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JSX component error message improvements (#7038)
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* improve component prop not existing error

* improve JSX component missing props error message

* improve component prop passed multiple times error

* add attribute in interface files too

* make function

* add tests

* changelog

* tweak error message

* fix location and message of JSX component prop passed multiple times

* sync syntax roundtrip tests

* try pointing to label instead of expr for error highlight
  • Loading branch information
zth authored Sep 15, 2024
1 parent a7a1f25 commit fba122f
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Showing 37 changed files with 261 additions and 57 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
- Improve error messages for pattern matching on option vs non-option, and vice versa.
- Improve bigint literal comparison.
- Improve output of `@variadic` bindings.
- Improve error messages around JSX components.

# 12.0.0-alpha.3

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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@

We've found a bug for you!

5 │
6 │ let make = (): props<'name> => {
7 │ test: false,
8 │ }
9 │ }

The prop test does not belong to the JSX component
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@

We've found a bug for you!

3 │ type props<'name> = {name: 'name}
4 │
5 │ let make = (): props<'name> => {}
6 │ }
7 │
4 │ type props<'name> = {name: 'name}
5 │
6 │ let make = (): props<'name> => {}
7 │ }
8 │

Some required record fields are missing:
name. If this is a component, add the missing props.
The component is missing these required props:
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@

We've found a bug for you!

6 │ let make = (): props<'name> => {
7 │ name: "hello",
8 │ name: "world",
9 │ }
10 │ }

The prop name has already been passed to the component
You can't pass the same prop more than once.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
// Since the React transform isn't active in the tests, mimic what the transform outputs.
module Component = {
type props<'name> = {name: 'name}

let make = (): props<'name> => {
test: false,
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
// Since the React transform isn't active in the tests, mimic what the transform outputs.
module Component = {
type props<'name> = {name: 'name}

let make = (): props<'name> => {}
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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
// Since the React transform isn't active in the tests, mimic what the transform outputs.
module Component = {
type props<'name> = {name: 'name}

let make = (): props<'name> => {
name: "hello",
name: "world",
61 changes: 60 additions & 1 deletion jscomp/ml/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
type extract_concrete_typedecl =
Env.t -> Types.type_expr -> Path.t * Path.t * Types.type_declaration

type type_clash_statement = FunctionCall
type type_clash_context =
| SetRecordField
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -236,4 +239,60 @@ let print_contextual_unification_error ppf t1 t2 =
@[<v 0>The value you're pattern matching on here is wrapped in an \
@{<info>option@}, but you're trying to match on the actual value.@ Wrap \
the highlighted pattern in @{<info>Some()@} to make it work.@]"
| _ -> ()
| _ -> ()

type jsx_prop_error_info = {
fields: Types.label_declaration list;
props_record_path: Path.t;

let attributes_include_jsx_component_props (attrs : Parsetree.attributes) =
|> List.exists (fun ({Location.txt}, _) -> txt = "res.jsxComponentProps")

let path_to_jsx_component_name p =
match p |> |> String.split_on_char '.' |> List.rev with
| "props" :: component_name :: _ -> Some component_name
| _ -> None

let get_jsx_component_props
~(extract_concrete_typedecl : extract_concrete_typedecl) env ty p =
match Path.last p with
| "props" -> (
match extract_concrete_typedecl env ty with
| ( _p0,
{Types.type_kind = Type_record (fields, _repr); type_attributes} )
when attributes_include_jsx_component_props type_attributes ->
Some {props_record_path = p; fields}
| _ -> None
with _ -> None)
| _ -> None

let print_component_name ppf (p : Path.t) =
match path_to_jsx_component_name p with
| Some component_name -> fprintf ppf "@{<info><%s />@} " component_name
| None -> ()

let print_component_wrong_prop_error ppf (p : Path.t)
(_fields : Types.label_declaration list) name =
fprintf ppf "@[<v>";
fprintf ppf
"@[<2>The prop @{<error>%s@} does not belong to the JSX component " name;
print_component_name ppf p;
fprintf ppf "@]@,@,"

let print_component_labels_missing_error ppf labels
(error_info : jsx_prop_error_info) =
fprintf ppf "@[<hov>The component ";
print_component_name ppf error_info.props_record_path;
fprintf ppf "is missing these required props:@\n";
labels |> List.iter (fun lbl -> fprintf ppf "@ %s" lbl);
fprintf ppf "@]"

let get_jsx_component_error_info ~extract_concrete_typedecl opath env ty_record () =
match opath with
| Some (p, _) ->
get_jsx_component_props ~extract_concrete_typedecl env ty_record p
| None -> None
74 changes: 47 additions & 27 deletions jscomp/ml/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ type error =
| Expr_type_clash of (type_expr * type_expr) list * (type_clash_context option)
| Apply_non_function of type_expr
| Apply_wrong_label of arg_label * type_expr
| Label_multiply_defined of string
| Labels_missing of string list * bool
| Label_multiply_defined of {label: string; jsx_component_info: jsx_prop_error_info option}
| Labels_missing of {labels: string list; jsx_component_info: jsx_prop_error_info option}
| Label_not_mutable of Longident.t
| Wrong_name of string * type_expr * string * Path.t * string * string list
| Name_type_mismatch of
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -960,15 +960,18 @@ let type_label_a_list ?labels loc closed env type_lbl_a opath lid_a_list k =
(* Checks over the labels mentioned in a record pattern:
no duplicate definitions (error); properly closed (warning) *)

let check_recordpat_labels loc lbl_pat_list closed =
let check_recordpat_labels ~get_jsx_component_error_info loc lbl_pat_list closed =
match lbl_pat_list with
| [] -> () (* should not happen *)
| (_, label1, _) :: _ ->
| ((l: Longident.t loc), label1, _) :: _ ->
let all = label1.lbl_all in
let defined = Array.make (Array.length all) false in
let check_defined (_, label, _) =
if defined.(label.lbl_pos)
then raise(Error(loc, Env.empty, Label_multiply_defined label.lbl_name))
then raise(Error(l.loc, Env.empty, Label_multiply_defined {
label = label.lbl_name;
jsx_component_info = get_jsx_component_error_info ();
else defined.(label.lbl_pos) <- true in
List.iter check_defined lbl_pat_list;
if closed = Closed
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1292,6 +1295,7 @@ and type_pat_aux ~constrs ~labels ~no_existentials ~mode ~explode ~env
Some (p0, p), expected_ty
with Not_found -> None, newvar ()
let get_jsx_component_error_info = get_jsx_component_error_info ~extract_concrete_typedecl opath !env record_ty in
let process_optional_label (ld, pat) =
let exp_optional_attr = check_optional_attr !env ld pat.ppat_attributes pat.ppat_loc in
let is_from_pamatch = match pat.ppat_desc with
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1330,7 +1334,7 @@ and type_pat_aux ~constrs ~labels ~no_existentials ~mode ~explode ~env
k (label_lid, label, arg))
let k' k lbl_pat_list =
check_recordpat_labels loc lbl_pat_list closed;
check_recordpat_labels ~get_jsx_component_error_info loc lbl_pat_list closed;
unify_pat_types loc !env record_ty expected_ty;
rp k {
pat_desc = Tpat_record (lbl_pat_list, closed);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1897,11 +1901,14 @@ let duplicate_ident_types caselist env =
(* type_label_a_list returns a list of labels sorted by lbl_pos *)
(* note: check_duplicates would better be implemented in
type_label_a_list directly *)
let rec check_duplicates loc env = function
| (_, lbl1, _) :: (_, lbl2, _) :: _ when lbl1.lbl_pos = lbl2.lbl_pos ->
raise(Error(loc, env, Label_multiply_defined lbl1.lbl_name))
let rec check_duplicates ~get_jsx_component_error_info loc env = function
| (_, lbl1, _) :: ((l: Longident.t loc), lbl2, _) :: _ when lbl1.lbl_pos = lbl2.lbl_pos ->
raise(Error(l.loc, env, Label_multiply_defined {
label = lbl1.lbl_name;
jsx_component_info = get_jsx_component_error_info();
| _ :: rem ->
check_duplicates loc env rem
check_duplicates ~get_jsx_component_error_info loc env rem
| [] -> ()
(* Getting proper location of already typed expressions.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1974,11 +1981,6 @@ let rec lower_args env seen ty_fun =
let not_function env ty =
let ls, tvar = list_labels env ty in
ls = [] && not tvar

let check_might_be_component env ty_record =
match (expand_head env ty_record).desc with
| Tconstr (path, _, _) when path |> Path.last = "props" -> true
| _ -> false

type lazy_args =
(Asttypes.arg_label * (unit -> Typedtree.expression) option) list
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2279,6 +2281,10 @@ and type_expect_ ?type_clash_context ?in_function ?(recarg=Rejected) env sexp ty
| exception Not_found ->
newvar (), None, [], None

let get_jsx_component_error_info () = (match opath with
| Some (p, _) -> get_jsx_component_props ~extract_concrete_typedecl env ty_record p
| None -> None)
let lbl_exp_list =
wrap_disambiguate "This record expression is expected to have" ty_record
Expand All @@ -2288,7 +2294,7 @@ and type_expect_ ?type_clash_context ?in_function ?(recarg=Rejected) env sexp ty
(fun x -> x)
unify_exp_types loc env ty_record (instance env ty_expected);
check_duplicates loc env lbl_exp_list;
check_duplicates ~get_jsx_component_error_info loc env lbl_exp_list;
let label_descriptions, representation = match lbl_exp_list, repr_opt with
| (_, { lbl_all = label_descriptions; lbl_repres = representation}, _) :: _, _ -> label_descriptions, representation
| [], Some (representation) when lid_sexp_list = [] ->
Expand All @@ -2304,8 +2310,10 @@ and type_expect_ ?type_clash_context ?in_function ?(recarg=Rejected) env sexp ty
Some name in
let labels_missing = fields |> List.filter_map filter_missing in
if labels_missing <> [] then (
let might_be_component = check_might_be_component env ty_record in
raise(Error(loc, env, Labels_missing (labels_missing, might_be_component))));
raise(Error(loc, env, Labels_missing {
labels = labels_missing;
jsx_component_info = get_jsx_component_error_info ();
[||], representation
| [], _ ->
if fields = [] && repr_opt <> None then
Expand All @@ -2330,8 +2338,10 @@ and type_expect_ ?type_clash_context ?in_function ?(recarg=Rejected) env sexp ty
if !labels_missing <> [] then (
let might_be_component = check_might_be_component env ty_record in
raise(Error(loc, env, Labels_missing ((List.rev !labels_missing), might_be_component))));
raise(Error(loc, env, Labels_missing {
labels=(List.rev !labels_missing);
jsx_component_info = get_jsx_component_error_info ();
let fields =
Array.map2 (fun descr def -> descr, def)
label_descriptions label_definitions
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2372,6 +2382,7 @@ and type_expect_ ?type_clash_context ?in_function ?(recarg=Rejected) env sexp ty
| op -> ty_expected, op
let get_jsx_component_error_info = get_jsx_component_error_info ~extract_concrete_typedecl opath env ty_record in
let closed = false in
let lbl_exp_list =
wrap_disambiguate "This record expression is expected to have" ty_record
Expand All @@ -2381,7 +2392,7 @@ and type_expect_ ?type_clash_context ?in_function ?(recarg=Rejected) env sexp ty
(fun x -> x)
unify_exp_types loc env ty_record (instance env ty_expected);
check_duplicates loc env lbl_exp_list;
check_duplicates ~get_jsx_component_error_info loc env lbl_exp_list;
let opt_exp, label_definitions =
let (_lid, lbl, _lbl_exp) = List.hd lbl_exp_list in
let matching_label lbl =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3846,17 +3857,25 @@ let report_error env ppf = function
"@[<v>@[<2>The function applied to this argument has type@ %a@]@.\
This argument cannot be applied %a@]"
type_expr ty print_label l
| Label_multiply_defined s ->
fprintf ppf "The record field label %s is defined several times" s
| Labels_missing (labels, might_be_component) ->
| Label_multiply_defined {label; jsx_component_info = Some jsx_component_info} ->
fprintf ppf "The prop @{<info>%s@} has already been passed to the component " label;
print_component_name ppf jsx_component_info.props_record_path;
fprintf ppf "@,@,You can't pass the same prop more than once.";
| Label_multiply_defined {label} ->
fprintf ppf "The record field label %s is defined several times" label
| Labels_missing {labels; jsx_component_info = Some jsx_component_info} ->
print_component_labels_missing_error ppf labels jsx_component_info
| Labels_missing {labels} ->
let print_labels ppf =
List.iter (fun lbl -> fprintf ppf "@ %s" ( lbl)) in
let component_text = if might_be_component then " If this is a component, add the missing props." else "" in
fprintf ppf "@[<hov>Some required record fields are missing:%a.%s@]"
print_labels labels component_text
fprintf ppf "@[<hov>Some required record fields are missing:%a.@]"
print_labels labels
| Label_not_mutable lid ->
fprintf ppf "The record field %a is not mutable" longident lid
| Wrong_name (eorp, ty, kind, p, name, valid_names) ->
(match get_jsx_component_props ~extract_concrete_typedecl env ty p with
| Some {fields} -> print_component_wrong_prop_error ppf p fields name; spellcheck ppf name valid_names;
| None ->
(* modified *)
if Path.is_constructor_typath p then begin
fprintf ppf "@[The field %s is not part of the record \
Expand All @@ -3876,6 +3895,7 @@ let report_error env ppf = function
fprintf ppf "@]";
spellcheck ppf name valid_names;
| Name_type_mismatch (kind, lid, tp, tpl) ->
let name = label_of_kind kind in
report_ambiguous_type_error ppf env tp tpl
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions jscomp/ml/typecore.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -69,8 +69,8 @@ type error =
| Expr_type_clash of (type_expr * type_expr) list * (Error_message_utils.type_clash_context option)
| Apply_non_function of type_expr
| Apply_wrong_label of arg_label * type_expr
| Label_multiply_defined of string
| Labels_missing of string list * bool
| Label_multiply_defined of {label: string; jsx_component_info: Error_message_utils.jsx_prop_error_info option}
| Labels_missing of {labels: string list; jsx_component_info: Error_message_utils.jsx_prop_error_info option}
| Label_not_mutable of Longident.t
| Wrong_name of string * type_expr * string * Path.t * string * string list
| Name_type_mismatch of
Expand Down
15 changes: 12 additions & 3 deletions jscomp/syntax/src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -310,7 +310,8 @@ let make_label_decls named_type_list =
| hd :: tl ->
if mem_label hd tl then
let _, label, _, loc, _ = hd in
Jsx_common.raise_error ~loc "JSX: found the duplicated prop `%s`" label
Jsx_common.raise_error ~loc
"The prop `%s` is defined several times in this component." label
else check_duplicated_label tl
let () = named_type_list |> List.rev |> check_duplicated_label in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -347,11 +348,16 @@ let make_type_decls_with_core_type props_name loc core_type typ_vars =

let live_attr = ({txt = "live"; loc = Location.none}, PStr [])
let jsx_component_props_attr =
({txt = "res.jsxComponentProps"; loc = Location.none}, PStr [])

(* type props<'x, 'y, ...> = { x: 'x, y?: 'y, ... } *)
let make_props_record_type ~core_type_of_attr ~external_ ~typ_vars_of_core_type
props_name loc named_type_list =
let attrs = if external_ then [live_attr] else [] in
let attrs =
if external_ then [jsx_component_props_attr; live_attr]
else [jsx_component_props_attr]
Str.type_ Nonrecursive
(match core_type_of_attr with
| None -> make_type_decls ~attrs props_name loc named_type_list
Expand All @@ -362,7 +368,10 @@ let make_props_record_type ~core_type_of_attr ~external_ ~typ_vars_of_core_type
(* type props<'x, 'y, ...> = { x: 'x, y?: 'y, ... } *)
let make_props_record_type_sig ~core_type_of_attr ~external_
~typ_vars_of_core_type props_name loc named_type_list =
let attrs = if external_ then [live_attr] else [] in
let attrs =
if external_ then [jsx_component_props_attr; live_attr]
else [jsx_component_props_attr]
Sig.type_ Nonrecursive
(match core_type_of_attr with
| None -> make_type_decls ~attrs props_name loc named_type_list
Expand Down

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