Day 80 - Predict House Prices |
GitHub Link |
Day 79 - The tragic discovery of handwashing: t-Tests & Distribution |
GitHub Link |
- Preliminary Data Exploration & Visualising Births & Deaths at Vienna Hospital
- Visualising Distributions & Testing for Statistical Significance
Day 78 - Analysing the Nobel Prize with Plotly, Matplotlib & Seaborn |
GitHub Link |
- plotly Bar & Donut Charts
- Using Matplotlib to Visualise Trends over time
Day 77 - Linear Regression & Data Visualization with Seaborn |
GitHub Link |
- Seaborn Data Visualisation: Bubble Charts
- Plotting Linear Regressions with Seaborn
- Use scikit-learn to Run own Regression
Day 76 - Computation with Numpy & N-Dimensional Array |
GitHub Link |
- Generating & Manipulating ndarrays
- Broadcasting, Scalars & Matrix Multiplication
- Manipulating Images as ndarrays
Day 75 - Beautiful Plotly Charts & Analysing the Android App Store |
GitHub Link |
- Data Cleaning: Removing NaN Values & Duplicates
- Data Visualisation with Plotly: Create Pie & Donut Charts
- Numeric Type Conversions
Day 74 - Googl Trends Data: Resampling & Visualising Time Series |
GitHub Link |
- Data Cleaning - Resampling Time Series Data
- Data Visualisation
- Using Locatorts & DateFormatters
Day 73 - Aggregate & Merge Data with Pandas: Analyse the LEGO Dataset |
GitHub Link |
- How to use the Pandas .agg() function
- Superimposing Line Charts with Seperate Axes
- Relational Database Schemas: Primary & Foreign Keys
- How to Merge DataFrames & Create Bar Charts
Day 72 - Data Visualisation with Matplotlib: Programming Languages |
GitHub Link |
- Data Cleaning
- Accessing Data Manipulation : Pivoting DataFrames
- Data Visualization with Matplotlib
- Multi-Line Charts with Matplotlib
Day 71 - Data Exploration with Pandas: College Major v.s. Your Salary |
GitHub Link |
- Preliminary Data Exploration & Data Cleaning with Pandas
- Accessing Columns & Individual Cells in a Dataframe
- Grouping & Pivoting Data with Pandas
Day 70 - Deploying Web Application with Heroku |
GitHub Link |
- Version Control & Git
- Use gunicorn & Heroku to host a website
- Version Control & Git
- Setup a WSGI server with gunicorn
- Upgrade SQlite Database to PostgreSQL
Day 69 - Authentication with Flask |
GitHub Link |
Day 68 - Authentication with Flask |
GitHub Link |
- Login & Registering Users with Authentication
- Encryption & Hashing
- Salting Passwords
- Hashing Passwords using Werkzeug
- Authenticating Users with Flask-Login
- Flask Flash Messages
Day 67 - Blog Capstone Project Part 3 - RESTful Routing |
GitHub Link |
Day 66 - Building Own API with RESTful Routing |
GitHub Link |
- Postman - The all in one API Testing Tool
Day 65 - Web Design School - How to Create a Website that People will Love |
GitHub Link |
- Understanding Color Theory
- Understanding Typography and how to Choose Fonts
- User Experience(UX) Design
Day 64 - My Top 10 Movies Website |
GitHub Link |
- SQLite Databases
- SQLAlchemy
- CRUD Operations with SQLAlchemy
Day 63 - Databases and with SQLite and SQLAlchemy |
GitHub Link |
- SQLite Databases
- SQLAlchemy
- CRUD Operations with SQLAlchemy
Day 62 - Flask, WTForms, Bootstrap and CSV - Coffee & Wifi Project |
GitHub Link |
Day 61 - Building Advanced Forms with Flask-WTForms |
GitHub Link |
- Creating Forms with Flask-WTF
- Adding Validation to Forms with Flask-WTF
- Flask-Bootstrap Supports WTForms
- Inheriting Templates Using Jinja2
Day 60 - Blog Capstone Final Make POST Requests with Flask and HTML Forms |
GitHub Link |
- Handle POST Requests with Flask Servers
Day 59 - Blog Capstone Project Part 2 - Adding Styling |
GitHub Link |