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VCG debugging techniques for CRefine

Unprovable goals and False in the post condition

When using vcg, situations arise where schematic instantiation to False can happen due to unification failure -- mostly during simplification. This is usually hard to find because False itself does not necessarily show up, for example you may get something like this:

cte cap.
      ccap_relation (cteCap cte) capcap_get_tag capsigned cap_vspace_cap...

Which is obviously not provable, because we don't have any information about cap to work with. What it should have generated is something like:

cte cap.
       ccap_relation (cteCap cte) cap(t. cap_get_tag cap = signed cap_vspace_cap...)

This means that some conjunct in the ... above got resolved to False, which got simplified to the unsolvable goal.

The way to track down these issues is to go over the vcg steps to see which ones introduced the unexpected result. However, with large goals this is very difficult to work with. What else can help?

First, try removing (P ⟶ False) = (¬ P) from the simpset, so we can look for False in the goals:

  supply simp_thms(19)[simp del]

Second, if you do have identified a suspicious vcg invocation that could result in a bad instantiation, try the following instead of only vcg:

  apply (rule conseqPre, vcg, rule subset_refl)

For a "good" goal, this sequence will succeed and leave a goal to prove which has no schematic variables in the assumptions (ideally also not in the conclusion, but those should be harmless for this purpose). If this sequence fails, then there most likely is a problem with the parameters of the schematic precondition the goal is allowed to depend on, e.g. you have ?P x in the precondition, but vcg is generating a goal that depends on add additional parameter y.

This can happen when new parameters are introduced by exE, clarsimp, case distinctions, or other tactics. For instance you might have x = Some y in the assumptions and ?P (Some y) as the schematic precondition, but the vcg needs ?P y. Unification is generally not smart enough to figure out that P (the (Some y)) would be a solution. The following strategies may help:

  • try using the tactic wpfix. It can sometimes resolve the problem by replacing ?P with a new ?P that is allowed to depend on more parameters.

  • go back to the place where the schematic ?P is introduced and introduce the parameter before the schematic, so ?P can depend on the parameter. This could happen for instance by using a better case distinction rule that manages schematics, or by performing the relevant exE, clarsimp etc before the schematic is introduced (not always possible).

  • go back to the place where the parameter y is introduced and prevent it from being introduced. E.g. instead of using clarsimp to generate x = Some y and using y, be careful to keep the form ∃y. x = Some y in your assumptions (or prevent it from even occurring when possible, e.g. by blocking a x ≠ None rewrite or using Lib.not_None). Then use the x instead to access the content of x. This is not necessarily nice, but should always be available in principle.

  • it is sometimes possible to use wpc in ccorres goals to produce sub goals that provide access to the correct set of parameters (e.g. a None case and Some y case, where y is fine to access). This can also be used when one of the cases is impossible by showing a contradiction for that branch.

In summary, beware not only of simp, which might instantiate schematics, but also of otherwise safe tactics like clarsimp and exE when working with vcg goals that still have schematic variables.

VCG takes very long

Sometimes the vcg invocation takes very long for simple goals. There are two potential reasons for this.

  • vcg might be expanding the state record into its many constituents. While this is a good tactic for the vcg for making progress in smaller state spaces, the C state in l4v is too large for this, and even printing the goal state will take a long time in expanded form with hundreds of state variables.

    To avoid this, use conseqPre before you apply vcg so that there is no concrete state the vcg can split on. You can resolve the generated implication immediately with subset_refl, so the full form is the same as for avoiding instantiation to False:

    apply (rule conseqPre, vgc, rule subset_refl)
  • vcg might be trying to inline multiple function definitions and the goal is then not actually as small as it looked. When this happens the vcg prints info messages about this unfolding. Prove specification lemmas for the functions instead to avoid unfolding.

If you do get a legitimate goal that is very large, you can try to at least speed up printing at the cost of not expanding syntax and syntax translations:

  • Use supply [[goals_limit = 1]] if you have more than one goal

  • Use the Quick print option in jEdit to turn off translations

  • Turn off some of the Hoare package's funky syntax translations using

    ML {* HoareSyntax.use_call_tr' := false *}