- All packages were archived and will not be updated anymore
- New version of Stanford CoreNLP (4.5.0)
- Binaries for
- New version of Stanford CoreNLP (4.4.0)
- Build with .NET 6.0
- Added test for sentoment analysis
- Fixed "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org.ejml.simple.SimpleMatrix
- New version of Stanford NLP (4.2.0)
- New version of Stanford NLP (3.9.2)
- New version of Stanford NLP (3.9.1)
- New version of Stanford NLP (3.8)
- Fixed references between assemblies
- New version of Stanford NLP 3.7.0 for all packages
- New version of Stanford NLP (3.7-beta)
- KBP Annotator, improved coreference, Arabic pipeline
- Known issues: stanfordnlp/CoreNLP#293
- New version of Stanford NLP (3.6)
- IKVM.NET was updated up to v8.1.5717
- CoreNLP - Switch to Universal Dependencies, add Chinese coreference system to CoreNLP
- Parser - Switch to universal dependencies
- NER - synch standalone and CoreNLP functionality
- New version of Stanford NLP
- Migration to ProjectScaffold template
- Migration to Paket
- Integration with CI servers
- All packages were updated up to v3.5.0
- IKVM.NET was updated up to v8.0.5449 (RC0 for Java 8)
- C# samples were added
- All packages were updated up to v3.4
- IKVM.NET was updated up to v7.4.5196.0
- All packages were updated up to v3.3.1
- Stanford Core NLP was updated up to v3.3.1
- Applied new project structure (FSharp.ProjectScaffold)
- All samples conveted into Unit Test
- First version of documentaion was published
- Compilation was process automated
- Assemblies update up to Stanford.NLP v3.3.0
- Added Stanford Word Segmenter Samples
- Added Stanford NER Samples
- Added FAKE build scripts
- Documentation updated
- Added Stanford Parser Samples
- Added support of new RNN based English model.
- Samples updated up to latest IKVM version
- Added Stanford Named Entity Recognizer Samples
- Added Stanford Log-linear Part-Of-Speech Tagger Samples