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File metadata and controls

106 lines (66 loc) · 7.31 KB


Stefan Jokić, Yan Walesch, Thomas Zhou

Project as part of the Computational Intellgience lab course in 2021 at ETH. The project report can be found in CIL_Report.pdf.

NOTE: The training and test images which are supposed to be inside the test_images and training directories are not included. We do not have permission to share the data set. The images we used for the training set had a size of 400x400, whereas the images in the test set had a size of 608x608.

1. Setup


Please use Python version >=3.7.4, <=3.8.5. Install all required packages via pip install -r requirements.txt. You may also need to run pip install ray[default] and pip install ray[tune] if you are encountering issues with dependencies with Ray Tune, the package we use for hyper-parameter search.

IMPORTANT: If you are encountering issues with importing PyTorch Lightning on the ETH cluster, run python -m venv env_name followed by source env_name/bin/activate first before installing the packages specified in requirements.txt. The issue is that the python module of the cluster may already include several packages that are conflicting with the installation of PyTorch Lightning.

2. Training

Run the following command to train a model from scratch with default parameters:


Read a longer description of the args using python -h. Notable flags include --n_filters N_FILTERS, --loss LOSS_FN, --ckpt CKPT_FILE, --augmentation, --hyperparam_search, as well as regular hyperparameter flags like --lr, --bs, and --n_epochs.

For our best model, we ran the following:

python lanet --n_workers 4 --gpus 1 --n_epochs 1000 --lr 5e-4 --bs 4 --loss bce-dice --n_filters 128 --ckpt PATH_TO_PRETRAINED_WEIGHTS --augmentation

This will require pre-trained weights. See section 3.

NOTE: For convenience, we've uploaded the weight files for the best model (model-best.ckpt) and pretrained weights (model-pretrained-weights.ckpt) for lanet here.

Outputs log to local directory logs_training/. Access training loss and validation score using tensorboard: tensorboard --logdir logs_training. Resulting model weights from training will be saved under logs_training/MODEL_NAME/version_X/checkpoints/*.ckpt.

For our three baselines, we ran the following:

  • CNN patch classifier: python patchcnn --n_workers 4 --gpus 1 --n_epochs 300 --bs 128
  • UNet: python unet --n_workers 4 --gpus 1 --n_epochs 300
  • Pix2Pix: python pix2pix --n_workers 4 --gpus 1 --n_epochs 300 --n_filters 64

For hyperparameters not explicitly set using the respective flags, default values were used, i.e. lr=0.001, bs=4, n_filters=32.

See section 4 on how to produce predictions on test data after training and section 5 on how to generate the output .csv file for submission to kaggle. Section 5 also describes how post-processing can be applied to the predicted segmentation maps.


We include a model index at models/ which specifies the names that can be used for the MODEL_NAME arg. Models mentioned in the report include:

  • patchcnn: Patch-based shallow CNN (baseline 1)
  • unet: U-Net (baseline 2)
  • pix2pix: Pix2Pix cGAN using U-Net generator (baseline 3)
  • lanet: Our modified LANet architecture
  • lanet-res: Original LANet ResNet architecture

Models which were tested but not mentioned in the report include:

  • dinknet: D-LinkNet from D-linknet: Linknet with pretrained encoder and dilated convolution for high resolution satellite imagery road extraction by Zhou et al.
  • dunet: D-UNet architecture using a dilation block from the aforementioned dinknet

Loss Functions

Likewise, a loss function index is specified in which specifies the functions for the --loss LOSS_FN flag:

  • bce: Binary Cross Entropy
  • dice: Dice coefficient loss
  • bce-dice: Linear combination of BCE and Dice loss
  • focal: Focal loss from Focal loss for dense object detection by Lin et a.
  • jaccard: Jaccard/IoU loss

And several other linear cominations of loss functions.

3. Pre-training

If you want to pre-train your network, download the DeepGlobe training set here into deepglobe/training_raw and then generate random crops:

python utils/ deepglobe/training_raw deepglobe/training --n 2

To pre-train the network:

python MODEL_NAME --pretrain

After pre-training, you can load the pre-trained checkpoint using the --ckpt flag for to start training with pre-trained weights. For our best model, we use the following command.

python lanet --pretrain --n_workers 4 --gpus 1 --n_epochs 50 --patience 12 --lr 5e-4 --bs 4 --loss bce-dice --n_filters 128

4. Predictions

To predict on test data, run the following:


where CHECKPOINT_FILE is the path to the .ckpt file containing the model weights. After training using, you should find this file under logs_training/MODEL_NAME/version_X/checkpoints/*.ckpt. Segmentation maps (probabilities) produced by predicting on the test data will be stored in the directory specified by OUTPUT_DIRECTORY.

Likewise, for a full list of flags refer to python -h. Important flags include --augmentation for test-time augmentation, --gpu, and --n_filters to ensure the weights are compatible. For our best model, we used the following command:

python lanet --ckpt CHECKPOINT_FILE --out_dir predictions/lanet/preds --n_workers 4 --gpu --n_filters 128 --augmentation

5. Post-process masks and generate submission

As only outputs prediction probabilities, we use a final script to apply any ensembling or post-processing and generate the Kaggle submission CSV. To generate a submission.csv using a simple default binary 0.5 threshold on the input prediction probabilities:

python OUTPUT_DIR TEST_DIR --pred_dirs PRED_DIR

where OUTPUT_DIR specifies the directory of where the resulting post-processed masks and output .csv file should be stored and TEST_DIR specifies the directory containing the test images. The directory or directories specified by the --pred_dirs flag must contain predicted segmentation maps as produced by (see previous section 4).

To generate a submission.csv using an ensemble of multiple prediction probabilities:

python OUTPUT_DIR TEST_DIR --pred_dirs PRED_DIR_1 PRED_DIR_2 ... PRED_DIR_N [--val_weighted]

Set the --weighted flag in order to weight models by their validation score (or any manual weight), but there needs to be a file called weight.txt in the prediction directory that contains the score. Newer versions of will generate this automatically. Note that we did not apply any ensembling for our final submission and hence ensembling was not mentioned in our report.

Finally, you can also specify alternate post-processing methods. For example, to apply the post-processing layer discussed in the report:

python OUTPUT_DIR TEST_DIR --pred_dirs PRED_DIR --pp problayer