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Cluster Logging and OpenTelemetry

This is the protocol and semantic conventions documentation for Red Hat OpenShift Logging's OTEL support starting with Logging v6.1 which is considered Tech-Preview. This document should be considered as a work in progress and is subject to change until OTEL support graduates to General Acceptance.

Forwarding and Ingestion Protocol

Red Hat OpenShift Logging provides a log collection and forwarding solution that is capable of writing logs to OpenTelemetry endpoints using OTLP. OTLP is the protocol for encoding, transporting, and delivering telemetry data. This product additionally is capable of providing a Loki storage deployment that provides an OTLP endpont to ingest log streams. This document defines the semantic conventions associated with the logs collected from the various sources of an OpenShift cluster.

Note: Logs are forwarded using OTLP/HTTP as defined by the OpenTelemetry Observability Framework. It uses Protobuf payloads encoded in JSON format.

Semantic Conventions

The log collector provided by this solution collects the following log streams:

  • Container logs
  • Cluster node journal logs
  • Cluster node auditd logs
  • Kubernetes and OpenShift API server logs
  • OpenShift Virtual Network (OVN) logs

These streams are forwarded using the sementatic conventions defined by OpenTelemetry semantic attributes. The semantic conventions in OpenTelemetry define a Resource as an immutable representation of the entity producing telemetry as Attributes. For example, a process producing telemetry that is running in a container has a container_name, a cluster_id, a pod_name, a namespace, and possibly a deployment or app_name. All of these Attributes are included in the Resource object. This grouping and reducing of common attributes is a powerful tool when sending logs as telemetry data.

The following sections define the attributes that are generally forwarded.

Log Entry Structure

All log streams include the following log data fields

The "Applicable Sources" column shows which log sources this field applies to:

  • all is a field that is present on all logs
  • container is a field that is present on Kubernetes Container logs (both application and infrastructure)
  • audit is a field that is present on Kubernetes and OpenShift API and OVN Logs
  • auditd is a field that is present on Node auditd logs
  • journal is a field that is present on Node journal logs
Name Applicable Sources Comment
body all
observedTimeUnixNano all
timeUnixNano all
severityText container, journal
attributes all Optional. Present when forwarding stream specific attributes


Log entries will have a set of resource, scope and log attributes depending on their source described by the following table.

The "Location" column can be one of the following:

  • resource for a resource attribute
  • scope for a scope attribute
  • log for a log attribute

The "Storage" column shows whether the attribute is stored into a LokiStack using the default openshift-logging tenancy mode and where the attribute is stored:

  • stream label
  • structured metadata
Name Location Applicable Sources Storage (LokiStack) Comment
log_source resource all stream label (DEPRECATED) Compatibility attribute, contains same information as openshift.log.source
log_type resource all stream label (DEPRECATED) Compatibility attribute, contains same information as openshift.log.type
kubernetes.container_name resource container stream label (DEPRECATED) Compatibility attribute, contains same information as resource all stream label (DEPRECATED) Compatibility attribute, same information as
kubernetes.namespace_name resource container stream label (DEPRECATED) Compatibility attribute, contains same information as
kubernetes.pod_name resource container stream label (DEPRECATED) Compatibility attribute, contains same information as
openshift.cluster_id resource all stream label (DEPRECATED) Compatibility attribute, contains same information as openshift.cluster.uid
openshift.cluster.uid resource all stream label
openshift.log.source resource all stream label
openshift.log.type resource all stream label
openshift.labels.* resource all stream label resource all stream label resource container stream label resource container stream label
k8s.pod.labels.* resource container structured metadata resource container stream label
k8s.pod.uid resource container stream label resource container structured metadata Conditionally forwarded based on creator of Pod resource container structured metadata Conditionally forwarded based on creator of Pod resource container structured metadata Conditionally forwarded based on creator of Pod resource container structured metadata Conditionally forwarded based on creator of Pod resource container structured metadata Conditionally forwarded based on creator of Pod resource container structured metadata Conditionally forwarded based on creator of Pod
log.iostream log container structured metadata
k8s.audit.event.level log audit structured metadata
k8s.audit.event.stage log audit structured metadata
k8s.audit.event.user_agent log audit structured metadata
k8s.audit.event.request.uri log audit structured metadata
k8s.audit.event.response.code log audit structured metadata
k8s.audit.event.annotation.* log audit structured metadata
k8s.audit.event.object_ref.resource log audit structured metadata log audit structured metadata
k8s.audit.event.object_ref.namespace log audit structured metadata
k8s.audit.event.object_ref.api_group log audit structured metadata
k8s.audit.event.object_ref.api_version log audit structured metadata
k8s.user.username log audit structured metadata
k8s.user.groups log audit structured metadata resource journal structured metadata
process.executable.path resource journal structured metadata
process.command_line resource journal structured metadata resource journal structured metadata resource journal structured metadata
systemd.t.* log journal structured metadata
systemd.u.* log journal structured metadata

Note: Attributes marked as "Compatibility attribute" are added to support minimal backwards compatibility with the ViaQ data model. These attributes should be considered deprecated and will be removed one release after General Acceptance of Red Hat OpenShift Logging.

Note: Loki changes the attribute names when persisting them to storage. They will be lower-cased and all characters in the set: (.,/,-) will be replaced by underscores (_). For example, will become k8s_namespace_name.
