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Releases: sayofthelor/lore-engine-legacy

Lore Engine v0.9: The Legacy Update

05 Jul 00:58
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Lore Engine v0.9 has been released!


  • Device based aspect ratio option
  • Fixed controls saves
  • Optimization option removed (It was not properly implemented and caused more problems than it fixed)

IMPORTANT: With this update, this version of Lore Engine becomes Lore Engine Legacy. Lore Engine v1.0 is a Psych Engine v0.7-based, API-incompatible update and will be released soon (eventually).

Important: Since v0.5, Lore Engine uses the GNU-GPLv3 license, rather than Apache-v2.0.

This means you are required by license to distribute the source code to any publicly distributed mod made with Lore Engine. I won't sue you or anything if you don't, just don't be a dick, please.

If you find any bugs, please shoot me a DM on Twitter.

Download Here!

Lore Engine v0.8.1

12 Jul 04:56
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Lore Engine v0.8.1 has been released!


  • Fixed LUA color bug
  • Misc. under-the-hood improvements

This was a smaller update, but the bug was quite noticable, so I figured issuing a hotfix would be a good idea.

Important: Since v0.5, Lore Engine uses the GNU-GPLv3 license, rather than Apache-v2.0.

This means you are required by license to distribute the source code to any publicly distributed mod made with Lore Engine. I won't sue you or anything if you don't, just don't be a dick, please.

If you find any bugs, please shoot me a DM on Twitter.

Download Here!

Lore Engine v0.8 - The Cooler Stuff Update

11 Jun 05:57
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Lore Engine v0.8 has been released!


  • A new in-game crash handler
  • Fixed aesthetics for ratings
  • Centered the HUD (it was 6 pixels off before lmao)
  • Fixed animation speed and song ending bug for playback rates other than 1
  • Added script identifiers to interoperate scripts (functions setScriptIdentifier(id:String) and getScriptFromIdentifier(id:String))
  • Made it so the whole game doesn't crash if you don't have a chart for a difficulty
  • Optimized FlxPoints
  • Fixed some typos
  • Fixed custom notetypes with hscript in the Chart Editor
  • Added GIF support to mod icons
  • Accurate memory on cpp platforms (and an option to switch between megabytes and mebibytes)
  • Fix FlxCamera to remove black bars and fix render culling at camera angles
  • Old Psych Engine head bop option
  • More miscellaneous aesthetic changes

Linux and Mac releases will be added soon.

Important: Since v0.5, Lore Engine uses the GNU-GPLv3 license, rather than Apache-v2.0.

This means you are required by license to distribute the source code to any publicly distributed mod made with Lore Engine. I won't sue you or anything if you don't, just don't be a dick, please.

If you find any bugs, please shoot me a DM on Twitter.

Download Here!

Lore Engine v0.7 - The Scripting Update

12 Jan 07:16
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Lore Engine v0.7 has been released!

The documentation for this release is not yet done, as I'm working on moving to a more streamlined wiki.

Added (New Features)

  • Haxe scripting system using hscript
  • Supported extensions are: .hx, .hxs, .hsc, .hscript
  • These scripts have slightly different function names from Lua, but the important ones are:
  • onCreate(), onCreatePost(), onUpdate(elapsed), onUpdatePost(elapsed) are create(), createPost(), update(elapsed), updatePost(elapsed), etc.
  • Basically they're more in line with Haxe function names, check source/lore/FunkinHX.hx for a list of all callbacks
  • These run in PlayState, just like Lua scripts, but also...
  • Custom states!
  • You can either switch to states in the states folder from a Haxe script, or, if the file has the same name as some states and is in the states/override folder, it will completely override a state!
  • A mod is included as an optional download (recreation of the menu from Half-Life) if you would like to try this out and see how it works
  • Custom pause menu callbacks in Lua and Haxe (by @8bitjake)
  • onPauseMenuOpen() is called when the pause menu is opened.
  • onPauseMenuSelect(tag:String) is called whenever a pause option is selected with the name of the option.
  • You can use PauseSubState.instance.addOption(tag) to add an option to the pause menu in create() for Haxe or onCreate() for Lua.
  • Different aspect ratio support
  • These are a bit rough around the edges, but they work if you need them.

Added (QOL)

  • Updated to latest Psych Engine git version
  • Now using Haxe Module Manager for easier installation of libs (haxelib install hmm)
  • Option to anchor the ratings to the world camera rather than the HUD
  • FPS Counter renamed to Info Display
  • Info Display border that doesn't cut your FPS in half
  • Compact Info Display
  • Rainbow Info Display
  • Hitsound volume can be changed
  • Individual animations can be hooked to the playback rate of the song
  • Pause on focus lost option
  • Partial locale support (not completed)

Important: Since v0.5, Lore Engine uses the GNU-GPLv3 license, rather than Apache-v2.0.

This means you are required by license to distribute the source code to any publicly distributed mod made with Lore Engine. I won't sue you or anything if you don't, just don't be a dick, please.

If you find any bugs, please shoot me a DM on Twitter.

Download Here!

Lore Engine v0.6 - Bugfixes and Shadertoy support

15 Aug 04:25
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Lore Engine v0.6 has been released!

Added (QOL)

  • Updated to latest Psych Engine git build
  • Added option to disable MS counter


  • The game no longer randomly crashes!
  • Time text is now above the arrows when the new Time Bar is enabled.

Added (the big one): Shadertoy shaders at runtime!

Most shadertoy shaders work fine with this using this with no code modification at all. FlxRuntimeShader in said library created by @mastereric.

New callback: initLuaShader(obj:String, type:String = "flixel", glVersion:Int = 120)

Defaults to "flixel" for normal shaders. Change to "shadertoy" to use Shadertoy ones.

Important: Since v0.5, Lore Engine uses the GNU-GPLv3 license, rather than Apache-v2.0.

This means you are required by license to distribute the source code to any publicly distributed mod made with Lore Engine. I won't sue you or anything if you don't, just don't be a dick, please.

If you find any bugs, please shoot me a DM on Twitter.

Download Here!

Lore Engine v0.5.1

01 Aug 00:31
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Lore Engine v0.5.1 has been released!

Added (QOL)

  • Updated to latest Psych Engine git build (0.6.2) (shaders!!!)
  • FPS counter now properly shows correct framerate
  • Added option to show memory counter
  • Readded persistent caching, to make reloading nearly instant (uses a lot of memory)
  • New head bop setting (reactive)
  • Changed score bar appearance
  • New time bar appearance (togglable)
  • Rating sizes are now scalable
  • Fixed a bug with second vocal tracks in the Chart Editor
  • Rearranged Visuals and UI menu (it was getting hella clunky)

Added (LUA)

  • Lua files matching the character name in the [mod]/characters/ directory now load when that character is loaded

setIconFrames(icon:String, frameImage:String, spriteType:String = "sparrow"

Changes icon frames to a spritesheet with an XML file in [mod]/images/

addIconAnimationByPrefix(char:String, name:String, prefix:String, framerate:Int = 24, loop:Bool = true)

Same as addAnimationByPrefix, with char being player or opponent

addIconAnimationByIndices(char:String, name:String, prefix:String, indices:String, framerate:Int = 24, loop:Bool = true)

Same as addAnimationByIndices, with char being player or opponent

playIconAnim(char:String, anim:String)

Same as playAnim, with char being player or opponent

(callback) onIconUpdate(char:String)

Used for changing icon states (ex: winning, losing, neutral). char is either player or opponent. Return Function_Stop if you want to run your own code here.

Important: Since v0.5, Lore Engine uses the GNU-GPLv3 license, rather than Apache-v2.0.

  • This means you are required by license to distribute the source code to any publicly distributed mod made with Lore Engine. I won't sue you or anything if you don't, just don't be a dick, please.

If you find any bugs, please shoot me a DM on Twitter.

Download Here!

Lore Engine v0.5

11 Jun 17:52
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Lore Engine v0.5 has been released!

Added (QOL)

  • Updated to latest Psych Engine git build
  • Hit time (ms) counter
  • Fixed incorrect timings in TItleState
  • Version checking LUA scripts should work more consistently, as the internal version number is 0.5.0, rather than 0.5.
  • Victory icons (must be set in WeekEditorState and CharacterEditorState before use)
  • The Lore Engine watermark in the FPS counter is now togglable

Added (LUA)

winTweenX(tag, value, duration, ease) and winTweenY(tag, value, duration, ease)

  • These work similarly to an object tween, but instead tween the X and Y values of your window onscreen.


  • This lets you change the Discord client ID, which when combined with the existing changePresence function, allows for completely custom Discord rich presence. It's recommended to only run this during onCreate, as it can cause some lag.

Important change: From this point on, Lore Engine uses the GNU-GPLv3 license, rather than Apache-v2.0.

  • This means you are required by license to distribute the source code to any publicly distributed mod made with Lore Engine.

If you find any bugs, please shoot me a DM on Twitter.

Download Here!

Lore Engine v0.4.1

30 May 04:22
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Lore Engine v0.4.1 has been released!


  • Rebalanced rating text
  • Properly working crash dialog (built with HaxeUI and OpenFL) thanks to @gedehari

Bug Fixes

  • Engine version in Discord RPC now properly intializes

Known Bugs

  • Chart Editor waveform still doesn't work with the second vocal track

If you find any bugs, please shoot me a DM on Twitter.

Download Here!

Lore Engine v0.4

25 May 18:26
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Lore Engine v0.4 has been released!


  • Week 7
  • Option to mute second vocal track in editor
  • Philly Glow ‼️
  • Visual representation for note timing (under Visuals and UI settings)
  • Slightly improved FPS counter look
  • Option to disable Score text
  • LUA function to split data into an array, and variables to tell Lore Engine version and whether or not your mod is running on Lore
  • Crash handler, kudos to @gedehari (Not implemented entirely, if anyone has figured out how to properly compile HaxeUI apps, shoot me a DM)

Bug Fixes

  • Second vocal tracks now work properly in the Chart Editor and Editor PlayState
  • Notes now show properly in the Note Colors menu

Known Bugs

  • Chart Editor waveform doesn't work with the second vocal track

If you find any bugs, please shoot me a DM on Twitter.

Download Here!

Lore Engine v0.3

16 Apr 21:56
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Lore Engine v0.3 has been released!


  • Second vocal tracks have been properly added in, and can be toggled from the Chart Editor.
  • There's a marvelous hit window now.
  • The song name and time remaining are now both shown in the time bar by default.
  • StepMania style judgement animations have been added
  • Colorblind filters have been added for deuteranopia, protanopia, and tritanopia.
  • Note scale can now be tweened using the noteTweenScaleX and noteTweenScaleY Lua functions.
  • There is now an option to make the head icons smaller.
  • The head icon bopping animation can now be toggled between Lore and Psych, or disabled entirely. (They can also be overridden in Lua with the onHeadBop callback.)
  • New countdown sprites have been added.
  • The camera now properly zooms prior to the opponent singing the first note. (If there are any animations this breaks, just set the property of camZooming to false in Lua.)
  • Shaders have been added back in, but you can only use them from source.
  • There's a new variable you can set from Lua called topTimeSignature which determines on what beat the camera will zoom.
  • If you compile the game in debug mode, text saying NOT REPRESENTATIVE OF FINAL VERSION will be shown during gameplay.
  • You can now see the arrows in the rating offset screen.

Bug Fixes

  • The FPS counter is now in the proper position if you have it set to bottom left and resize the window.
  • Blammed lights now work properly on songs other than Blammed and stages with a very low camera zoom.
  • The lane underlay now loads after cutscenes finish.

If you find any bugs, please shoot me a DM on Twitter.

Download Here!