Before starting, you may need to update the list of packages:
sudo apt-get update
Install dependencies:
sudo apt install python3-numpy ipython3 python3-qtpy python3-h5py python3-serial python3-jack-client python3-pyqtgraph python3-pygame python3-pip
If you are installing it on a rig (and need "real-time" sound presentation), you also need:
sudo apt-get install linux-lowlatency jackd
Create directory where you want the code to reside and go there:
mkdir ~/src
cd ~/src/
Clone source code from repository:
git clone git://github.com/sjara/taskontrol.git
Define the settings for this compupter/rig:
cd ~/src/taskontrol/settings/
cp rigsettings_template.py rigsettings.py
- [edit rigsettings.py to match your settings, e.g. STATE_MACHINE_TYPE]
Install the packages (in development mode):
cd ~/src/taskontrol/
pip3 install -e ./
If using an arduino as server (e.g., in a rig), you need to have access to the serial port:
- Add yourself to the dialout group:
sudo usermod -aG dialout <username>
- You need to re-login for this to take effect.
- Add yourself to the dialout group:
Set the appropriate value for STATE_MACHINE_TYPE in
. To test with the emulator, this should be set to'emulator'
. -
In a terminal, go to the examples directory:
cd ~/src/taskontrol/examples/
- From a terminal, run a simple example:
python example003_dispatcher.py
- you should see a small window with a 'run' button.
Full documentation can be found at http://taskontrol.readthedocs.org
These instructions assume you have installed the following applications:
- Python (via the Anaconda Individual Edition): https://www.anaconda.com/products/individual#windows
- git (64bit): https://git-scm.com/download/win
- Recommended: during installation, choose Nano as the default editor.
Open the Anaconda Powershell Prompt to follow the steps below:
- Create a virtual environment:
- conda create -n taskontrol --clone base
- Activate the virtual environment:
- conda activate taskontrol
- If successful,
should appear at the beginning of your prompt.
- Install dependencies:
conda install -c anaconda numpy ipython h5py pyserial pyqt qtpy scipy matplotlib
pip install pygame
- Choose or create a folder to install this package and go to that folder:
mkdir ~/src/
cd ~/src/
- Clone the repository:
git clone git://github.com/sjara/taskontrol.git
- Install the package in editable/development mode:
cd taskontrol
pip install -e ./
- Create a local rigsettings file:
For each error (E) we describe a probable cause (C) and solution (S):
E: System only shows "Waiting for Arduino to be ready..." and never connects:
- C: You have no access to the serial port, or the arduino is not available (unplugged).
- S: See above for how to add yourself to the 'dialout' group.
E: 'ImportError: No module named PySide
- C: The necessary modules (in this case PySide) have not been installed correctly.
- S: Install all the dependencies as explained above.
E: 'ImportError: No module named taskontrol.settings'
- C: Your PYTHON path is not setup correctly.