The frontend is an Expo App (React Native) that allows users to view and capture their tours.
Make sure to get a google maps api key (documentation) and add it to the app.json file.
Install the expo-cli globally
npm install -g expo-cli
Navigate to the frontend directory and install the dependencies:
cd frontend
npm i
If you want to use a different server address for the REST API, you can change it in the httpRequests.ts file.
Run the app in the development mode:
npm start --web # for web (This version does not support map features)
npm start --android # for android (Runs on connected android devices or emulators)
Build the app for production: (IMPORTANT: Insert your own Google Maps API key in the app.js file)
npx expo run:ios # for ios
npx expo run:android # for android
Start in Windows CMD
set ANDROID_SDK_ROOT=%userprofile%\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\
set PATH=%PATH%;%userprofile%\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\platform-tools
npx expo start
npx expo install --fix
npx expo-doctor
npx eas build -p android --profile preview --clear-cache