Unofficial NodeJS library for the ENTSO-E Transparency Platform API
- Day ahead prices.
- Written in
. - Battle tested with 100% code coverage.
# npm
npm i entsoe-js
# yarn
yarn add entsoe-js
# pnpm
pnpm i entsoe-js
import { Client, BiddingZone } from 'entsoe-js';
const client = new Client({
securityToken: process.env.ENTSOE_API_KEY
const prices = await client.dayAheadPrices({
biddingZone: BiddingZone.NL
To get access to an security token you need to register the Transparency Platform and send an email to [email protected] with Restful API access
in the subject line. Indicate the email address you entered during registration in the email body. When granted access there will be an option to generate a security token under account settings.
Thanks to Robin Hansson for his work and inspiration: