, the team started coding their respective modules. I coded the destruction elements in Level 1 and added classes and methods for the same.
Throughout the week, the team coded their modules by taking feedback from each team member so that the code can be integrated in the coming week. This helped in expediting the development of the game.
In fourth week, the entire team created the Class Diagrams of their respective design patterns that they will implement in the game. I constructed class diagram for destruction elements in Level 1 for Factory Pattern.
Throughout the week, the team worked in short feedback loops for creating Class Diagrams for the design pattern that fits their module. Every team member discussed the dependency on other team member's module and uniformly opted the naming of classes and certain dependent operations.
In the third week, most of our team finalized the design patterns to be implemented by them. I finalized on classes and functions of destruction elements in Level 1 which helped me decide that Factory Pattern fits my module.
The team constanly took feedback from each other throughout the week on finalizing the classes and functions of the modules assigned to them. This accelerated the team's performance and most of us could decide upon the design patterns that we will build.
In the second week, our team researched on possibilities of games in Greenfoot and decided a layout for our game. I finalized the destruction objects for Level 1 and have attached their images. I have also defined what changes the destruction elements will cause in the game.
On Saturday my team and I decided to research on game options in Greenfoot. Around mid of the week, we discussed and took feedback from each member as to what they researched and which type of game in Greenfoot is more appropriate for the project. Taking constant feedback from every member helped our team to improve and expedite learning from our past week's experiences.
In the first week I researched on unity web gaming engine and tried of a simple 2D UFO Game from the unity official tutorials. I understood the principles of working with game objects and components.
References: https://unity3d.com/learn/tutorials/projects/2d-ufo-tutorial
My team and I worked throughout the first week exploring different gaming engines and trying out sample games. We followed short feedback-loop during the week by taking feedback from team members researching on similar gaming engines. This helped the pairs researching on the same gaming platform to quickly understand its working and scope. Also, we took feedback from each member on the technology stack they worked on during the week. We came to a conclusion that Greenfoot engine suits our requirement for game development.