This is the example code from the "AngularJS in the frontend" talk at Umbraco Dk Festival 2014. Purpose is to show how to serve data to Angular from Umbraco. @abjerner has made a NuGet package to handle the response-object. It is included in the example code. If you wan´t to start your own project, you can get it at
Comments and questions are mostly welcome on twitter @pjengaard
You can find Filips Angular code here:
- /web/ - Umbraco 7 installation
- /code/ - Code-project handling all logic (most important code is in /code/Controllers/NewsApiController.cs)
- Update Nugets
- Attach IIS to /web/ folder or build and run the "web"-project from VS
- Open url http://localhost/umbraco/api/newsapi/search/ or /umbraco/api/newsapi/getnews/1070
JSON View for Chrome:
NuGet package for handling response from WebApi: