A bioinformatic analysis pipeline for bulk ATAC-seq
- FastQC
- Files: fastqc.sh
- Description:
- This shell script help us understand the sequencing qualities of each samples and generate well-organized visualization of qualities
- Trimming
- Files: trim.sh
- Description:
- Check the fastqc result and decide how many bases to be trimmed
- Mapping
- Files: mapping.sh, mapping.qsub
- Description:
- Map reads and check reads size by the follwing script
- Reads size check
- Files: flagstat.sh
- Description:
- check the reads mapping size for experimental adjustment
- Sort and remove duplicates
- Files: sam2Sortedbam_rmdup.qub, sam2Sortedbam_rmdup.sh
- Description:
- sort reads and remove duplicates. Note: Be careful for the memory issues. Need to check the result logs and set tmp dir in argument. Also,
- Trim ChrY, ChrM, chrUn, and shift the coordinates
- Files: trim_Un_chY_chM_shift.qsub, trim_Un_chY_chM_shift.sh
- Description:
- This file help trim the unused chromosome reads and shift the coordinates for the experimental reason of ATAC-seq
- Delete negative reads
- Files: delete_negative.sh
- Description:
- Delete the reads that are shifted to negative coordination
- Convert BED file to BAM format for DiffBind
- Files: bedtobam.sh
- Description:
- This script convert the BED format to BAM format for the following DiffBind analysis
- Peaks calling
- Files: peakCalling_y.sh, peakCalling_y.qsub
- Description:
- Call peaks by DiffBind
- Filter out black list